Losing control points for no reason

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Losing control points for no reason

Post by Liketearsinrain »

I keep losing control points with no enemy councilor around. The Servants keep taking CPs in Syria, Israel and Turkey. All are defended, have 80-90% public opinion and zero enemies around that could do a purge mission. There is no crackdown, just purge and the CP is gone. WTF is happening? That just started (year 2036) now. And they never defend themselfes or go for the second CP in the same country. I retake it with purge, defend it and 3 rounds later I may lose it again.

And I got my first crash. ET destroyed a station in Earth orbit, after that came the crash. Station defences destroyed, enemy is boarding, message "station destroyed" and right after that came the crash.
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Re: Losing control points for no reason

Post by pestig »

My 25 esp purge guy usually purges small countries like that without crackdown. Although your solution are the enthrallers.
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Re: Losing control points for no reason

Post by Liketearsinrain »

Thank you for the reply, but what are these "enthrallers"? The Aliens and there councilors on Earth? I may be a little behind with research and do not have killed one of there councilors, can't remember to have seen that name in the game and Google doesn't help either.
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Re: Losing control points for no reason

Post by ecpgieicg »

Your particular nations are likely unrelated to aliens and the "enthall thing". They are just small and easy to flip. The fact that you don't detect agents from other factions doesn't mean they are not present.

You probably needed to have different set of nations to control and review your overall game plan. If you can so easily re-take your nation, what makes it difficult for other factions to contest it? Other than they just don't want it? Does the set of nations you control actually give you the science you need to progress your faction research? Do they provide the military prowess to prevent an invasion -- by human faction, much less aliens? etc

If you really really are certain it is not other human agents because how difficult it is for you to gain the same country back, then I can have some tips for you.

If not, hopefully the following tips are useful for someone else.



Aliens have a special agent mission that can hand an occupied CP to a friendly faction (Servant or Protectorate) as well as missions that lead to performing that mission easier.

You will be able see all that when you have sufficient intel on an alien agent -- just like how you can see the mission set of human agents with sufficient intel.

I won't spoil further. I can suggest some options for you:
  1. Reload save to re-orient your game plan (and hope the alien targets somewhere else as well)
  • Use Surveil Location on where you can Investigate Alien Activity; and the capital of your nation if you are already losing CPs abnormally. You will get tooltip on how to deal with the alien agent then. (ie. kill or capture.)
  • Go to different nations or regain your nation; because your nation is likely large, similarly with other ideal nations, and thus impossible directly Crack, Purge or Coup, you likely need to gather ~4 agents to constantly Incite Unrest. Coupled with high popularity in the nation, you will eventually see a way to gain it back. CP after revolution depends on existing CP and is a bit RNG so you may have to trigger it a few times to have a clean set of CPs in that nation
  • In the future, try to max out the alien detection bonus from Xenology Research Labs/Institutes. Though, of course, when expanding in space, pay attention to Alien Threat Meter.
Regarding Surveil Location, it seems to me that the outcome is affected by the agent's Investigation score. So if I were you, I'd just send high Investigation agent to perform the task in order to avoid having to test over this minor point.

Now, for a better playthrough experience, it would have been nice if the game prompted you that the sudden loss of CP could be due to alien agent(s). There was a hint at an earlier point in the game but the timing of the prompt is what matters. The fact that the aliens employ agents like a faction in game is a key mechanic point. And the moment the game levies that mechanic to challenge you, the player, is a key moment in the playthrough. Akin to a plot twist in stories, such a narrative point is best left to be discovered within the game -- without crossing the third wall to Google.

In any case, now you know. Think of this thread as a contracted consultant your faction hired. And you can now tinker with how to deal with the situation and go back to enjoying the rest of the game. (Hint: you may need to find out how to increase success chance of Assassinate mission.)
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Re: Losing control points for no reason

Post by neilwilkes »

In addition to the above 'spoiler' thread, I often see countries flipping first one way, then the other - from my holding all CP I suddenly get Couped or similar and lose one, then take it right back next turn etc.
In this scenario (which happens regularly) there is always, always a Xeno agent somewhere nearby - even if you cannot see him.
The advice to use a High-Powered 'Investigative' agent is very good, and such an agent should ideally be either coupled with high espionage/command or else working in tandem with a second agent who has these abilities. 'Investigate Councillor' and 'Assassinate' are both missions you need to have available too.
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