Game crashing on load screen at start of a campaign.

Troubleshooting instructions here
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Joined: Sat Feb 06, 2016 4:32 am

Game crashing on load screen at start of a campaign.

Post by TheRaptorWithTheHat »

I'll preface by saying first I've gone through the troubleshooting steps twice over now except for the Hex Editing in the final step, everything seems to run normally up till when I start a new campaign, the loading screen comes up for about 2-3 seconds and then the game closes.

The game is run from my secondary hard drive if that changes anything, though I was prompted to overwrite the folder during installation.

I've included the log of my most recent attempt:

Code: Select all

Log: Log file open, 02/05/16 20:24:35
Init: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467
Log:  ... running in INSTALLED mode
DevConfig: GConfig::Find has loaded file:  ..\..\Engine\Config\ConsoleVariables.ini
Init: Version: 8917
Init: Epic Internal: 0
Init: Compiled (32-bit): Mar  5 2014 14:01:21
Init: Changelist: 1100000
Init: Base directory: D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\Binaries\Win32\
Init: FxsChangelist: 402256
Init: SeekfreeLoading: 1
Init: Platform: PCConsole
Init: TitleId: 200510
[0000.29] Init: Computer: ASHELOTTE23
[0000.29] Init: User: AshelotteXXIII
[0000.29] Init: CPU Page size=4096, Processors=8
[0000.29] Init: High frequency timer resolution =14.318180 MHz
[0000.29] Init: Memory total: Physical=8.0GB (8GB approx) Pagefile=16.0GB Virtual=4.0GB
[0000.45] Init: Presizing for 100000 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes.
[0000.45] Init: Object subsystem initialized
[0000.45] DevConfig: (System) 'Default__System' loading configuration from ..\..\XComGame\Config\XComEngine.ini
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for SeekFreePCPaths from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for SeekFreePCExtensions from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for CutdownPaths from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for LocalizationPaths from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for TextureFileCacheExtension from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for Extensions from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for Suppress from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for FRScriptPaths from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for ScriptPaths from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for Paths from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for ScreenShotPathOverride from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for CacheExt from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for CachePath from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for SavePath from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for AsyncIOBandwidthLimit from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for PackageSizeSoftLimit from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for MaxOverallCacheSize from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for MaxStaleCacheSize from [Core.System]
[0000.45] DevConfig:    Loading value for StaleCacheDays from [Core.System]
[0000.45] Log: Overriding lang INT w/ command-line option of INT
[0000.57] Log: Caching packages from path ..\..\XComGame\CookedPC: 5015 packages
[0000.59] DevDataBase: Connection to "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=production-db;Initial Catalog=EngineTaskPerf;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Connection Timeout=2" or "" failed
[0000.60] Log: resX=1920, resY=1200
[0000.65] Init: OS stats:
[0000.65] Init: 	Windows 7 
[0000.65] Init: 	RemoteDesktop=0
[0000.65] Init: Memory stats:
[0000.65] Init: 	Physical: 8173MB
[0000.65] Init: 	Virtual: 4095MB
[0000.65] Init: 	PageFile: 16365MB
[0000.65] Init: CPU stats:
[0000.65] Init: 	MeasuredPerformanceTime: 116.500 (stored result)
[0000.65] Init: 	Hyperthreaded: 1
[0000.65] Init: 	NumProcessorsPerCPU: 1
[0000.65] Init: 	NumLogicalProcessors: 8
[0000.65] Init: 	NumPhysicalProcessors: 16392
[0000.65] Init: 	MaxSpeed: 4000
[0000.65] Init: 	CurrentSpeed: 4000
[0000.65] Init: 	CoresPerProcessor: 16392
[0000.65] Init: 	IsOnBattery: 0
[0000.65] Init: 	BatteryLevel: -1
[0000.65] Init: 	Manufacturer: AMD
[0000.65] Init: 	CPUName: Unknown AMD CPU
[0000.65] Init: 	L1CacheSize: 16
[0000.65] Init: 	L2CacheSize: 2048
[0000.65] Init: 	Architecture: x86
[0000.65] Init: GPU stats:
[0000.65] Init: 	VendorID: 000010DE
[0000.65] Init: 	DeviceID: 00000FC8
[0000.65] Init: 	DriverVersion:
[0000.65] Init: 	DeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GT 740
[0000.65] Init: 	DriverName: nvd3dum.dll
[0000.65] Init: 	PixelShaderVersion: 3
[0000.65] Init: 	VertexShaderVersion: 3
[0000.65] Init: 	VRAMQuantity: 3072
[0000.65] Init: 	DedicatedVRAM: 3072
[0000.65] Init: 	AdapterCount: 2
[0000.65] Init: 	SupportsHardwareTnL: 1
[0000.65] Init: 	GPU DeviceID not found in ini.
[0000.65] Init: Machine  detected compatibility level: Composite: 2. CPU: 2. GPU: 4.
[0000.65] Init: Previous detected compatibility level: Composite: 2. CPU: 2. GPU: 4.
[0000.68] Log: Found D3D11 adapter 0: NVIDIA GeForce GT 740
[0000.68] Log: Adapter has 3072MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 1023MB of shared system memory
[0000.69] Log: Found D3D11 adapter 1: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
[0000.69] Log: Adapter has 0MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 4086MB of shared system memory
[0000.73] Log: Shader platform (RHI): PC-D3D-SM3
[0000.76] Log: PhysX GPU Support: DISABLED
[0000.76] Init: Initializing FaceFX...
[0000.76] Init: FaceFX 1.7.4 initialized.
[0000.77] Init: WinSock: I am Ashelotte23 (
[0000.79] Init: XAudio2 using 'Speakers (VIA HD Audio)' : 2 channels at 48 kHz using 32 bits per sample (channel mask 0x3)
[0000.93] DevNet: FEngineLoop::Init: Reading NetPackageMapExclusions
[0001.08] DevSHA: FSHA1::StoreFileSHAHash - FullFileSHAHashMap: core.upk                          Hash(65A8412CB7C062D19CDD0414D3BE56CBF5977195)  VerifyHash(101183156211245)  PackageHashString(101183156211245#)
[0004.65] DevSHA: FSHA1::StoreFileSHAHash - FullFileSHAHashMap: gfxui.upk                         Hash(8641C674BE79584EF6084A72F71D770315E833AD)  VerifyHash(13419024624721)  PackageHashString(13419024624721#)
[0004.65] DevSHA: FSHA1::StoreFileSHAHash - FullFileSHAHashMap: engine.upk                        Hash(635199E01DBB6EC5B1A4981AC1263D37F09C158F)  VerifyHash(9929177193240)  PackageHashString(9929177193240#)
[0004.65] DevSHA: FSHA1::StoreFileSHAHash - FullFileSHAHashMap: gameframework.upk                 Hash(2B49DCE286266C9F679F71E2BE75AE88B87534CB)  VerifyHash(43134103190184)  PackageHashString(43134103190184#)
[0004.65] DevSHA: FSHA1::StoreFileSHAHash - FullFileSHAHashMap: ipdrv.upk                         Hash(D8D92D34F97C190BD09911D890639E2C2E60D828)  VerifyHash(21624920814446)  PackageHashString(21624920814446#)
[0004.65] DevSHA: FSHA1::StoreFileSHAHash - FullFileSHAHashMap: onlinesubsystemsteamworks.upk     Hash(8BC24E58CF6D2D9C412B7BAAAFCD18160A47005B)  VerifyHash(1392076517510)  PackageHashString(1392076517510#)
[0004.65] DevSHA: FSHA1::StoreFileSHAHash - FullFileSHAHashMap: xcomgame.upk                      Hash(296E156FA977BB4B77E6CDA17B2ECFCF29C4654B)  VerifyHash(4116911912341)  PackageHashString(4116911912341#)
[0004.65] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ArrayProperty XComStrategyGame.XGFacility_Engineering:CheckpointRecord_XGFacility_Engineering.m_arrFoundryProjects and ArrayProperty XComStrategyGame.XGFacility_Engineering:CheckpointRecord_XGFacility_Engineering.m_arrAlloyProjects have duplicate NetIndex 13330
[0005.04] DevSHA: FSHA1::StoreFileSHAHash - FullFileSHAHashMap: xcomstrategygame.upk              Hash(9E504EF159174C0A0C7993AE0C9352865041D682)  VerifyHash(15889121280)  PackageHashString(15889121280#)
[0005.04] DevSHA: FSHA1::StoreFileSHAHash - FullFileSHAHashMap: startup_loc_int.upk               Hash(4F7AA48516EE8D444A8535B96E4FF1F64C390570)  VerifyHash(79227411076)  PackageHashString(79227411076#)
[0005.04] Init: Finished loading startup packages in 4.11 seconds
[0005.05] DevSHA: FSHA1::StoreFileSHAHash - FullFileSHAHashMap: startup.upk                       Hash(CB5CA52922287603FF9D1E201264CAF84998CD28)  VerifyHash(203342551873)  PackageHashString(203342551873#)
[0005.05] Log: 115724 objects as part of root set at end of initial load.
[0005.05] Log: 0 out of 0 bytes used by permanent object pool.
[0005.06] Log: Enum Cache created: 176728 bytes
[0005.06] Log: Initializing Engine...
[0005.06] Log: There is generic failure of the AlienFX Init.
[0005.09] Init: UEngine initialized
[0005.09] Log: Working around XDK XAudio2 regression: TRUE
[0005.12] Init: XAudio2Device initialized.
[0005.16] Init: Client initialized
[0005.37] DevMemory: TextureRenderTarget2D::Create - UIRenderTarget, 720, 1280
[0005.37] DevMemory: TextureRenderTarget2D::Create - DummyRT, 1, 1
[0005.37] Log: Detected 1 GPUs for rendering
[0005.39] Log: MMDevice Endpoint 0: "SPDIF Interface (TX1) (VIA HD Audio)" ({}.{0e3fd493-5e36-42bc-9cff-c3e423ce48b4}) 
[0005.39] Log: MMDevice Endpoint 1: "DX-19L150A11-4 (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)" ({}.{76c57953-4b79-4989-ab4f-bf4ea6eb7038}) 
[0005.39] Log: MMDevice Endpoint 2: "Speakers (VIA HD Audio)" ({}.{dc984827-2886-4b35-bca3-eafbf0290436}) (DEFAULT)
[0005.39] DevOnline: Created named interface (RecentPlayersList) of type (Engine.OnlineRecentPlayersList)
[0005.40] Log: Initializing Steamworks
[0005.40] DevOnline: Steam ID: [1:4191383] (76561197964457111)
[0005.40] DevOnline: Steam universe: PUBLIC
[0005.40] DevOnline: Steam appid: 200510
[0005.40] DevOnline: Steam IsSubscribed: TRUE
[0005.40] DevOnline: Steam IsLowViolence: FALSE
[0005.40] DevOnline: Steam IsCybercafe: FALSE
[0005.40] DevOnline: Steam IsVACBanned: FALSE
[0005.40] DevOnline: Steam IP country: US
[0005.40] DevOnline: Steam official server time: 1454732680
[0005.40] DevOnline: Steam Cloud quota: 101323146 / 104857600
[0005.40] Log: Logged in as 'The Raptor with the Hat'
[0005.40] DevOnline: =============================================================
[0005.40] DevOnline: == Beginning LocalProfileName: 
[0005.40] DevOnline: == Final LocalProfileName: 
[0005.40] DevOnline: =============================================================
[0005.40] DevNet: Browse: XComShell?Name=Player?Team=255
[0005.40] XComMapSelection: Clearing preloaded level cache
[0005.40] Log: ###### OnlineEventMgr waited 0.00 seconds for saves to complete
[0005.40] Log: LoadMap: XComShell?Name=Player?Team=255
[0005.41] XCom_Content: Clearing content cache
[0005.41] XCom_Content: Flushing archetype cache
[0005.42] Log: 
[0005.42] DevMemory: Memory allocations reported by the OS: 315.38 MB (with 0.00 MB waste)
[0005.43] XCom_Content: Clearing content cache
[0005.43] XCom_Content: Flushing archetype cache
[0005.43] XCom_Content: Loading package ..\..\XComGame\CookedPCConsole\UICollection_Common_SF.upk(UICollection_Common)
[0005.45] XCom_Content: Loading package ..\..\XComGame\CookedPCConsole\XComUIShell_SF.upk(XComUIShell)
[0005.52] XCom_Content: Loading package ..\..\XComGame\CookedPCConsole\UICollection_Shell_SF.upk(UICollection_Shell)
[0005.54] XCom_Content: CacheContent: Starting
[0005.54] XCom_Content: CacheContent: Finished, took 0.000s
[0005.64] Log: Game class is 'XComShell'
[0005.67] Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software.
[0005.67] Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene.
[0005.67] Log: Bringing World XComShell.TheWorld up for play (0) at 2016.02.05-20.24.40
[0005.68] ScriptLog: XComMutatorLoader: arrTacticalMutators.Length = 5
[0005.68] ScriptLog: XComMutatorLoader: arrStrategicMutators.Length = 1
[0005.68] ScriptLog: XComMutator: Current = XComMutatorLoader_0
[0005.68] ScriptLog: XComMutator: Next = None
[0005.68] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.031184
[0005.70] DevOnline: Read profile success.
[0005.70] DevOnline: Read profile data: 4 SP soldiers, 0 MP soldiers
[0005.74] XCom_Content: GetGameContent missed cache trying to find UnitCursor.Meshes.ASE_UnitCursor
[0005.74] XCom_Content: GetGameContent: Found UnitCursor.Meshes.ASE_UnitCursor @ StaticMesh UnitCursor.Meshes.ASE_UnitCursor
[0005.74] XCom_Content: GetGameContent missed cache trying to find UnitCursor.Meshes.ASE_UnitCursorINV
[0005.74] XCom_Content: GetGameContent missed cache trying to find UnitCursor.Meshes.ASE_UnitCursorDIS
[0005.74] XCom_Content: GetGameContent missed cache trying to find UnitCursor.CursorHeight.cursorHeightCyl
[0005.74] Error: StartLocalVoiceProcessing(): Device is currently owned by another user
[0005.74] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 0.337929 seconds
[0005.74] DevMovie: Disabling movie thread input processing
[0005.80] Init: Game engine initialized
[0005.80] XCom_Content: Elite Soldier Pack Entitlement: TRUE
[0005.80] XCom_Content: Slingshot Pack Entitlement: TRUE
[0005.80] Log: Initializing Engine Completed
[0005.80] Log: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Initial startup: 5.80s <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[0005.84] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie ?int?gfxui.ime.moviepath?': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie ?int?gfxui.ime.moviepath?'
[0005.84] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [?int?gfxui.ime.moviepath?]
[0005.84] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie ?int?gfxui.ime.moviepath?': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie ?int?gfxui.ime.moviepath?'
[0005.84] Log: GFx attempted to load missing object [?int?gfxui.ime.moviepath?]
[0005.89] ScriptLog: Script call stack:
	Function XComGame.UIFxsMovie:FlashRaiseInit
	Function XComGame.UIInterfaceMgr:OnInit
	Function XComGame.UIFxsMovie:OnInit
	Function XComGame.UIFxsMovie:SetMouseActive

[0005.93] ScriptLog: Script call stack:
	Function XComGame.UIFxsMovie:FlashRaiseInit
	Function XComGame.UIFxsMovie:OnInit
	Function XComGame.UIFxsMovie:SetMouseActive

[0005.98] XCom_Content: Loading package ..\..\XComGame\CookedPCConsole\SoundXComMenuMusic_SF.upk (0 remaining for ..\..\XComGame\CookedPCConsole\SoundXComMenuMusic_SF.upk)
[0005.98] ScriptLog: Script call stack:
	Function XComGame.UIFxsMovie:FlashRaiseInit
	Function XComUIShell.UIFinalShell:OnInit
	Function XComUIShell.UIShell:OnInit
	Function XComGame.XComOnlineEventMgr:PerformNewScreenInit
	Function Engine.OnlineEventMgr:ActivateAllSystemMessages

[0006.09] Log: UOnlineSubsystem OnlineSubsystemSteamworks_0

[0006.09] DevOnline: Using cached profile data instead of reading
[0006.09] DevOnline: Read profile data: 4 SP soldiers, 0 MP soldiers
[0006.09] ScriptLog: Script call stack:
	Function XComGame.XComPresentationLayerBase:BaseScreenState.PoppedState
	Function XComGame.XComPresentationLayerBase:State_ProgressDialog.Deactivate
	Function Engine.OnlineEventMgr:ActivateAllSystemMessages

[0006.09] DevHTTP: Performing DNS lookup for
[0006.10] DevHTTP: Failed to resolve hostname for HTTP download
[0006.29] DevOnline: Obtained steam user stats
[0006.29] DevOnline: Achievement #0: 'No Looking Back', 'Beat the game in Ironman mode on Classic or Impossible Difficulty.', Icon '106'
[0006.29] DevOnline: Achievement #1: 'Meet New People. Then Kill Them.', 'Win a multiplayer match.', Icon '97'
[0006.29] DevOnline: Achievement #2: 'Xavier', 'Mind Control an Ethereal. Single player only.', Icon '101'
[0006.29] DevOnline: Achievement #3: 'Humanity's Savior', 'Beat the game on any difficulty.', Icon '107'
[0006.29] DevOnline: Achievement #4: 'Earth First', 'Beat the game on Classic difficulty.', Icon '108'
[0006.29] DevOnline: Achievement #5: 'Our Finest Hour', 'Beat the game on Impossible difficulty.', Icon '109'
[0006.29] DevOnline: Achievement #6: 'Lone Wolf', 'Clear a UFO crash site with one soldier on Classic or Impossible difficulty.', Icon '110'
[0006.29] DevOnline: Achievement #7: 'Bada Boom', 'Kill 50 aliens with explosive weapons.', Icon '111'
[0006.29] DevOnline: Achievement #8: 'Welcoming Committee', 'Kill 150 aliens.', Icon '112'
[0006.29] DevOnline: Achievement #9: 'Pale Horse', 'Kill 500 aliens.', Icon '113'
[0006.29] DevOnline: Achievement #10: 'Shooting Stars', 'Shoot down 40 UFOs.', Icon '100'
[0006.29] DevOnline: Achievement #11: 'Ain't No Cavalry Comin'', 'Have a soldier survive every mission in a full game.', Icon '114'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #12: 'As A Scalpel', 'Earn the "Excellent" rating in every performance category on a terror mission.', Icon '115'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #13: 'Edison', 'In a single game, complete every Research Project.', Icon '98'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #14: 'Angel of Death', 'Kill an alien while flying. Single player only.', Icon '77'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #15: 'All Employees Must Wash Hands&', 'In a single game, complete every Autopsy.', Icon '116'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #16: 'Beyond the Veil', 'Find a soldier with the Gift.', Icon '117'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #17: 'Prisoner of War', 'Capture a live alien.', Icon '118'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #18: 'The Gatekeeper', 'Stun an Outsider.', Icon '119'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #19: 'X Marks the Spot', 'Uncover the alien base's location.', Icon '120'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #20: 'See All, Know All', 'Build the Hyperwave Relay.', Icon '121'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #21: 'On the Shoulders of Giants', 'Build the Gollop Chamber.', Icon '122'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #22: 'Ride the Lightning', 'Build a Firestorm.', Icon '123'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #23: 'Eye in the Sky', 'Launch a Satellite.', Icon '124'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #24: 'All Together Now', 'Get satellite coverage over every country on one continent.', Icon '66'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #25: 'Hunter/Killer', 'In a single game, shoot down one of each alien craft.', Icon '81'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #26: 'Man No More', 'Build a suit of powered armor.', Icon '125'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #27: 'Bubonic', 'Play a multiplayer match against someone with this achievement.', Icon '99'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #28: 'We Happy Few ', 'Complete a mission without losing a soldier.', Icon '126'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #29: 'The Hardest Road', 'Advance one of your soldiers to Colonel rank.', Icon '127'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #30: 'Worth Every Penny', 'Acquire 1000 credits in one month.', Icon '67'
[0006.30] DevOnline: Achievement #31: 'Oppenheimer', 'Staff the Research Labs with 80 scientists.', Icon '71'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #32: 'One Gun at a Time', 'Staff the Engineering Department with 80 engineers.', Icon '69'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #33: 'Skunkworks', 'In a single game, complete every Foundry project.', Icon '90'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #34: 'You Have 5 Seconds to Comply', 'Build a S.H.I.V.', Icon '128'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #35: 'Theory...', 'Build a Laboratory.', Icon '129'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #36: '...and Practice.', 'Build a Workshop.', Icon '130'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #37: 'Wet Work', 'Complete a Very Hard abduction mission in five turns or less on Classic or Impossible difficulty.', Icon '131'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #38: 'A Continental Fellow', 'Win the game from each of the 5 starting locations.', Icon '132'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #39: 'What Wonders Await', 'Complete a Research Project.', Icon '133'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #40: 'Up and Running', 'Build a base facility.', Icon '134'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #41: 'Combat Ready', 'Build an item.', Icon '135'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #42: 'Drums in the Deep', 'Gain access to the lowest level in your base.', Icon '68'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #43: 'Happy to Oblige', 'Fulfill a Council request.', Icon '136'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #44: 'And Hell's Coming With Me', 'Successfully assault an Overseer UFO.', Icon '137'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #45: 'Off My Planet', 'Recover the Hyperwave Beacon.', Icon '138'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #46: 'Tables Turned', 'Shoot down a UFO.', Icon '139'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #47: 'And So It Begins&', 'Complete the tutorial mission.', Icon '140'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #48: 'The Volunteer', 'Make contact with the Ethereal hive mind.', Icon '141'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #49: 'Flight of the Valkyries', 'Win a mission with an all-female squad. Single player only.', Icon '65'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #50: 'New Friend', 'Complete Friends in Low Places.', Icon '142'
[0006.31] DevOnline: Achievement #51: 'Bait the Hook', 'Complete Confounding Light.', Icon '143'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #52: 'The Bigger They Are', 'Complete Gangplank.', Icon '144'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #53: 'Rising Dragon', 'Take your new ally into the final challenge.', Icon '145'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #54: 'All Aboard', 'Complete Confounding Light with more than 3 turns left on the timer.', Icon '146'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #55: 'Who Needs Limbs?', 'Augment a soldier in single player', Icon '72'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #56: 'A Little Bit Alien', 'Modify a soldier in single player', Icon '73'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #57: 'Enemy Within', 'Get a Soldier to have 5 modifications in single player', Icon '91'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #58: 'Steel Martyr', 'Deploy three tactical subsystems on a single soldier in single player', Icon '84'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #59: 'Apotheosis Denied', 'Deal with the newest global threat', Icon '85'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #60: 'They Shall Not Pass', 'Eliminate all alien waves', Icon '79'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #61: 'Zom-B-Gone', 'Eradicate the infestation', Icon '75'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #62: 'An Army Of Four', 'Beat the game without buying a Squad Size upgrade (Classic+ difficulty)', Icon '147'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #63: 'The Meld Squad', 'Field a fully enhanced squad and win the mission', Icon '95'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #64: 'Shieldbuster', 'Eliminate an enemy's shield and kill it on the same turn in single player', Icon '76'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #65: 'Someone Your Own Size', 'Kill a Muton Berserker in melee combat in single player', Icon '94'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #66: 'Taking A Load Off', 'Stop a squad member from suffocating in single player', Icon '70'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #67: 'Where in the World', 'Make certain of the new threat's location', Icon '88'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #68: 'Mind the Step', 'Jump two stories in one move in single player', Icon '89'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #69: 'Nice Cover', 'Use Collateral Damage to blow up a car in single player', Icon '92'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #70: 'By Our Powers Combined', 'Field a squad with 4 augmented soldiers, each with a different base ability and win the mission', Icon '148'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #71: 'Rise of the Machines', 'Field a squad consisting entirely of augmented soldiers and SHIVs (min. 4) and win the mission', Icon '149'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #72: 'Mutatis Mutandis', 'Field a squad where all members have at least two modifications (min. 4) and win the mission', Icon '150'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #73: 'Mental Minefield', 'Kill an enemy as it is psionically attacking you in single player', Icon '151'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #74: 'Anger Management', 'Proc Combat Rush on the entire squad (min. 4)', Icon '96'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #75: 'Remington& Max Remington', 'Have your special-duty soldier kill three enemies in the same mission', Icon '93'
[0006.32] DevOnline: Achievement #76: 'Gday', 'Kill an elite enemy Sniper with one of your own snipers in single player', Icon '78'
[0006.33] DevOnline: Achievement #77: 'Regenerate This', 'Kill an elite enemy Medic with explosive damage in single player', Icon '83'
[0006.33] DevOnline: Achievement #78: 'Tingling Sensation', 'Kill an unseen enemy detected by a specially modified soldier in single player', Icon '152'
[0006.33] DevOnline: Achievement #79: 'Pain in the Neck', 'Cause an enemy to suicide', Icon '87'
[0006.33] DevOnline: Achievement #80: 'Solid Prospect', 'Complete Deluge', Icon '82'
[0006.33] DevOnline: Achievement #81: 'Ours are the Furies', 'Complete Furies', Icon '86'
[0006.33] DevOnline: Achievement #82: 'Elite Defense', 'Beat a new special mission without losing any assets', Icon '74'
[0006.33] DevOnline: Achievement #83: 'Guardian of Earth', 'Designate a highly decorated soldier as the Volunteer', Icon '153'
[0006.33] DevOnline: Achievement #84: 'All Hands on Deck', 'Get at least 4 kills with XCOM Base Security personnel', Icon '80'
[0009.44] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'GRI'
	XComShellPresentationLayer XComShell.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.XComShellPresentationLayer_0
	Function XComGame.XComPresentationLayerBase:ISCONTROLLED:0043
[0009.44] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'GRI'
	XComShellPresentationLayer XComShell.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.XComShellPresentationLayer_0
	Function XComGame.XComPresentationLayerBase:ISCONTROLLED:0043
[0010.40] XComMapSelection: Resetting Map Counts
[0010.40] DevOnline: UGameEngine::SetClientTravel Command1?game=XComStrategyGame.XComHeadQuartersGame?Difficulty=0?EnableProgeny=1?EnableSlingshot=1
[0010.40] DevNet: Browse: Command1?Name=Player?Team=255?game=XComStrategyGame.XComHeadQuartersGame?Difficulty=0?EnableProgeny=1?EnableSlingshot=1
[0010.40] XComMapSelection: Clearing preloaded level cache
[0010.42] Log: ###### OnlineEventMgr waited 0.00 seconds for saves to complete
[0010.42] Log: LoadMap: Command1?Name=Player?Team=255?game=XComStrategyGame.XComHeadQuartersGame?Difficulty=0?EnableProgeny=1?EnableSlingshot=1
[0010.43] Log: --- LOADING MOVIE START ---
[0010.43] DevMovie: Looking for 1080_Black in ..\..\XComGame\Movies\
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\Movies\1080_Black.bk2
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\Movies\1080_Black_INT.bk2
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\Movies\1080_Black_LOC.bk2
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\Movies\1080_Black.bik
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\Movies\1080_Black_INT.bik
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\Movies\1080_Black_LOC.bik
[0010.43] DevMovie: Looking for 1080_Black in ..\..\XComGame\..\..\XComGame\Movies\
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\..\..\XComGame\Movies\1080_Black.bk2
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\..\..\XComGame\Movies\1080_Black_INT.bk2
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\..\..\XComGame\Movies\1080_Black_LOC.bk2
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\..\..\XComGame\Movies\1080_Black.bik
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\..\..\XComGame\Movies\1080_Black_INT.bik
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\..\..\XComGame\Movies\1080_Black_LOC.bik
[0010.43] DevMovie: Looking for Black in ..\..\XComGame\Movies\
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\Movies\Black.bk2
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\Movies\Black_INT.bk2
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\Movies\Black_LOC.bk2
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\Movies\Black.bik
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\Movies\Black_INT.bik
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\Movies\Black_LOC.bik
[0010.43] DevMovie: Looking for Black in ..\..\XComGame\..\..\XComGame\Movies\
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\..\..\XComGame\Movies\Black.bk2
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\..\..\XComGame\Movies\Black_INT.bk2
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\..\..\XComGame\Movies\Black_LOC.bk2
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\..\..\XComGame\Movies\Black.bik
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\..\..\XComGame\Movies\Black_INT.bik
[0010.43] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\..\..\XComGame\Movies\Black_LOC.bik
[0010.43] DevMovie: Attempting to play a movie that doesn't exist "Black"; aborting
[0010.45] XCom_Content: Clearing content cache
[0010.45] XCom_Content: Flushing archetype cache
[0010.50] Log: 
[0010.50] DevMemory: Memory allocations reported by the OS: 355.88 MB (with 0.00 MB waste)
[0010.51] DevMovie: Looking for 1080_XEW_ShieldLogo in ..\..\XComGame\Movies\
[0010.51] DevMovie: ....Trying ..\..\XComGame\Movies\1080_XEW_ShieldLogo.bk2
[0010.51] DevMovie: ....  Found ..\..\XComGame\Movies\1080_XEW_ShieldLogo.bk2
[0010.51] DevMovie: Starting memory preloaded movie...XEW_ShieldLogo (1080_XEW_ShieldLogo)
[0010.51] DevMovie: Waiting for memory preloaded movie to finish loading ...
[0010.52] DevMovie: Playing movie [..\..\XComGame\Movies\1080_XEW_ShieldLogo.bk2]
[0010.52] DevMovie: Channel map(INT): 0/1/5/4/2/3
[0010.52] DevMovie: Got memory preloaded movie event!!!
[0010.52] XCom_Content: Clearing content cache
[0010.52] XCom_Content: Flushing archetype cache
[0010.52] XCom_Content: Loading package ..\..\XComGame\CookedPCConsole\UICollection_Common_SF.upk(UICollection_Common)
[0010.55] Log: Pushing Bink silence
[0010.55] DevMovie: Unmute bink movie
[0010.55] XCom_Content: Loading package ..\..\XComGame\CookedPCConsole\StrategyResources_SF.upk(StrategyResources)
[0010.65] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Texture2D TellMeMore_Audio.Textures.UpgradingInterceptorWeapons and Package TellMeMore_Audio.Textures have duplicate NetIndex 0
[0010.72] Critical: appError called: Assertion failed: i>=0 && (i<ArrayNum||(i==0 && ArrayNum==0)) [File:c:\buildagent\work\3933f33aff7099bf\branches\ue3_xcomenemywithin\development\src\core\inc\Array.h] [Line: 579]

Stack: Address = 0x1dbd5e9  (filename not found) [in D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\Binaries\Win32\XComEW.exe]

[0010.72] Critical: Windows GetLastError: The operation completed successfully. (0)
[0013.09] Log: === Critical error: ===
Assertion failed: i>=0 && (i<ArrayNum||(i==0 && ArrayNum==0)) [File:c:\buildagent\work\3933f33aff7099bf\branches\ue3_xcomenemywithin\development\src\core\inc\Array.h] [Line: 579]

Stack: Address = 0x1dbd5e9  (filename not found) [in D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\Binaries\Win32\XComEW.exe]

Address = 0x77093e28 (filename not found) [in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll]
Address = 0x1a48f61  (filename not found) [in D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\Binaries\Win32\XComEW.exe]
Address = 0x1d6c743  (filename not found) [in D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\Binaries\Win32\XComEW.exe]

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Re: Game crashing on load screen at start of a campaign.

Post by johnnylump »

Some people have had trouble if Steam and the game are on separate hard drives but they have been able to fix it (not sure how) -- if you're sure LW's files are in the right place (among the base-game files), then I don't have any further ideas.

It's certainly possible some AV software blocked patching the exe, which is why that hex-check is suggested.
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