Syntax for Ablative hp on promotion?

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Syntax for Ablative hp on promotion?

Post by FoxVox »

Hi all.

I wonder if there is a way to add ablative hp to a soldier on promotions?
In the XcomClassData.ini we have all the promotions and stat advancements listed.
On a promotion we have a line that goes for example:
aStatProgression=((StatType=eStat_Offense,StatAmount=3), (StatType=eStat_HP,StatAmount=1))\\

And to this line you can add other stats to gain/improve on promotions, like:
(StatType=eStat_ArmorMitigation,StatAmount=1) or (StatType=eStat_Will,StatAmount=3)
for example.

But I can find any for adding ablative hp, is there one?

Thanks for any help and a great LW2 =)
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Re: Syntax for Ablative hp on promotion?

Post by johnnylump »

It's eStat_ShieldHP.

However, I don't think it will regenerate with a new mission; that is, if it's lost, it's permanent (until you get a new source of ShieldHP). I may be wrong, but I recall trying that with the Spark's character template and seeing that behavior.
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Re: Syntax for Ablative hp on promotion?

Post by FoxVox »

Okay thanks Johnny.

I will test it then in my fairly newstarted campain.
So for testing I will put (StatType=eStat_ShieldHP,StatAmount=1)
on every promotion for one class only to see if they get it and try to figure out if it regens or not, hard to say how long (irl time) it will take to know for sure as I need to get the promotions then I need to get attacked with that soldier and so on.
But I will post what I find out here.

Cheers =)
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Re: Syntax for Ablative hp on promotion?

Post by FoxVox »

Ok after some testing it seems (not 100%) to work like this:

The (StatType=eStat_ShieldHP,StatAmount=1) on lvl up will add one ablative armour to the soldiers max ablative shield.
But that ablative does not regen, UNLESS he took dmg in the past mission, if he took dmg and heal up his ablative is full.
So it works, it just do not add any shield on the lvl up. But if you have X as max shield and take dmg ones the shield will always be full after that at the start of missions, and if you never take dmg it dont matter anyway =P
Hope this is usefull info for anyone that wants to play around with this.

Thanks again for the help Johnny =)
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