Crowdsourcing translations #3: UI text and additional explanations -- DONE YOU ARE FANTASTIC PEOPLE

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Crowdsourcing translations #3: UI text and additional explanations -- DONE YOU ARE FANTASTIC PEOPLE

Post by johnnylump »

Hi everyone,

Here's another round of new loc we would like to have translated. Much of this is intended to be in 1.2.

Here are the guidelines for offering a translation:

We're trying to add a few new elements to the game for future patches, but a major obstacle is translating the supporting text for those elements into the various languages Long War 2 supports. While we may be able to submit stuff to 2K for additional translation, it might take a while to happen, so I thought I might see if we could get some help on this forum from our multilingual fans.

This is the English text for a series of new UI elements and explanatory text. These are organized by tags and the actual text, e.g. TAG="Text"

The only stuff that needs translation is the text. The tags should remain as is, as the code references them. HTML tags, such as <Bullet/> and <br/> should also not be changed. In general, brevity is a virtue when translating.

The supported non-English languages of XCOM 2 are the following:
* Spanish - DONE
* French - DONE
* German - DONE
* Russian - DONE
* Polish - DONE
* Italian - DONE
* Japanese - DONE
* Korean - DONE
* Simplified Chinese - DONE
* Traditional Chinese - DONE

The text that needs translating is here:

<Bullet/> Rocket accuracy is affected by the soldier's aim, target distance, and whether the soldier has used any actions already this turn. Low accuracy-rockets will have higher scatter values, meaning they are more likely to miss the target tile by greater distances. The rocket's maximum possible scatter is noted in the popup, while a value appearing with the targeting cursor will show the expected (average) scatter for a shot on that location.

<Bullet/> Suppressors also reduce the noise from firing your primary weapon in combat, making it less likely to draw enemy patrols.

<Bullet/> This ability does not provide defensive bonuses if the unit is disoriented, stunned, panicking, on fire or otherwise impaired.

IMPORTANT: To build a Radio Tower, navigate the Avenger to the region in which you wish to build a tower; open the Haven Management window by clicking the tower icon in the region, and select the BUILD RADIO RELAY button in the top-right corner of the window.

Liberating a region should give the Resistance sufficient access to ADVENT infrastructure that we may begin to discover their true purpose on Earth before it is too late.

In the Resistance Overview screen, one or two pips beside the region's name indicate progress toward liberating that region.

m_strStripWeaponUpgrades=STRIP ALL WEAPON UPGRADES
m_strStripWeaponUpgradesConfirmDesc=Confirm removal of weapon upgrades from all primary weapons not equipped by soldiers selected for current mission duty. This gear will become available for any soldier to equip immediately.
m_strTooltipStripWeapons=Remove all weapon upgrades from all soldiers NOT selected for current mission duty.

(VIP Capture Only)

m_strInfiltrationMission="Infiltration Mission"
m_strQuickResponseMission="Quick Response Mission"
m_strFixedEvacLocation="Fixed Evac"
m_strFlareEvac="Evac with Flare"
m_strDelayedEvac="Delayed Evac"
m_strNoEvac="No Evac"
m_strMaxSquadSize="Max Squad Size"
m_strConcealedStart="Concealed Start"
m_strRevealedStart="Revealed Start"
m_strObjectiveTimer="Objective Timer:"
m_strExtractionTimer="Extraction Timer:"
m_strEvacTimer="Skyranger Arrival:"
m_strGetCorpses="Full Salvage"
m_strSweepObjective="Sweep Objective"
m_strEvacRequired="Evac Required"
m_strMinimumInfiltration="Requires <XGParam:IntValue0>% Infiltration"
m_strYellowAlert="Enemies on High Alert"

m_sAverageScatterText="± <XGParam:StrValue0/> Tiles"

m_strAllHandsToHangar=ALL HANDS TO HANGAR
m_strAllHandsToHangarConfirm=CONFIRM ALL HANDS TO HANGAR
m_strAllHandsToHangarConfirmDesc=Confirm removing all soldiers from any Guerrilla Tactics School and Advanced Warfare Center training projects so they will be available for this mission. This will force those soldiers to restart that training. Psi Labs training is not affected.
m_strTooltipAllHandsToHangar=Remove all soldiers from Guerrilla Tactics School and Advanced Warfare Center training projects.

ListTitle="Enemy Tactics"
DescriptionTitle="Enemy Tactics"
DescriptionEntry="Unless they are assigned to attack or protect a particular target, ADVENT and their alien allies will patrol a combat zone. If they patrol into XCOM on the alien turn, they have a chance to take certain defensive actions after they scatter. During their patrols, if they hear weapons fire or explosions, see a corpse, or hear yelling civilians, they may go into a higher state of alert. If they are in a heightened state of alert and they encounter XCOM on their turn, they may take certain offensive actions, including shooting, after their scatter move as long as they are unwounded. Note that heavy weapons and explosives may alert enemies at greater distances than other weapons, while melee weapons are only audible at very short ranges."

m_strPrevHaven="PREV HAVEN"
m_strNextHaven="NEXT HAVEN"


For the BUILD RADIO RELAY prhase The exact button text to reproduce in the sentence is in the file around line 480. It has the tag m_strBuildRadioRelay.

The term "Turn" and "Turns" refer to a game turn.

"Sweep Objective" means one of the objectives of the mission is to kill all enemies in the area, so it's for things like Troop Maneuvers and Supply Raid but not hack missions.

This: <XGParam:IntValue0> is a variable tag and should be left intact.

"Tiles" refers to the squares on the tactical game board that soldiers occupy.

The context is a special button that appears for the Avenger defense mission in the squadselect user interface.

PREV is short for Previous.

I'll update this post as 1) translations come in and 2) with any updates to the notes to help out with context. Thanks so much for your help!
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #3: UI text and additional explanations -- PLEASE HELP, MULTILINGUAL PEOPLE!

Post by Undershaft »

#1 (German)
<Bullet/> Raketengenauigkeit hängt ab von der Zielsicherheit des Soldaten und der Entfernung zum Ziel, und davon, ob der Soldat in diesem Zug bereits eine Aktion durchgeführt hat. Raketen mit niedriger Genauigkeit haben höhere Streuungswerte – es ist also wahrscheinlicher, dass sie weiter am Zielfeld vorbeifliegen. Die größtmögliche Abweichung der Rakete wird im Pop-Up angegeben und der Wert, der neben dem Zielcursor steht, zeigt die zu erwartende (durchschnittliche) Abweichung für dieses Feld an.
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #3: UI text and additional explanations -- PLEASE HELP, MULTILINGUAL PEOPLE!

Post by Undershaft »

#2 (German)
<Bullet/> Schalldämpfer reduzieren auch den Lärm der Hauptwaffe beim Schießen, wodurch die Gefahr sinkt, feindliche Patrouillen anzulocken.

#3 (German)
<Bullet/> Diese Fähigkeit bietet keinen Verteidigungsbonus, wenn die Einheit brennt, desorientiert, betäubt, in Panik verfallen oder anders beeinträchtigt ist

#4 (German)
WICHTIG: Um einen Funkturm zu bauen, fliege die Avenger zu der Region, wo du ihn bauen willst; öffne das Menü des Zufluchtsortes, indem du auf das Turm-Icon in der Region klickst und den Knopf FUNKTURM BAUEN in der oberen rechten Ecke des Fensters auswählst.

#5 (German)
Die Befreiung einer Region sollte dem Widerstand genügend Zugriff auf die ADVENT-Infrastruktur geben, damit wir beginnen können, ihre wahren Absichten auf der Erde aufzudecken, bevor es zu spät ist.

#6 (German)
Im Widerstands-Übersichtsschirm zeigen ein oder zwei Zeichen neben dem Namen der Region an, wie weit die Befreiung der Region fortgeschritten ist.
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #3: UI text and additional explanations -- PLEASE HELP, MULTILINGUAL PEOPLE!

Post by rakoon79 »


<Bullet/> 로켓의 명중률은 병사의 조준, 목표물까지의 거리, 그리고 병사가 이번 턴에 행동력을 사용했는지의 영향을 받습니다. 낮은 명중률의 로켓은 높은 산탄수치를 갖게 되어 목표물에서 상대적으로 더 멀리 빗나갈 수 있습니다. 로켓의 최대산탄거리는 스킬창에 표시되며, 마우스커서와 함께 뜨는 수치는 해당거리까지의 평균산탄거리를 나타냅니다.

<Bullet/> 소음기는 교전중에 사용된 주무기가 내는 총격음의 크기를 줄여줌으로써, 적군의 순찰대를 끌어들일 확률을 감소시킵니다.

<Bullet/> 이 유닛이 혼란, 기절, 공포, 화상 등 행동에 제약이 생겼을 경우에는 이 능력이 방어 보너스를 부여하지 않습니다.

주의: 라디오 중계기를 건설하기 위해서는 어벤져를 해당지역으로 이동시킨 후에, 중계기모양의 버튼을 클릭하여 저항군 관리창을 열고, 우측상단에 있는 "라디오 중계기 건설" 버튼을 선택합니다.
;we don't have CAPS in Korean to make it stand out. So, unless you can think of something new.... I got nothing :\

지역을 해방시키게 되면, 저항군이 어드밴트 시설에 접근할 수 있게 되어 그들의 지구에서 이루고자 하는 진짜 목적을 너무 늦기 전에 알아낼 수 있을지도 모릅니다

저항군 관리창에서 각 지역이름에 붙어있는 점들은 해당지역의 해방단계를 나타냅니다.

m_strStripWeaponUpgrades=모든 무기 업그레이드 해제
m_strStripWeaponUpgradesConfirm=모든 무기 업그레이드 해제 확인
m_strStripWeaponUpgradesConfirmDesc=현재 선택되지 않은 병사들의 모든 주무기에 장착된 무기 업그레이드를 해제합니다. 이 장비들은 아무 병사나 바로 재장착이 가능합니다.
m_strTooltipStripWeapons=현재 임무에 선택되지 않은 모든 병사의 무기 업그레이드를 해제합니다

(VIP 생포시)
;I loosely translated into "If you capture VIP" instead of "VIP CAPTURE ONLY"

m_strInfiltrationMission="잠입 임무"
m_strQuickResponseMission="신속대응 임무"
m_strFixedEvacLocation="고정된 탈출지역"
m_strFlareEvac="신호 호출로 탈출"
m_strDelayedEvac="탈출 지연"
m_strNoEvac="탈출 불가"
m_strMaxSquadSize="최대 분대 크기"
m_strConcealedStart="잠행 시작"
m_strRevealedStart="발각 시작"
m_strObjectiveTimer="임무 제한시간:" ;please confirm this "objective timer" is referring to the "turn countdown" in-mission
m_strExtractionTimer="추출 시간:"
m_strEvacTimer="스카이레인저 도착:"
m_strGetCorpses="전량 회수"
m_strSweepObjective="적전멸 목표"
m_strEvacRequired="탈출 필요"
m_strMinimumInfiltration="<XGParam:IntValue0>% 잠입 필요"
m_strYellowAlert="적군 경계태세"

m_sAverageScatterText="± <XGParam:StrValue0/> 타일"

m_strAllHandsToHangar=모든 병사 격납고로
m_strAllHandsToHangarConfirm=모든 병사 격납고로 확인
m_strAllHandsToHangarConfirmDesc=게릴라 전술 학교와 고급 전술 센터에서 수행중이던 모든 병사의 훈련을 취소하여 이번 임무에 출전가능하게 만듭니다. 이 병사들은 훈련을 처음부터 다시 시작해야됩니다. 사이오닉 실험실은 영향받지 않습니다.
m_strTooltipAllHandsToHangar=게릴라 전술 학교와 고급 전술 센터에서 수행중이던 모든 병사의 훈련을 중지시킵니다.

ListTitle="적군의 전술"
DescriptionTitle="적군의 전술"
DescriptionEntry="특정 목표물을 공격하거나 방어하도록 배속되지 않은 어드밴트와 외계인 유닛들은 지속적으로 전장을 순찰할 것입니다. 외계인턴에 순찰도중 XCOM과 조우할 경우에는 산개한 다음에 수비적 행동을 취할 수 있습니다. 순찰도중에 총격음이나 폭발음을 듣거나, 시체를 발견하거나, 시민의 비명소리를 들을 경우에는 경계태세로 돌입합니다. 경계태세 상태에서 외계인턴에 XCOM과 마주칠경우에는 부상을 당하지 않았다는 전제하에 사격을 포함한 공격적인 행동을 취할 수 있습니다. 중화기와 폭발물들은 다른 무기들보다 더 멀리 있는 적군들의 주의를 끌 수 있으며, 근접무기들은 아주 가까운 거리에 있는 적군들에게만 들릴 수 있습니다. ."

m_strPrevHaven="이전 피난처"
m_strNextHaven="다음 피난처"

EDIT : Edited "All hands to Hangar"
EDIT 2 : Typo
Last edited by rakoon79 on Fri Feb 10, 2017 12:54 am, edited 5 times in total.
Krzysztof z Bagien
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #3: UI text and additional explanations -- PLEASE HELP, MULTILINGUAL PEOPLE!

Post by Krzysztof z Bagien »

Polish translation

Thanks, rakoon79!

#1 - THAT pop-up! I used "above damage readout", is that OK?

#10 I used "Scatter: ± <XGParam:StrValue0/>" instead, should look better in Polish.

<Bullet/> Celność rakiet uzależniona jest od celności żołnierza, odległości od celu i tego, czy żołnierz poruszał się lub wykonywał akcję w tej turze. Niska celność oznacza większy rozrzut, czyli większe prawdopodobieństwo, że rakieta trafi w pole bardziej odległe od wyznaczonego celu. Maksymalny możliwy rozrzut rakiety podany jest nad informacją o zadawanych obrażeniach, a wartość wyświetlona obok kursora celowania oznacza przewidywany (średni) rozrzut dla tego konkretnego strzału we wskazane miejsce.

<Bullet/> Tłumik obniża też głośność wystrzałów broni głównej w czasie walki, co zwiększa szanse, że wrogie patrole nie zwrócą na nie uwagi.

<Bullet/> Ta zdolność nie zapewnia bonusów do obrony jednostkom zdezorientowanym, ogłuszonym, panikującym, podpalonym lub osłabionym w inny sposób.

WAŻNE: Żeby zbudować Przekaźnik Radiowy, przemieść Avengera do regionu, w którym chcesz budować, otwórz okno zarządzania Kryjówką klikając ikonę wieży w tym regionie i kliknij umieszczony w prawym górnym rogu okna przycisk ZBUDUJ PRZEKAŹNIK RADIOWY.

Wyzwolenie regionu powinno dać Ruchowi Oporu na tyle swobodny dostęp do infrastruktury ADVENT-u, że będziemy mogli odkryć prawdziwy cel ich działania na Ziemi, zanim będzie za późno.

Na ekranie Przeglądu Ruchu Oporu, jedna lub dwie kropki obok nazwy regionu oznaczają postęp w wyzwalaniu tego regionu.

m_strStripWeaponUpgradesConfirmDesc=Potwierdź zdjęcie wszystkich ulepszeń ze wszystkich broni głównych, poza tymi używanymi przez żołnierzy wyznaczonych do obecnej misji. Ten sprzęt stanie się natychmiast dostępny dla wszystkich żołnierzy.
m_strTooltipStripWeapons=Usuń wszystkie ulepszenia broni u wszystkich żołnierzy NIE WYBRANYCH do obecnej misji.

(Tylko pojmanie VIP-a)

m_strQuickResponseMission="Szybka reakcja"
m_strFixedEvacLocation="Stały punkt ewakuacji"
m_strFlareEvac="Wybór punktu ewakuacji"
m_strDelayedEvac="Opóźniona ewakuacja"
m_strNoEvac="Brak ewakuacji"
m_strMaxSquadSize="Maks. wielkość drużyny"
m_strConcealedStart="Start w ukryciu"
m_strRevealedStart="Start bez ukrycia"
m_strObjectiveTimer="Czas na zadanie:"
m_strExtractionTimer="Czas na ewakuację:"
m_strEvacTimer="Przybycie Skyrangera:"
m_strGetCorpses="Można zebrać ciała"
m_strSweepObjective="Zniszcz siły wroga"
m_strEvacRequired="Wymagana ewakuacja"
m_strMinimumInfiltration="Wymaga <XGParam:IntValue0>% Infiltracji"
m_strYellowAlert="Wysoka gotowość bojowa wroga"

m_sAverageScatterText="Rozrzut ± <XGParam:StrValue0/>"

m_strAllHandsToHangar=WSZYSCY DO HANGARU
m_strAllHandsToHangarConfirmDesc=Potwierdź przerwanie szkolenia wszystkich żołnierzy w Szkole działań partyzanckich i Ośrodku taktyk zaawansowanych, w celu umożliwienia im wzięcia udziału w tej misji. Spowoduje to, że będą musieli zacząć szkolenie od początku. Nie dotyczy to szkolenia w Laboratorium psionicznym.
m_strTooltipAllHandsToHangar=Przerwij szkolenie wszystkich żołnierzy ze Szkoły działań partyzanckich i Ośrodka taktyk zaawansowanych.

ListTitle="Taktyka wroga"
DescriptionTitle="Taktyka wroga"
DescriptionEntry="Żołnierze ADVENT-u i ich sojusznicy-obcy patrolują strefę walki, chyba, że mają wyznaczone zadanie atakowania lub ochrony konkretnego celu. Jeżeli podczas patrolu spotkają siły XCOM, to mają szansę użyć pewnych zdolności defensywnych zaraz po tym, jak się rozproszą. W przypadku usłyszenia wystrzałów, wybuchów lub krzyków cywili, albo znalezienia ciał, mogą przejść na wyższy stopień gotowości bojowej. Jeśli będą w tym stanie i podczas własnej tury znajdą żołnierzy XCOM, bezpośrednio po rozproszeniu mogą użyć zdolności ofensywnych ( mogą strzelać), pod warunkiem, że nie będą ranni. Uwaga: broń ciężka i materiały wybuchowe mogą zaalarmować wrogów z większej odległości niż inne rodzaje broni, a broń do walki wręcz jest słyszalna tylko z bardzo bliska."

m_strPrevHaven="POPRZ. KRYJÓWKA"
m_strNextHaven="NAST. KRYJÓWKA"
Last edited by Krzysztof z Bagien on Tue Feb 07, 2017 4:14 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #3: UI text and additional explanations -- PLEASE HELP, MULTILINGUAL PEOPLE!

Post by rakoon79 »

I know it isn't really my place to PSA, but I just caught some stuff from joinrbs' live stream of internal 1.2 build today, and would like to share some of it to help you better understand what we are translating :

Link :

#1 : "maximum possible scatter is noted in the popup" 's "popup" can be seen in 2nd picture. In the skill-tab, it shows "Max Scatter (Tiles) :2".

#9 : I believe those terms can be found in the 1st picture. If you look at the "Mission Brief", it gives you brief idea of what the mission is going to be like

#10 : Can be seen in the 2nd picture. In the center of the screen where the targeting cursor is, you see a red font of "+- 0.38 tiles"

I hope I got everything correct. Obviously I'm not one of the devs. So, these are my speculations
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #3: UI text and additional explanations -- PLEASE HELP, MULTILINGUAL PEOPLE!

Post by johnnylump »

Rakoon is correct, thanks.
Krzysztof z Bagien
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #3: UI text and additional explanations -- PLEASE HELP, MULTILINGUAL PEOPLE!

Post by Krzysztof z Bagien »

johnnylump wrote:Rakoon is correct, thanks.
OK, I think I've got everything right, I'm not sure about "Sweep Objective" though. Can you explain when it is used? I assume #9 is only used in mission brief?
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #3: UI text and additional explanations -- PLEASE HELP, MULTILINGUAL PEOPLE!

Post by johnnylump »

#9 is for the missionbrief, yes. There will be similar text in squadselect as well.

"Sweep Objective" means one of the objectives of the mission is to kill all enemies in the area, so it's for things like Troop Maneuvers and Supply Raid but not hack missions.
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #3: UI text and additional explanations -- PLEASE HELP, MULTILINGUAL PEOPLE!

Post by rakoon79 »

Updated Korean bit slightly. It now reads "All soldiers standby" as oppose to "All hands to hangar." I hope its acceptable.

If not, I can still give you literal translation of "모든 병사 격납고로"

Your call :)
Krzysztof z Bagien
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #3: UI text and additional explanations -- PLEASE HELP, MULTILINGUAL PEOPLE!

Post by Krzysztof z Bagien »

OK, done.
I altered some texts slightly to make it look better in Polish, I hope it's OK:

#1 - "above damage readout" instead of "in the pop-up".
#9 - can't figure anything that will look good in Polish, be accurate and short enough at the same time for "sweep objective", just used "destroy enemy forces".
#10 - "Scatter: ± <XGParam:StrValue0/>" should be OK.
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #3: UI text and additional explanations -- PLEASE HELP, MULTILINGUAL PEOPLE!

Post by Shaenix »

I'd like to help, but I play the game in English.
For terms that already have an official translation, I may use different words for them.
Will this cause more mess for you guys?
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #3: UI text and additional explanations -- PLEASE HELP, MULTILINGUAL PEOPLE!

Post by Arantir »


<Bullet/> На точность ракет влияет меткость солдата, дистанция выстрела и количество оставшихся очков действия на текущем ходу. Низкие показатели меткости приводят к большему допустимому разбросу и ракета будет иметь шансы отклонится от целевой клетки на большее расстояние. Максимальный радиус разлета указан во всплывающем меню, в то время как число возле курсора наведения отображает среднее значение разброса для выстрела по данной области.

<Bullet/> Глушители также снижают шум от выстрелов из основного оружия, что уменьшает вероятность привлечения внимания вражеских патрулей.

<Bullet/> Эта способность не дает бонусов к защите если боец дезориентирован, оглушен, паникует или ослаблен другими эффектами.

ВАЖНО: Для постройки радиоретранслятора отправьте Мститель в регион, в котором хотите его построить, откройте окно управления убежищем щелкнув по значку вышки в регионе и затем нажмите на кнопку строительства в правом верхнем углу окна.

Освобождение региона даст сопротивлению достаточный доступ к инфраструктуре Адвента и мы начнем узнавать больше об их истинной цели на Земле, пока еще не слишком поздно.

На экране обзора сопротивления, одна или две точки возле имени региона отображают прогресс по его освобождению.

m_strStripWeaponUpgradesConfirmDesc=Подтвердить снятие модификаций со всего основного оружия у солдат, которые не выбраны для текущей миссии. Это снаряжение немедленно станет доступно для экипировки.
m_strTooltipStripWeapons=Снять все модификации оружия у всех солдат, которые не выбраны для текущей миссии.

(Только захват ВИПа)

m_strInfiltrationMission="Миссия проникновения"
m_strQuickResponseMission="Миссия быстрого реагирования"
m_strFixedEvacLocation="Фиксированная точка эвакуации"
m_strFlareEvac="Эвакуация по запросу"
m_strDelayedEvac="Эвакуация с задержкой"
m_strNoEvac="Без эвакуации"
m_strMaxSquadSize="Максимальный размер отряда"
m_strConcealedStart="Старт в скрытности"
m_strRevealedStart="Старт без скрытности"
m_strObjectiveTimer="Время на цель:"
m_strExtractionTimer="Время на эвакуацию:"
m_strEvacTimer="До прибытия Рейнжера:"
m_strGetCorpses="Сбор всех трофеев"
m_strEvacRequired="Необходима эвакуация"
m_strMinimumInfiltration="Требует <XGParam:IntValue0>% проникновения"
m_strYellowAlert="Противник в повышенной готовности"

m_sAverageScatterText="± <XGParam:StrValue0/> клеток"

m_strAllHandsToHangarConfirmDesc=Освобождает всех доступных бойцов находящихся на тренировках в партизанской школе или ЦПВТ и делает их доступными для выбора на миссию. Тренировка прервется и её необходимо будет начать заново. Подготовка псиоников не прерывается.
m_strTooltipAllHandsToHangar=Освободить всех бойцов находящихся на тренировках в партизанской школе и ЦПВТ.

ListTitle="Тактика противника"
DescriptionTitle="Тактика противника"
DescriptionEntry="Адвент и пришельцы, которые не назначены для атаки или защиты определенной цели, будут патрулировать локацию. Если во время их хода при патрулировании были обнаружены бойцы XCOM у них есть шанс применить некоторые защитные действия после разбежки по позициям. Во время патрулирования, если они слышали выстрели, взрывы, крики гражданских или обнаружили мертвых союзников, они могут перейти в состояние повышенной готовности. Если противники в свой ход обнаруживают XCOM находясь в состоянии повышенной готовности, то они могут дополнительно применить атакующие действия, включая стрельбу, если они не ранены. Тяжелое вооружение и взрывчатка могут привлечь врагов на большей дистанции, чем обычное оружие, а атаки врукопашную слышны лишь на очень небольшом расстоянии."

m_strPrevHaven="ПРЕД. УБЕЖИЩЕ"
m_strNextHaven="СЛЕД. УБЕЖИЩЕ"


Reрhrased quite a lot to keep as much clarity as possible.
Yeah, and regarding "Turns" and all plurals in general - in Russian language it really depends on the quantity and you can't have a single general plural form to combine with other words, it would just sound silly. While the plural word "Turns" is indeed "Ходы" in general, 2-4 turns would be "Хода", 5-20 turns - "Ходов", 21 (and all following with 1 at the end) is identical to singular form, and so on next ones with 2-4 at the end have an "-a" ending and 5-0 have an "-ов".

Eh... I just gonna stick to the english version. Games with good russian localization are pretty rare anyway and XCOM2 is not really one of them to begin with. :D There are quite a lot of stuff that don't make too much sense both in vanilla game & LW2 localization. Still better than nothing for some people I guess.
Last edited by Arantir on Thu Feb 09, 2017 2:41 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #3: UI text and additional explanations -- PLEASE HELP, MULTILINGUAL PEOPLE!

Post by GiftGruen »

If it was a non-literal translation, for brevity or lack of an appropriate term, I wrote a comment in English below it.

#7 (German)

this one means 'weapon modules', since "verbesserung" is such a long word

m_strStripWeaponUpgradesConfirmDesc=Hiermit werden alle Waffenverbesserungen von allen Primärwaffen entfernt, außer denen, die von Soldaten in dieser Mission getragen werden. Die entfernten Waffenmodule können sofort neu angebracht werden.
m_strTooltipStripWeapons=Alle Waffenverbesserungen von Soldaten entfernen, die NICHT für die aktuelle Mission ausgewählt sind.

#8 (German)
(bei Gefangennahme der VIP)

What exactly is that one for? "This mission only allows the VIP to be captured.", "This action is only allowed on captured VIPs.", "You only get this reward if you capture the VIP."? I guessed the last one for my translation.

#9 (German)
m_strQuickResponseMission="Schnelles Eingreifen"

The terror/rebel camp missions, right?

m_strFixedEvacLocation="Feste Evakuierungszone"
m_strFlareEvac="Evakuierung auf Anforderung"
m_strDelayedEvac="Verzögerte Evakuierung"
m_strNoEvac="Keine Evakuierung"
m_strMaxSquadSize="Maximale Truppgröße"
m_strConcealedStart="Trupp getarnt"
m_strRevealedStart="Keine Trupptarnung"
m_strObjectiveTimer="Runden zum Missionsziel:"

"turns to mission objective". This sounds bad in my ears, but there is no better translation I can think of.

m_strExtractionTimer="Runden bis zum erzwungenen Rückzug:"

The same translation vanilla XCOM 2 uses on the timer during extraction missions

m_strEvacTimer="Skyranger trifft ein:"
m_strGetCorpses="Alienleichen werden geborgen"

I went with "alien corpses are salvaged", since otherwise there is ambiguity whether it only means the weapons loot


"prey mission" more or less. Haven't encountered one in-game yet, so I'm unsure if that fits

m_strEvacRequired="Evakuierung, keine Bergung"
m_strMinimumInfiltration="Mindestens<XGParam:IntValue0>% Infiltration"
m_strYellowAlert="Erhöhte Alarmbereitschaft"

#10 (German)
m_sAverageScatterText="± <XGParam:StrValue0/> Felder"

#11 (German)
m_strAllHandsToHangarConfirmDesc=Hiermit werden alle Soldaten, die gerade ein Training in der Guerillataktikschule oder dem Fortschrittlichen Kriegszentrum absolvieren, für diesen Einsatz verfügbar gemacht. Gilt nicht für laufende Psi-Tests.
m_strTooltipAllHandsToHangar=Entferne alle Soldaten aus dem Training der Guerillataktikschule oder dem Fortschrittlichen Kriegszentrum.

#12 (German)
DescriptionEntry="ADVENT und ihre Alienverbündeten patroullieren normalerweise das Kampfgebiet, sofern sie nicht damit beauftragt sind, ein spezielles Ziel anzugreifen oder zu bewachen. Sollten sie als Teil ihres Zuges auf XCOM-Agenten stoßen, haben sie eine gewisse Chance, defensive Aktionen auszuführen, nachdem sie sich Deckung gesucht haben. Wenn sie während ihrer Patrouille Waffen, Feuer, Explosionen oder eine Leiche entdecken oder ein schreiender Zivilist sie warnt, so erhöht sich ihre Alarmbereitschaft. In hoher Alarmbereitschaft können sie nach der Bewegung auch offensive Aktionen ausführen, wenn sie während ihres Zuges auf XCOM-Agenten treffen, allerdings nur, wenn sie unverwundet sind. Schwere Waffen und Explosionen alarmieren Trupps in weit größerer Entfernung, während Nahkampfangriffe nur über kurze Strecken hörbar sind."

#13 (German)
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #3: UI text and additional explanations -- PLEASE HELP, MULTILINGUAL PEOPLE!

Post by kordolius »

--- French ---

<Bullet/> La précision d'une roquette dépend de la visée du soldat, de la distance à la cible, et du fait que le soldat ait déjà utilisé des actions ce tour. Une faible précision implique une plus forte dispersion, ce qui signifie que la case visée sera manquée d'une plus grande distance. La dispersion maximale possible est indiquée sur la description de la compétence, et une valeur près du curseur de visée indique la dispersion attendue (moyenne) d'un tir à cet endroit.

<Bullet/> Les silencieux réduisent aussi le bruit généré par votre arme principale en combat, la rendant moins susceptible d'attirer des patrouilles ennemies.

<Bullet/> Cette capacité ne fournit pas de bonus défensif si l'unité est désorientée, étourdie, en panique, en feu ou subit tout autre type de handicap.

IMPORTANT: Pour construire un relais radio, déplacez le Talion sur la région où vous souhaitez le construire; ouvrez la fenêtre de gestion de refuge en cliquant sur l'icône Tour dans la région, et cliquez sur le bouton CONSTRUIRE UN RELAIS en haut à droite de la fenêtre.

La libération d'une région devrait donner à la Résistance un accès suffisant à l'infrastructure d'ADVENT pour que nous puissions découvrir leur véritable objectif sur Terre avant qu'il ne soit trop tard.

Sur l'écran Vue d'ensemble de la Résistance, un ou deux points à côté d'un nom de région indiquent les progrès accomplis en vue de la libération de celle-ci.

m_strStripWeaponUpgradesConfirmDesc=Confirmer le retrait de toutes les améliorations de toutes les armes principales non équipées par les soldats sélectionnés pour la mission en cours. Ces équipements seront immédiatement disponibles.
m_strTooltipStripWeapons=Retirer toutes les améliorations d'armes de tous les soldats NON sélectionnés pour la mission en cours.

(Capture de VIP uniquement)

m_strInfiltrationMission="Mission d'Infiltration"
m_strQuickResponseMission="Mission de Réaction Rapide"
m_strFixedEvacLocation="Evac Fixe"
m_strFlareEvac="Evac sur demande"
m_strDelayedEvac="Evac retardée"
m_strNoEvac="Pas d'Evac"
m_strMaxSquadSize="Taille Escouade Max"
m_strConcealedStart="Départ Camouflé"
m_strRevealedStart="Départ Révélé"
m_strObjectiveTimer="Délai Objectif :"
m_strExtractionTimer="Délai Extraction :"
m_strEvacTimer="Arrivée Mercure :"
m_strGetCorpses="Récupération Ressources"
m_strSweepObjective="Nettoyez la zone"
m_strEvacRequired="Evac Nécessaire"
m_strMinimumInfiltration="Nécessite <XGParam:IntValue0>% Infiltration"
m_strYellowAlert="Ennemis en Alerte"

m_sAverageScatterText="± <XGParam:StrValue0/> Cases"

m_strAllHandsToHangarConfirmDesc=Confirmer le retrait de tous les soldats à l'entraînement à l'Institut de Guérilla et au Centre de Combat Amélioré pour les rendre disponibles sur cette mission. Cela obligera ces soldats à recommencer leurs entraînements. Les entraînements du Psi-Lab ne sont pas affectés.
m_strTooltipAllHandsToHangar=Retirer tous les soldats à l'entraînement à l'Institut de Guérilla et au Centre de Combat Amélioré.

ListTitle="Tactiques Ennemies"
DescriptionTitle="Tactiques Ennemies"
DescriptionEntry="A moins d'être assignés à une attaque ou à la protection d'un objectif particulier, les troupes d'ADVENT et leurs alliés extraterrestres vont patrouiller dans la zone de combat. S'ils rencontrent XCOM durant leur tour, il y a des chances qu'ils bénéficient d'actions défensives après s'être dispersés. Durant leurs patrouilles, s'ils entendent des tirs ou des explosions, voient des cadavres, ou entendent hurler des civils, il vont augmenter leur niveau d'alerte. S'ils rencontrent XCOM durant leur tour une fois en alerte, ils sont susceptibles de prendre des actions offensives - y compris d'ouvrir le feu - après dispersion, tant qu'ils ne sont pas blessés. Notez que les armes lourdes et les explosifs peuvent alerter les ennemis à plus grande distance que les autres armes, tandis que les armes de mêlée ne sont audibles qu'à très courte portée."

m_strPrevHaven="PREC. REFUGE"
m_strNextHaven="REFUGE SUIV."
Last edited by kordolius on Sat Feb 11, 2017 7:28 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #3: UI text and additional explanations -- PLEASE HELP, MULTILINGUAL PEOPLE!

Post by bingo12345 »

rakoon79 wrote:**Korean**

ListTitle="적군의 전술"
DescriptionTitle="적군의 전술"
DescriptionEntry="특정 목표물을 공격하거나 방어하도록 배속되지 않은 어드밴트와 외계인 유닛들은 지속적으로 전장을 순찰할 것입니다. 외계인턴에 순찰도중 XCOM과 조우할 경우에는 산개한 다음에 수비적 행동을 취할 수 있습니다. 순찰도중에 총격음이나 폭발음을 듣거나, 시체를 발견하거나, 시민의 비명소리를 들을 경우에는 경계태세로 돌입합니다. 경계태세 상태에서 외계인턴에 XCOM과 마주칠경우에는 부상을 당하지 않았다는 전제하에 사격을 포함 공격적인 행동을 취할 수 있습니다. 중화기와 폭발물들은 다른 무기들보다 더 멀리 있는 적군들의 주의를 끌 수 있으며, 근접무기들은 아주 가까운 거리에 있는 적군들에게만 들릴 수 있습니다. ."

EDIT : Edited "All hands to Hangar"
typo edited

ListTitle="적군의 전술"
DescriptionTitle="적군의 전술"
DescriptionEntry="특정 목표물을 공격하거나 방어하도록 배속되지 않은 어드밴트와 외계인 유닛들은 지속적으로 전장을 순찰할 것입니다. 외계인턴에 순찰도중 XCOM과 조우할 경우에는 산개한 다음에 수비적 행동을 취할 수 있습니다. 순찰도중에 총격음이나 폭발음을 듣거나, 시체를 발견하거나, 시민의 비명소리를 들을 경우에는 경계태세로 돌입합니다. 경계태세 상태에서 외계인턴에 XCOM과 마주칠경우에는 부상을 당하지 않았다는 전제하에 사격을 포함 공격적인 행동을 취할 수 있습니다. 중화기와 폭발물들은 다른 무기들보다 더 멀리 있는 적군들의 주의를 끌 수 있으며, 근접무기들은 아주 가까운 거리에 있는 적군들에게만 들릴 수 있습니다. ."
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #3: UI text and additional explanations -- PLEASE HELP, MULTILINGUAL PEOPLE!

Post by rakoon79 »

bingo12345 wrote: typo edited

ListTitle="적군의 전술"
DescriptionTitle="적군의 전술"
DescriptionEntry="특정 목표물을 공격하거나 방어하도록 배속되지 않은 어드밴트와 외계인 유닛들은 지속적으로 전장을 순찰할 것입니다. 외계인턴에 순찰도중 XCOM과 조우할 경우에는 산개한 다음에 수비적 행동을 취할 수 있습니다. 순찰도중에 총격음이나 폭발음을 듣거나, 시체를 발견하거나, 시민의 비명소리를 들을 경우에는 경계태세로 돌입합니다. 경계태세 상태에서 외계인턴에 XCOM과 마주칠경우에는 부상을 당하지 않았다는 전제하에 사격을 포함 공격적인 행동을 취할 수 있습니다. 중화기와 폭발물들은 다른 무기들보다 더 멀리 있는 적군들의 주의를 끌 수 있으며, 근접무기들은 아주 가까운 거리에 있는 적군들에게만 들릴 수 있습니다. ."
@JL, typo correction confirmed in courtesy of bingo12345. Sorry for the hassle
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #3: UI text and additional explanations -- PLEASE HELP, MULTILINGUAL PEOPLE!

Post by johnnylump »

Thanks. Best thing is to keep making corrections to your original post.
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #3: UI text and additional explanations -- PLEASE HELP, MULTILINGUAL PEOPLE!

Post by Wizardgreen »

* Traditional Chinese*

<Bullet/> 火箭的命中率會因為各種原因被影響,像是士兵的命中率、目標距離,還有該士兵在回合內是否有先消耗行動。低命中率的火箭代表著會有較高的最大散佈值,這代表火箭將更容易偏離原本瞄準的目標。火箭可能的散佈值會顯示在技能彈出視窗中,而技能預覽的影響範圍會以散佈值的平均標記在滑鼠旁。
<Bullet/> 消音器同時能減少在戰鬥中主要武器開槍發出的噪音,能夠減少引起敵人巡邏隊的注意。

<Bullet/> 在單位混亂、暈眩、恐慌、燃燒或其他負面狀態的狀況下,這個技能不會提供防禦加乘。






m_strMinimumInfiltration="需要 <XGParam:IntValue0>% 滲透"

m_sAverageScatterText="± <XGParam:StrValue0/> 格"



Last edited by Wizardgreen on Thu Feb 09, 2017 1:41 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #3: UI text and additional explanations -- PLEASE HELP, MULTILINGUAL PEOPLE!

Post by MantLemon »

FELLOW TRANSLATORS, you could find relative information of some new features here:

**Simplified Chinese**


<Bullet/> 消音器也能减小在战斗中由主武器开火带来的噪声,降低引起敌人巡逻队注意的可能。







m_strMinimumInfiltration="需要 <XGParam:IntValue0>% 潜入"

m_sAverageScatterText="± <XGParam:StrValue0/> 格"



Last edited by MantLemon on Thu Feb 09, 2017 1:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #3: UI text and additional explanations -- PLEASE HELP, MULTILINGUAL PEOPLE!

Post by MantLemon »

Hi JL, I would like to know what the context is for #8. Is it some sort of mission tip just like others?
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #3: UI text and additional explanations -- PLEASE HELP, MULTILINGUAL PEOPLE!

Post by Spad »

@kordolius : two typos in the french trad. Can you edit your post with the following corrections ?

Ce sont 2 problèmes d'accent sur ou/où, voici les corrections :

IMPORTANT: Pour construire un relais radio, déplacez le Talion sur la région où

DescriptionEntry="A moins d'être assignés à une attaque ou

Après, mais c'est une question de goût, j'aurais plutôt traduit
Je trouve que suppression ça fait peur, on n'est pas sûr de pouvoir se resservir des améliorations (surtout que c'est comme ça dans la version vanilla du jeu) alors que le mot retrait que tu utilises ensuite contient cette notion de réutilisation; démonter et démontage encore plus.

Voilà, merci pour ton boulot
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #3: UI text and additional explanations -- PLEASE HELP, MULTILINGUAL PEOPLE!

Post by Czibo »

Krzysztof z Bagien wrote:OK, done.
I altered some texts slightly to make it look better in Polish, I hope it's OK:

#1 - "above damage readout" instead of "in the pop-up".
#9 - can't figure anything that will look good in Polish, be accurate and short enough at the same time for "sweep objective", just used "destroy enemy forces".
#10 - "Scatter: ± <XGParam:StrValue0/>" should be OK.
#9 "Oczyść teren / Clear the area (of enemy forces)" could be an alternative. While "Zniszcz siły wroga / destroy enemy forces" is a bit longer, it is also more precise and I like it.

I took a look at the rest of your translation and am happy with it.
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Re: Crowdsourcing translations #3: UI text and additional explanations -- PLEASE HELP, MULTILINGUAL PEOPLE!

Post by GiftGruen »

It most probably means "you only get this information if you capture the VIP alive". Would then be placed on the mission rewards line.
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