XCOM 2 expansion + Long War 2: (11/7/17 UPDATE: See announcement thread)

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Re: XCOM 2 expansion + Long War 2: Nothing to announce

Post by infidel901 »

In one respect, i actually like xcom EW + LW1 better than xcom 2, 'cuz mech suits.
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Re: XCOM 2 expansion + Long War 2: Nothing to announce

Post by Lim4191 »

What is this?


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Re: XCOM 2 expansion + Long War 2: Nothing to announce

Post by foreverdead »

It's gone now. It was probably just the admins at ufoapedia prepping for war of the chosen by pre-writing new categories. Then realised the shouldn't and took it down.
llll BlackFlag
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Re: XCOM 2 expansion + Long War 2: Nothing to announce

Post by llll BlackFlag »

Cogo wrote:
mc322 wrote:Got a modding question for the community, what is considered a good laptop for LW2 modding? Memory, on board graphics card with memory, and so on. I know the game requirements but wanted to inquire from a few LW2 modders.
Ram = 16GB. Ram is cheap and helps with pretty much everything. Get at least 16GB.
I think 16 gb is a sweet spot for RAM, not a minimum requirement. Anything more is arguably overkill for modding and playing long war. I am able to run long war on ultra while streaming music with 8gb ram, no lag or other issues. I agree with the sentiment of building a PC over buying a laptop. PCs give more bang for your buck, and are less prone to overheating (longer life span). There are many guides online that are useful for beginners in terms of hardware selection and putting together a PC.

This probably should have been put it its own thread instead of the expansion thread, maybe a moderator could move it to start a separate conversation.
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Re: XCOM 2 expansion + Long War 2: Nothing to announce

Post by kidd1991 »

So in a sense you guys do have something planned just dont know when it be ready to put out?
I honestly cant wait to see what you guys bring to the table after playing it a bit and etc.
Tho to be really honest id like to see more stuff in your mod with all the new units on both sides.
New stuff to research, new weapons tiers or add on for side arms, like you guys have 5 pistols tiers, need more of that with the rest of the sidearms. Sparks need more done to it and more tiers. I blame ocd for that so dont get mad and say "oh its over poewred and etc" lol I love things to be harder than one would want.
More aliens and xcom units new lots and lots of new stuff.
Either way im excited for what you guys bring to the table as this game is addicting!!!!
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Re: XCOM 2 expansion + Long War 2: Nothing to announce

Post by Jeckhyl »

I hope there will be something.

I went from vanilla to LW2 because I wanted a game more complete, with more interesting mechanics ; but I always felt that LW2 was too much "serious business" and that I had (much) more fun with the vanilla game.

If this one has more content with the extension, and LW2 can't adapt, I'll say "bye bye" to the LW2 big module (but I'll keep most of the mini-modules, LW alien packs or LW skills pack).
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Re: XCOM 2 expansion + Long War 2: Nothing to announce

Post by Bullett00th »

I think it's fine, I only hope that LW2 gets updated to match the version of the game that will come with War of the Chosen, regardless of whether or not you own or use the expansion
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Re: XCOM 2 expansion + Long War 2: Nothing to announce

Post by highlifeSW »

I just did an HQ on 20. May and found a Serpent king in it moving around. I just evaced in time . I activated "Shens last gift" but deactivated "Alien hunter" because I think that LW2 is enough for me. Is this normal or a bug?
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Re: XCOM 2 expansion + Long War 2: Nothing to announce

Post by Arrakis »

If by "deactivated" do you mean you unchecked the box at the start of the campaign? If so then yes, it is intentional, because that box activates the story mission; the rulers are always active until you uninstall the dlc in your steam library. The same goes for Shen's Last Gift: If you deactivate the story mission you can still build the sparks.
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Re: XCOM 2 expansion + Long War 2: Nothing to announce

Post by XCOMrades »

johnnylump wrote:Our official announcement regarding the XCOM 2 expansion and whether Long War 2 and our other mods will be updated to support it is that we have nothing to announce at this time. When there's something to provide we'll be sure and post here. Sorry we don't have anything more right now.
...still "nothing to announce"? JL, do you have something to say about conversation with Jake or other guys from Firaxis/2K?
Sorry for poor English, friends
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Re: XCOM 2 expansion + Long War 2: Nothing to announce

Post by johnnylump »

Nothing to update, I'm afraid, but thanks for your continuing interest.
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Re: XCOM 2 expansion + Long War 2: Nothing to announce

Post by Bill »

If you look at how Firaxis has been releasing information for WOTC you'll notice that they have been releasing new details on each Hero and Chosen every week since they announced the Expansion. Seeing as they will most likely continue to follow this pattern with other details like Covert Ops and new enemies like the Lost and the Purifier who's to say that one of the four remaining announcements isn't going to be about how LW2 works with WOTC?

Personally I don't see how some of the new WOTC mechanics would interfere with LW2. The new Will mechanic and infiltration could work together if while your soldiers are infiltrating they still regenerate Will. Another example is how Covert Ops and Haven Advisers aren't mutually exclusive. All you would need to do to expand your barracks.

As you can probably guess I'm fairly optimistic about LW2 and WOTC working together. but even if they don't, I wouldn't be surprised if some other modder came along and figured out a way for them to work together but, I fear they would use a crowbar where finesse is required.

PS Johnny man, please for the love of the Avenger let us have a way to give haven personally better armor! These guys can die just by an Advent looking in their general direction. Just let them build weaker Plate armor like they build Laser and Mag weapons for themselves.
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Re: XCOM 2 expansion + Long War 2: Nothing to announce

Post by LordYanaek »

I'm also fairly optimistic and the fact that JL still have nothing to say several weeks after WOTC was first announced smells of NDA to me.
"Nothing to say" says a lot ;)

That being said, none of the new features are mutually exclusive from LW2 but most of them will require significant changes to the LW2 code so i highly doubt both would be compatible at release date. It will take time to get LW2 working with WOTC, even if they already have access to the new (unfinished) code which is perfectly possible but not guaranteed.

We'll certainly be able to play a Vanilla WOTC campaign, a LW2 1.5 campaign and maybe both before they can work together.
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Re: XCOM 2 expansion + Long War 2: Nothing to announce

Post by Thatsxcombaby »


Something fun coming in 3 days from now? Long War 2 War of the Chosen Mod support?
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Re: XCOM 2 expansion + Long War 2: Nothing to announce

Post by ramlrm »

johnnylump wrote:Nothing to update, I'm afraid, but thanks for your continuing interest.

Johnny you are killing me. I know you can't legally tell us If the game will be updated/compatible with LW2. The base game just isn't the same without your guys flavor to it. Its like eating popcorn without butter it's okay but the butter makes it pop.
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Re: XCOM 2 expansion + Long War 2: Nothing to announce

Post by JulianSkies »

ramlrm wrote:
johnnylump wrote:Nothing to update, I'm afraid, but thanks for your continuing interest.

Johnny you are killing me. I know you can't legally tell us If the game will be updated/compatible with LW2. The base game just isn't the same without your guys flavor to it. Its like eating popcorn without butter it's okay but the butter makes it pop.
No what makes it pop is the heat.
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Re: XCOM 2 expansion + Long War 2: Nothing to announce

Post by Desslok »

As interesting as the expansion sounds.. there is no way i'm going back to vanilla xcom2 after spending so much time in lw2, the vastly superior product.
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Re: XCOM 2 expansion + Long War 2: Nothing to announce

Post by XCOMrades »

Thatsxcombaby wrote:https://twitter.com/SolomonJake

Something fun coming in 3 days from now? Long War 2 War of the Chosen Mod support?
No I'm afraid. It's just something like WotC Photobooth standalone app.
Sorry for poor English, friends
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Re: XCOM 2 expansion + Long War 2: Nothing to announce

Post by Thatsxcombaby »

That stinks! That doesn't even sounds like fun to me.
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Re: XCOM 2 expansion + Long War 2: Nothing to announce

Post by Elfich »

johnnylump wrote:Nothing to update, I'm afraid, but thanks for your continuing interest.
From a practical point of view: Can you make any statement about use of the mod as-is and the upcoming expansion - Should users of the mod uninstall the mod if they plan on playing War of Chosen? Can we expect unusual/unexpected play (or destabilization of the game) if the as-is mod is used with War of the Chosen?
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Re: XCOM 2 expansion + Long War 2: Nothing to announce

Post by rakoon79 »

Elfich wrote:
johnnylump wrote:Nothing to update, I'm afraid, but thanks for your continuing interest.
From a practical point of view: Can you make any statement about use of the mod as-is and the upcoming expansion - Should users of the mod uninstall the mod if they plan on playing War of Chosen? Can we expect unusual/unexpected play (or destabilization of the game) if the as-is mod is used with War of the Chosen?
My guess is :

a) If they did get access to WotC early, they wouldn't be able to talk due to NDA

b) If they didn't get access to WotC early, they wouldn't know how much it changed.

In short, I doubt you will hear the answer you are looking for for the time being at least
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Re: XCOM 2 expansion + Long War 2: Nothing to announce

Post by fowlJ »

Elfich wrote:
johnnylump wrote:Nothing to update, I'm afraid, but thanks for your continuing interest.
From a practical point of view: Can you make any statement about use of the mod as-is and the upcoming expansion - Should users of the mod uninstall the mod if they plan on playing War of Chosen? Can we expect unusual/unexpected play (or destabilization of the game) if the as-is mod is used with War of the Chosen?
The mod can not be used as-is with the expansion, it would need to be updated to be compatible. Unless they've been working on it for some time already (likely before it was even formally announced), I consider it unlikely that it will be updated in time for release, given the scope of the changes required.
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Re: XCOM 2 expansion + Long War 2: Nothing to announce

Post by Steve-O »

JulianSkies wrote:
Someone Else wrote: Johnny you are killing me. I know you can't legally tell us If the game will be updated/compatible with LW2. The base game just isn't the same without your guys flavor to it. Its like eating popcorn without butter it's okay but the butter makes it pop.
No what makes it pop is the heat.
Touche ;)
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Re: XCOM 2 expansion + Long War 2: Nothing to announce

Post by CreekBed »

So you guys think that because the lw2 devs will need to mess with the code to make the mod compatible with lw2 that they would be able to add controller support? given that the new expansion is going to add new longevity to the mod. I know in the past they have said that they only have time to do balance changes and that adding controller support is difficult and beyond the scope of patching but with the new expansion are they not forced to do the more code based difficult work now? could adding the expansion make it easier to add controller support for the mod?
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Re: XCOM 2 expansion + Long War 2: Nothing to announce

Post by JackDT »

They aren't being paid for working on LW2, as far we know. And the Long War team doesn't have a Patreon because they feel it would not be appropriate since they were paid in the past.

So if you want support tweet at 2k and ask them to cut some more checks to the Long War team!