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Game crashing on load screen at start of a campaign.

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 4:42 am
by TheRaptorWithTheHat
I'll preface by saying first I've gone through the troubleshooting steps twice over now except for the Hex Editing in the final step, everything seems to run normally up till when I start a new campaign, the loading screen comes up for about 2-3 seconds and then the game closes.

The game is run from my secondary hard drive if that changes anything, though I was prompted to overwrite the folder during installation.

I've included the log of my most recent attempt:

Code: Select all

Log: Log file open, 02/05/16 20:24:35
Init: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467
Log:  ... running in INSTALLED mode
DevConfig: GConfig::Find has loaded file:  ..\..\Engine\Config\ConsoleVariables.ini
Init: Version: 8917
Init: Epic Internal: 0
Init: Compiled (32-bit): Mar  5 2014 14:01:21
Init: Changelist: 1100000
Init: Base directory: D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\Binaries\Win32\
Init: FxsChangelist: 402256
Init: SeekfreeLoading: 1
Init: Platform: PCConsole
Init: TitleId: 200510
[0000.29] Init: Computer: ASHELOTTE23
[0000.29] Init: User: AshelotteXXIII
[0000.29] Init: CPU Page size=4096, Processors=8
[0000.29] Init: High frequency timer resolution =14.318180 MHz
[0000.29] Init: Memory total: Physical=8.0GB (8GB approx) Pagefile=16.0GB Virtual=4.0GB
[0000.45] Init: Presizing for 100000 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes.
[0000.45] Init: Object subsystem initialized
[0000.45] DevConfig: (System) 'Default__System' loading configuration from ..\..\XComGame\Config\XComEngine.ini
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for SeekFreePCPaths from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for SeekFreePCExtensions from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for CutdownPaths from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for LocalizationPaths from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for TextureFileCacheExtension from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for Extensions from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for Suppress from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for FRScriptPaths from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for ScriptPaths from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for Paths from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for ScreenShotPathOverride from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for CacheExt from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for CachePath from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for SavePath from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for AsyncIOBandwidthLimit from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for PackageSizeSoftLimit from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for MaxOverallCacheSize from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for MaxStaleCacheSize from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for StaleCacheDays from [Core.System]
[0000.45] Log: Overriding lang INT w/ command-line option of INT
[0000.57] Log: Caching packages from path ..\..\XComGame\CookedPC: 5015 packages
[0000.59] DevDataBase: Connection to "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=production-db;Initial Catalog=EngineTaskPerf;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Connection Timeout=2" or "" failed
[0000.60] Log: resX=1920, resY=1200
[0000.65] Init: OS stats:
[0000.65] Init: 	Windows 7 
[0000.65] Init: 	RemoteDesktop=0
[0000.65] Init: Memory stats:
[0000.65] Init: 	Physical: 8173MB
[0000.65] Init: 	Virtual: 4095MB
[0000.65] Init: 	PageFile: 16365MB
[0000.65] Init: CPU stats:
[0000.65] Init: 	MeasuredPerformanceTime: 116.500 (stored result)
[0000.65] Init: 	Hyperthreaded: 1
[0000.65] Init: 	NumProcessorsPerCPU: 1
[0000.65] Init: 	NumLogicalProcessors: 8
[0000.65] Init: 	NumPhysicalProcessors: 16392
[0000.65] Init: 	MaxSpeed: 4000
[0000.65] Init: 	CurrentSpeed: 4000
[0000.65] Init: 	CoresPerProcessor: 16392
[0000.65] Init: 	IsOnBattery: 0
[0000.65] Init: 	BatteryLevel: -1
[0000.65] Init: 	Manufacturer: AMD
[0000.65] Init: 	CPUName: Unknown AMD CPU
[0000.65] Init: 	L1CacheSize: 16
[0000.65] Init: 	L2CacheSize: 2048
[0000.65] Init: 	Architecture: x86
[0000.65] Init: GPU stats:
[0000.65] Init: 	VendorID: 000010DE
[0000.65] Init: 	DeviceID: 00000FC8
[0000.65] Init: 	DriverVersion:
[0000.65] Init: 	DeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GT 740
[0000.65] Init: 	DriverName: nvd3dum.dll
[0000.65] Init: 	PixelShaderVersion: 3
[0000.65] Init: 	VertexShaderVersion: 3
[0000.65] Init: 	VRAMQuantity: 3072
[0000.65] Init: 	DedicatedVRAM: 3072
[0000.65] Init: 	AdapterCount: 2
[0000.65] Init: 	SupportsHardwareTnL: 1
[0000.65] Init: 	GPU DeviceID not found in ini.
[0000.65] Init: Machine  detected compatibility level: Composite: 2. CPU: 2. GPU: 4.
[0000.65] Init: Previous detected compatibility level: Composite: 2. CPU: 2. GPU: 4.
[0000.68] Log: Found D3D11 adapter 0: NVIDIA GeForce GT 740
[0000.68] Log: Adapter has 3072MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 1023MB of shared system memory
[0000.69] Log: Found D3D11 adapter 1: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
[0000.69] Log: Adapter has 0MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 4086MB of shared system memory
[0000.73] Log: Shader platform (RHI): PC-D3D-SM3
[0000.76] Log: PhysX GPU Support: DISABLED
[0000.76] Init: Initializing FaceFX...
[0000.76] Init: FaceFX 1.7.4 initialized.
[0000.77] Init: WinSock: I am Ashelotte23 (
[0000.79] Init: XAudio2 using 'Speakers (VIA HD Audio)' : 2 channels at 48 kHz using 32 bits per sample (channel mask 0x3)
[0000.93] DevNet: FEngineLoop::Init: Reading NetPackageMapExclusions
[0001.08] DevSHA: FSHA1::StoreFileSHAHash - FullFileSHAHashMap: core.upk                          Hash(65A8412CB7C062D19CDD0414D3BE56CBF5977195)  VerifyHash(101183156211245)  PackageHashString(101183156211245#)
[0004.65] DevSHA: FSHA1::StoreFileSHAHash - FullFileSHAHashMap: gfxui.upk                         Hash(8641C674BE79584EF6084A72F71D770315E833AD)  VerifyHash(13419024624721)  PackageHashString(13419024624721#)
[0004.65] DevSHA: FSHA1::StoreFileSHAHash - FullFileSHAHashMap: engine.upk                        Hash(635199E01DBB6EC5B1A4981AC1263D37F09C158F)  VerifyHash(9929177193240)  PackageHashString(9929177193240#)
[0004.65] DevSHA: FSHA1::StoreFileSHAHash - FullFileSHAHashMap: gameframework.upk                 Hash(2B49DCE286266C9F679F71E2BE75AE88B87534CB)  VerifyHash(43134103190184)  PackageHashString(43134103190184#)
[0004.65] DevSHA: FSHA1::StoreFileSHAHash - FullFileSHAHashMap: ipdrv.upk                         Hash(D8D92D34F97C190BD09911D890639E2C2E60D828)  VerifyHash(21624920814446)  PackageHashString(21624920814446#)
[0004.65] DevSHA: FSHA1::StoreFileSHAHash - FullFileSHAHashMap: onlinesubsystemsteamworks.upk     Hash(8BC24E58CF6D2D9C412B7BAAAFCD18160A47005B)  VerifyHash(1392076517510)  PackageHashString(1392076517510#)
[0004.65] DevSHA: FSHA1::StoreFileSHAHash - FullFileSHAHashMap: xcomgame.upk                      Hash(296E156FA977BB4B77E6CDA17B2ECFCF29C4654B)  VerifyHash(4116911912341)  PackageHashString(4116911912341#)
[0004.65] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ArrayProperty XComStrategyGame.XGFacility_Engineering:CheckpointRecord_XGFacility_Engineering.m_arrFoundryProjects and ArrayProperty XComStrategyGame.XGFacility_Engineering:CheckpointRecord_XGFacility_Engineering.m_arrAlloyProjects have duplicate NetIndex 13330
[0005.04] DevSHA: FSHA1::StoreFileSHAHash - FullFileSHAHashMap: xcomstrategygame.upk              Hash(9E504EF159174C0A0C7993AE0C9352865041D682)  VerifyHash(15889121280)  PackageHashString(15889121280#)
[0005.04] DevSHA: FSHA1::StoreFileSHAHash - FullFileSHAHashMap: startup_loc_int.upk               Hash(4F7AA48516EE8D444A8535B96E4FF1F64C390570)  VerifyHash(79227411076)  PackageHashString(79227411076#)
[0005.04] Init: Finished loading startup packages in 4.11 seconds
[0005.05] DevSHA: FSHA1::StoreFileSHAHash - FullFileSHAHashMap: startup.upk                       Hash(CB5CA52922287603FF9D1E201264CAF84998CD28)  VerifyHash(203342551873)  PackageHashString(203342551873#)
[0005.05] Log: 115724 objects as part of root set at end of initial load.
[0005.05] Log: 0 out of 0 bytes used by permanent object pool.
[0005.06] Log: Enum Cache created: 176728 bytes
[0005.06] Log: Initializing Engine...
[0005.06] Log: There is generic failure of the AlienFX Init.
[0005.09] Init: UEngine initialized
[0005.09] Log: Working around XDK XAudio2 regression: TRUE
[0005.12] Init: XAudio2Device initialized.
[0005.16] Init: Client initialized
[0005.37] DevMemory: TextureRenderTarget2D::Create - UIRenderTarget, 720, 1280
[0005.37] DevMemory: TextureRenderTarget2D::Create - DummyRT, 1, 1
[0005.37] Log: Detected 1 GPUs for rendering
[0005.39] Log: MMDevice Endpoint 0: "SPDIF Interface (TX1) (VIA HD Audio)" ({}.{0e3fd493-5e36-42bc-9cff-c3e423ce48b4}) 
[0005.39] Log: MMDevice Endpoint 1: "DX-19L150A11-4 (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)" ({}.{76c57953-4b79-4989-ab4f-bf4ea6eb7038}) 
[0005.39] Log: MMDevice Endpoint 2: "Speakers (VIA HD Audio)" ({}.{dc984827-2886-4b35-bca3-eafbf0290436}) (DEFAULT)
[0005.39] DevOnline: Created named interface (RecentPlayersList) of type (Engine.OnlineRecentPlayersList)
[0005.40] Log: Initializing Steamworks
[0005.40] DevOnline: Steam ID: [1:4191383] (76561197964457111)
[0005.40] DevOnline: Steam universe: PUBLIC
[0005.40] DevOnline: Steam appid: 200510
[0005.40] DevOnline: Steam IsSubscribed: TRUE
[0005.40] DevOnline: Steam IsLowViolence: FALSE
[0005.40] DevOnline: Steam IsCybercafe: FALSE
[0005.40] DevOnline: Steam IsVACBanned: FALSE
[0005.40] DevOnline: Steam IP country: US
[0005.40] DevOnline: Steam official server time: 1454732680
[0005.40] DevOnline: Steam Cloud quota: 101323146 / 104857600
[0005.40] Log: Logged in as 'The Raptor with the Hat'
[0005.40] DevOnline: =============================================================
[0005.40] DevOnline: == Beginning LocalProfileName: 
[0005.40] DevOnline: == Final LocalProfileName: 
[0005.40] DevOnline: =============================================================
[0005.40] DevNet: Browse: XComShell?Name=Player?Team=255
[0005.40] XComMapSelection: Clearing preloaded level cache
[0005.40] Log: ###### OnlineEventMgr waited 0.00 seconds for saves to complete
[0005.40] Log: LoadMap: XComShell?Name=Player?Team=255
[0005.41] XCom_Content: Clearing content cache
[0005.41] XCom_Content: Flushing archetype cache
[0005.42] Log: 
[0005.42] DevMemory: Memory allocations reported by the OS: 315.38 MB (with 0.00 MB waste)
[0005.43] XCom_Content: Clearing content cache
[0005.43] XCom_Content: Flushing archetype cache
[0005.43] XCom_Content: Loading package ..\..\XComGame\CookedPCConsole\UICollection_Common_SF.upk(UICollection_Common)
[0005.45] XCom_Content: Loading package ..\..\XComGame\CookedPCConsole\XComUIShell_SF.upk(XComUIShell)
[0005.52] XCom_Content: Loading package ..\..\XComGame\CookedPCConsole\UICollection_Shell_SF.upk(UICollection_Shell)
[0005.54] XCom_Content: CacheContent: Starting
[0005.54] XCom_Content: CacheContent: Finished, took 0.000s
[0005.64] Log: Game class is 'XComShell'
[0005.67] Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software.
[0005.67] Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene.
[0005.67] Log: Bringing World XComShell.TheWorld up for play (0) at 2016.02.05-20.24.40
[0005.68] ScriptLog: XComMutatorLoader: arrTacticalMutators.Length = 5
[0005.68] ScriptLog: XComMutatorLoader: arrStrategicMutators.Length = 1
[0005.68] ScriptLog: XComMutator: Current = XComMutatorLoader_0
[0005.68] ScriptLog: XComMutator: Next = None
[0005.68] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.031184
[0005.70] DevOnline: Read profile success.
[0005.70] DevOnline: Read profile data: 4 SP soldiers, 0 MP soldiers
[0005.74] XCom_Content: GetGameContent missed cache trying to find UnitCursor.Meshes.ASE_UnitCursor
[0005.74] XCom_Content: GetGameContent: Found UnitCursor.Meshes.ASE_UnitCursor @ StaticMesh UnitCursor.Meshes.ASE_UnitCursor
[0005.74] XCom_Content: GetGameContent missed cache trying to find UnitCursor.Meshes.ASE_UnitCursorINV
[0005.74] XCom_Content: GetGameContent missed cache trying to find UnitCursor.Meshes.ASE_UnitCursorDIS
[0005.74] XCom_Content: GetGameContent missed cache trying to find UnitCursor.CursorHeight.cursorHeightCyl
[0005.74] Error: StartLocalVoiceProcessing(): Device is currently owned by another user
[0005.74] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 0.337929 seconds
[0005.74] DevMovie: Disabling movie thread input processing
[0005.80] Init: Game engine initialized
[0005.80] XCom_Content: Elite Soldier Pack Entitlement: TRUE
[0005.80] XCom_Content: Slingshot Pack Entitlement: TRUE
[0005.80] Log: Initializing Engine Completed
[0005.80] Log: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Initial startup: 5.80s <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[0005.84] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie ?int?gfxui.ime.moviepath?': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie ?int?gfxui.ime.moviepath?'
[0005.84] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [?int?gfxui.ime.moviepath?]
[0005.84] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie ?int?gfxui.ime.moviepath?': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie ?int?gfxui.ime.moviepath?'
[0005.84] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [?int?gfxui.ime.moviepath?]
[0005.89] ScriptLog: Script call stack:
	Function XComGame.UIFxsMovie:FlashRaiseInit
	Function XComGame.UIInterfaceMgr:OnInit
	Function XComGame.UIFxsMovie:OnInit
	Function XComGame.UIFxsMovie:SetMouseActive

[0005.93] ScriptLog: Script call stack:
	Function XComGame.UIFxsMovie:FlashRaiseInit
	Function XComGame.UIFxsMovie:OnInit
	Function XComGame.UIFxsMovie:SetMouseActive

[0005.98] XCom_Content: Loading package ..\..\XComGame\CookedPCConsole\SoundXComMenuMusic_SF.upk (0 remaining for ..\..\XComGame\CookedPCConsole\SoundXComMenuMusic_SF.upk)
[0005.98] ScriptLog: Script call stack:
	Function XComGame.UIFxsMovie:FlashRaiseInit
	Function XComUIShell.UIFinalShell:OnInit
	Function XComUIShell.UIShell:OnInit
	Function XComGame.XComOnlineEventMgr:PerformNewScreenInit
	Function Engine.OnlineEventMgr:ActivateAllSystemMessages

[0006.09] Log: UOnlineSubsystem OnlineSubsystemSteamworks_0

[0006.09] DevOnline: Using cached profile data instead of reading
[0006.09] DevOnline: Read profile data: 4 SP soldiers, 0 MP soldiers
[0006.09] ScriptLog: Script call stack:
	Function XComGame.XComPresentationLayerBase:BaseScreenState.PoppedState
	Function XComGame.XComPresentationLayerBase:State_ProgressDialog.Deactivate
	Function Engine.OnlineEventMgr:ActivateAllSystemMessages

[0006.09] DevHTTP: Performing DNS lookup for
[0006.10] DevHTTP: Failed to resolve hostname for HTTP download
[0006.29] DevOnline: Obtained steam user stats
[0006.29] DevOnline: Achievement #0: 'No Looking Back', 'Beat the game in Ironman mode on Classic or Impossible Difficulty.', Icon '106'
[0006.29] DevOnline: Achievement #1: 'Meet New People. Then Kill Them.', 'Win a multiplayer match.', Icon '97'
[0006.29] DevOnline: Achievement #2: 'Xavier', 'Mind Control an Ethereal. Single player only.', Icon '101'
[0006.29] DevOnline: Achievement #3: 'Humanity's Savior', 'Beat the game on any difficulty.', Icon '107'
[0006.29] DevOnline: Achievement #4: 'Earth First', 'Beat the game on Classic difficulty.', Icon '108'
[0006.29] DevOnline: Achievement #5: 'Our Finest Hour', 'Beat the game on Impossible difficulty.', Icon '109'
[0006.29] DevOnline: Achievement #6: 'Lone Wolf', 'Clear a UFO crash site with one soldier on Classic or Impossible difficulty.', Icon '110'
[0006.29] DevOnline: Achievement #7: 'Bada Boom', 'Kill 50 aliens with explosive weapons.', Icon '111'
[0006.29] DevOnline: Achievement #8: 'Welcoming Committee', 'Kill 150 aliens.', Icon '112'
[0006.29] DevOnline: Achievement #9: 'Pale Horse', 'Kill 500 aliens.', Icon '113'
[0006.29] DevOnline: Achievement #10: 'Shooting Stars', 'Shoot down 40 UFOs.', Icon '100'
[0006.29] DevOnline: Achievement #11: 'Ain't No Cavalry Comin'', 'Have a soldier survive every mission in a full game.', Icon '114'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #12: 'As A Scalpel', 'Earn the "Excellent" rating in every performance category on a terror mission.', Icon '115'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #13: 'Edison', 'In a single game, complete every Research Project.', Icon '98'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #14: 'Angel of Death', 'Kill an alien while flying. Single player only.', Icon '77'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #15: 'All Employees Must Wash Hands&', 'In a single game, complete every Autopsy.', Icon '116'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #16: 'Beyond the Veil', 'Find a soldier with the Gift.', Icon '117'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #17: 'Prisoner of War', 'Capture a live alien.', Icon '118'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #18: 'The Gatekeeper', 'Stun an Outsider.', Icon '119'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #19: 'X Marks the Spot', 'Uncover the alien base's location.', Icon '120'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #20: 'See All, Know All', 'Build the Hyperwave Relay.', Icon '121'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #21: 'On the Shoulders of Giants', 'Build the Gollop Chamber.', Icon '122'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #22: 'Ride the Lightning', 'Build a Firestorm.', Icon '123'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #23: 'Eye in the Sky', 'Launch a Satellite.', Icon '124'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #24: 'All Together Now', 'Get satellite coverage over every country on one continent.', Icon '66'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #25: 'Hunter/Killer', 'In a single game, shoot down one of each alien craft.', Icon '81'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #26: 'Man No More', 'Build a suit of powered armor.', Icon '125'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #27: 'Bubonic', 'Play a multiplayer match against someone with this achievement.', Icon '99'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #28: 'We Happy Few ', 'Complete a mission without losing a soldier.', Icon '126'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #29: 'The Hardest Road', 'Advance one of your soldiers to Colonel rank.', Icon '127'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #30: 'Worth Every Penny', 'Acquire 1000 credits in one month.', Icon '67'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #31: 'Oppenheimer', 'Staff the Research Labs with 80 scientists.', Icon '71'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #32: 'One Gun at a Time', 'Staff the Engineering Department with 80 engineers.', Icon '69'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #33: 'Skunkworks', 'In a single game, complete every Foundry project.', Icon '90'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #34: 'You Have 5 Seconds to Comply', 'Build a S.H.I.V.', Icon '128'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #35: 'Theory...', 'Build a Laboratory.', Icon '129'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #36: '...and Practice.', 'Build a Workshop.', Icon '130'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #37: 'Wet Work', 'Complete a Very Hard abduction mission in five turns or less on Classic or Impossible difficulty.', Icon '131'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #38: 'A Continental Fellow', 'Win the game from each of the 5 starting locations.', Icon '132'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #39: 'What Wonders Await', 'Complete a Research Project.', Icon '133'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #40: 'Up and Running', 'Build a base facility.', Icon '134'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #41: 'Combat Ready', 'Build an item.', Icon '135'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #42: 'Drums in the Deep', 'Gain access to the lowest level in your base.', Icon '68'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #43: 'Happy to Oblige', 'Fulfill a Council request.', Icon '136'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #44: 'And Hell's Coming With Me', 'Successfully assault an Overseer UFO.', Icon '137'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #45: 'Off My Planet', 'Recover the Hyperwave Beacon.', Icon '138'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #46: 'Tables Turned', 'Shoot down a UFO.', Icon '139'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #47: 'And So It Begins&', 'Complete the tutorial mission.', Icon '140'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #48: 'The Volunteer', 'Make contact with the Ethereal hive mind.', Icon '141'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #49: 'Flight of the Valkyries', 'Win a mission with an all-female squad. Single player only.', Icon '65'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #50: 'New Friend', 'Complete Friends in Low Places.', Icon '142'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #51: 'Bait the Hook', 'Complete Confounding Light.', Icon '143'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #52: 'The Bigger They Are', 'Complete Gangplank.', Icon '144'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #53: 'Rising Dragon', 'Take your new ally into the final challenge.', Icon '145'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #54: 'All Aboard', 'Complete Confounding Light with more than 3 turns left on the timer.', Icon '146'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #55: 'Who Needs Limbs?', 'Augment a soldier in single player', Icon '72'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #56: 'A Little Bit Alien', 'Modify a soldier in single player', Icon '73'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #57: 'Enemy Within', 'Get a Soldier to have 5 modifications in single player', Icon '91'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #58: 'Steel Martyr', 'Deploy three tactical subsystems on a single soldier in single player', Icon '84'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #59: 'Apotheosis Denied', 'Deal with the newest global threat', Icon '85'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #60: 'They Shall Not Pass', 'Eliminate all alien waves', Icon '79'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #61: 'Zom-B-Gone', 'Eradicate the infestation', Icon '75'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #62: 'An Army Of Four', 'Beat the game without buying a Squad Size upgrade (Classic+ difficulty)', Icon '147'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #63: 'The Meld Squad', 'Field a fully enhanced squad and win the mission', Icon '95'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #64: 'Shieldbuster', 'Eliminate an enemy's shield and kill it on the same turn in single player', Icon '76'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #65: 'Someone Your Own Size', 'Kill a Muton Berserker in melee combat in single player', Icon '94'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #66: 'Taking A Load Off', 'Stop a squad member from suffocating in single player', Icon '70'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #67: 'Where in the World', 'Make certain of the new threat's location', Icon '88'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #68: 'Mind the Step', 'Jump two stories in one move in single player', Icon '89'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #69: 'Nice Cover', 'Use Collateral Damage to blow up a car in single player', Icon '92'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #70: 'By Our Powers Combined', 'Field a squad with 4 augmented soldiers, each with a different base ability and win the mission', Icon '148'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #71: 'Rise of the Machines', 'Field a squad consisting entirely of augmented soldiers and SHIVs (min. 4) and win the mission', Icon '149'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #72: 'Mutatis Mutandis', 'Field a squad where all members have at least two modifications (min. 4) and win the mission', Icon '150'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #73: 'Mental Minefield', 'Kill an enemy as it is psionically attacking you in single player', Icon '151'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #74: 'Anger Management', 'Proc Combat Rush on the entire squad (min. 4)', Icon '96'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #75: 'Remington& Max Remington', 'Have your special-duty soldier kill three enemies in the same mission', Icon '93'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #76: 'Gday', 'Kill an elite enemy Sniper with one of your own snipers in single player', Icon '78'
[0006.33] DevOnline: Achievement #77: 'Regenerate This', 'Kill an elite enemy Medic with explosive damage in single player', Icon '83'
[0006.33] DevOnline: Achievement #78: 'Tingling Sensation', 'Kill an unseen enemy detected by a specially modified soldier in single player', Icon '152'
[0006.33] DevOnline: Achievement #79: 'Pain in the Neck', 'Cause an enemy to suicide', Icon '87'
[0006.33] DevOnline: Achievement #80: 'Solid Prospect', 'Complete Deluge', Icon '82'
[0006.33] DevOnline: Achievement #81: 'Ours are the Furies', 'Complete Furies', Icon '86'
[0006.33] DevOnline: Achievement #82: 'Elite Defense', 'Beat a new special mission without losing any assets', Icon '74'
[0006.33] DevOnline: Achievement #83: 'Guardian of Earth', 'Designate a highly decorated soldier as the Volunteer', Icon '153'
[0006.33] DevOnline: Achievement #84: 'All Hands on Deck', 'Get at least 4 kills with XCOM Base Security personnel', Icon '80'
[0009.44] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'GRI'
	XComShellPresentationLayer XComShell.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.XComShellPresentationLayer_0
	Function XComGame.XComPresentationLayerBase:ISCONTROLLED:0043
[0009.44] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'GRI'
	XComShellPresentationLayer XComShell.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.XComShellPresentationLayer_0
	Function XComGame.XComPresentationLayerBase:ISCONTROLLED:0043
[0010.40] XComMapSelection: Resetting Map Counts
[0010.40] DevOnline: UGameEngine::SetClientTravel Command1?game=XComStrategyGame.XComHeadQuartersGame?Difficulty=0?EnableProgeny=1?EnableSlingshot=1
[0010.40] DevNet: Browse: Command1?Name=Player?Team=255?game=XComStrategyGame.XComHeadQuartersGame?Difficulty=0?EnableProgeny=1?EnableSlingshot=1
[0010.40] XComMapSelection: Clearing preloaded level cache
[0010.42] Log: ###### OnlineEventMgr waited 0.00 seconds for saves to complete
[0010.42] Log: LoadMap: Command1?Name=Player?Team=255?game=XComStrategyGame.XComHeadQuartersGame?Difficulty=0?EnableProgeny=1?EnableSlingshot=1
[0010.43] Log: --- LOADING MOVIE START ---
[0010.43] DevMovie: Looking for 1080_Black in ..\..\XComGame\Movies\
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\Movies\1080_Black.bk2
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\Movies\1080_Black_INT.bk2
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\Movies\1080_Black_LOC.bk2
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\Movies\1080_Black.bik
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\Movies\1080_Black_INT.bik
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\Movies\1080_Black_LOC.bik
[0010.43] DevMovie: Looking for 1080_Black in ..\..\XComGame\..\..\XComGame\Movies\
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\..\..\XComGame\Movies\1080_Black.bk2
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\..\..\XComGame\Movies\1080_Black_INT.bk2
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\..\..\XComGame\Movies\1080_Black_LOC.bk2
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\..\..\XComGame\Movies\1080_Black.bik
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\..\..\XComGame\Movies\1080_Black_INT.bik
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\..\..\XComGame\Movies\1080_Black_LOC.bik
[0010.43] DevMovie: Looking for Black in ..\..\XComGame\Movies\
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\Movies\Black.bk2
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\Movies\Black_INT.bk2
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\Movies\Black_LOC.bk2
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\Movies\Black.bik
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\Movies\Black_INT.bik
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\Movies\Black_LOC.bik
[0010.43] DevMovie: Looking for Black in ..\..\XComGame\..\..\XComGame\Movies\
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\..\..\XComGame\Movies\Black.bk2
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\..\..\XComGame\Movies\Black_INT.bk2
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\..\..\XComGame\Movies\Black_LOC.bk2
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\..\..\XComGame\Movies\Black.bik
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\..\..\XComGame\Movies\Black_INT.bik
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\..\..\XComGame\Movies\Black_LOC.bik
[0010.43] DevMovie: Attempting to play a movie that doesn't exist "Black"; aborting
[0010.45] XCom_Content: Clearing content cache
[0010.45] XCom_Content: Flushing archetype cache
[0010.50] Log: 
[0010.50] DevMemory: Memory allocations reported by the OS: 355.88 MB (with 0.00 MB waste)
[0010.51] DevMovie: Looking for 1080_XEW_ShieldLogo in ..\..\XComGame\Movies\
[0010.51] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\Movies\1080_XEW_ShieldLogo.bk2
[0010.51] DevMovie: ....  Found ..\..\XComGame\Movies\1080_XEW_ShieldLogo.bk2
[0010.51] DevMovie: Starting memory preloaded movie...XEW_ShieldLogo (1080_XEW_ShieldLogo)
[0010.51] DevMovie: Waiting for memory preloaded movie to finish loading ...
[0010.52] DevMovie: Playing movie [..\..\XComGame\Movies\1080_XEW_ShieldLogo.bk2]
[0010.52] DevMovie: Channel map(INT): 0/1/5/4/2/3
[0010.52] DevMovie: Got memory preloaded movie event!!!
[0010.52] XCom_Content: Clearing content cache
[0010.52] XCom_Content: Flushing archetype cache
[0010.52] XCom_Content: Loading package ..\..\XComGame\CookedPCConsole\UICollection_Common_SF.upk(UICollection_Common)
[0010.55] Log: Pushing Bink silence
[0010.55] DevMovie: Unmute bink movie
[0010.55] XCom_Content: Loading package ..\..\XComGame\CookedPCConsole\StrategyResources_SF.upk(StrategyResources)
[0010.65] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Texture2D TellMeMore_Audio.Textures.UpgradingInterceptorWeapons and Package TellMeMore_Audio.Textures have duplicate NetIndex 0
[0010.72] Critical: appError called: Assertion failed: i>=0 && (i<ArrayNum||(i==0 && ArrayNum==0)) [File:c:\buildagent\work\3933f33aff7099bf\branches\ue3_xcomenemywithin\development\src\core\inc\Array.h] [Line: 579]

Stack: Address = 0x1dbd5e9  (filename not found) [in D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\Binaries\Win32\XComEW.exe]

[0010.72] Critical: Windows GetLastError: The operation completed successfully. (0)
[0013.09] Log: === Critical error: ===
Assertion failed: i>=0 && (i<ArrayNum||(i==0 && ArrayNum==0)) [File:c:\buildagent\work\3933f33aff7099bf\branches\ue3_xcomenemywithin\development\src\core\inc\Array.h] [Line: 579]

Stack: Address = 0x1dbd5e9  (filename not found) [in D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\Binaries\Win32\XComEW.exe]

Address = 0x77093e28 (filename not found) [in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll]
Address = 0x1a48f61  (filename not found) [in D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\Binaries\Win32\XComEW.exe]
Address = 0x1d6c743  (filename not found) [in D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\Binaries\Win32\XComEW.exe]

Re: Game crashing on load screen at start of a campaign.

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 9:10 pm
by johnnylump
Some people have had trouble if Steam and the game are on separate hard drives but they have been able to fix it (not sure how) -- if you're sure LW's files are in the right place (among the base-game files), then I don't have any further ideas.

It's certainly possible some AV software blocked patching the exe, which is why that hex-check is suggested.