Reverting Squad Sizes?

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Reverting Squad Sizes?

Post by Imca »

How would I go about reducing the squad size back to 4/6 or at least 6/8? 8/10 is just too much micromanagement and makes each turn take forever... I know I can just make the squads have less people in them, but I would really like to edit the file and restrict it back down if posible.

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Re: Reverting Squad Sizes?

Post by johnnylump »

There really isn't any thing to "revert" in the way you are asking, the mod supports squad sizes between 1 and 12 soldiers.

About the only way to accomplish this would be to restrict how many soldiers you can take on any given mission by editing the missions.ini file and reduce all the MaxSoldiers entries on a per-mission basis. But some missions are going to be extremely difficult with only six soldiers, so you'd have to rewire the whole mod for it to be balanced again.
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