Bug Report: Duplicating ships when refitting

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Bug Report: Duplicating ships when refitting

Post by DarthVicious »

You can get instant duplicate ships when refitting if you refit a ship multiple times, then cancel the refit.

To Reproduce.
1. Select a ship that is docked.
2. Select the class to upgrade it to.
3. Add to queue at the relevant shipyard.
4. Click the same ship in the docked ships list.
5. Refresh the shipyard list and select the shipyard where its docked.
6. Add the ship to the refit queue. (Repeat)
7. Cancel the queued refits.
You now have multiple copies of the ship, one for each time you queued it.

I picked this up while battling to figure out the refit UI, while trying to refit 4 escort ships. I accidentally queued the same ship four times, instead of each ship once.

Proposed fix:
The ship that is being refit should be removed from the docked ships list (and the list refreshed), so that it can't be queued multiple times.

Further UI suggestion:
The refit UI would work better if you selected the shipyard first, then was presented with only ships at that shipyard. The current UI shows ALL docked ships, then tries to filter the dock to the selected ship. This was the point where I got confused, and refreshed the shipyard list and queued the same ship by accident.
Posts: 186
Joined: Sat Oct 01, 2022 10:44 am

Re: Bug Report: Duplicating ships when refitting

Post by neilwilkes »

Great catch there!
That is absolutely an exploit that needs squashing
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