Multiple, Consistant CTD's

Troubleshooting instructions here
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Multiple, Consistant CTD's

Post by AussieKitty »

Morning all!
Okay, so I recently picked this up again since I had an operation on my hand and the mouse controls are fairly reasonable, so I can play one handed. The problem is I am plagued with constant CTD's. Sometimes it happens on the first mission, other tmes I can get 4-5 missions in. It always happens in missions, never any other time. I have tried everything (multiple times in multiple orders) from the troubleshooting post including:

- Starting from a fresh install of EW on both drives (One is my system drive, the other contains my main Steam files. Both are optical SATA, not SSD). Ran through until after the first mission on both vanilla EU and EW before installing LW.
- Disabling Avast during both the downloading and install of both EW and LW. Created exception for entire XCOM directory in Avast.
- Updated .net framework.
- Updated Directx, both from the distributable included in the EW install and main site.
- updated any other drivers I could think of (sound, nvidia, etc)
- Deleted everything in /config directory.
- Verified date modified on XComEW.exe is correct.
- Read on another forum somewhere that preventing Xcom from phoning home can help reduce corrupted saves, so completely blocked it from communicating through my firewall, even though it usually CTD's before I've even saved.
- Verified that {app}\XComGame\CookedPCConsole\XComGame.upk.uncompressed_size, {app}\XComGame\CookedPCConsole\XComStrategyGame.upk.uncompressed_size, and {app}\XComGame\CookedPCConsole\Engine.upk.uncompressed_size are not present.
- Disabled Steam cloud sync and tried playing in offline mode.
- Deleted profile.bin and restarted.
- Reinstalled LW over existing LW.
- Verified file sizes are correct.
- Deleted all previous saves.
- Run from launcher in EW directory, not 'play' through Steam

PC Specs:
Gigabyte EP45T-UD3LR
E8400 Dual Core @3.0GHz
4GB ram
Geforce GTX 650 2GB
Win 7 Home Premium 64bit
Nothing on my system is overclocked and I've never seen temps over 60C on any component.
memtest and scandisk show no errors.

Really want to play again, since I've been an X-COM fan since UFO Defense. Any suggestions for things I might still be able to try?
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Re: Multiple, Consistant CTD's

Post by AussieKitty »

Okay, update on my situation.
Today I've had 3 CTD's on 3 seperate games, using 3 different second wave options on the SAME MAP in almost the SAME POSITION. The map in question is the scout UFO shot down behind the roadside diner with the pool tables and gas pumps. I believe it is 'Roadhouse' map. Orienting the map so the the UFO is at the top and the diner at the bottom, the crash always happens when I move a soldier up to the second pillar on the right side. I've had it happen once trying to take cover on the far right side of the pillar and twice moving up to take cover behind the log just to its left. Could possibly be a map specific bug? Anyone else noticed similar behaviour?

Going to try reloading from a save just before the map and avoiding that area to see if CTD still happens.

Update the Third!
CTD happened twice more. Both times on pretty much a line accross the map as I was nearing the UFO. Different soldiers with different lead-ups to the crash, but always on that line right to left drawn from the second pillar.

Update the Fourth...
Commented out the Roadhouse map in the .ini file so the game shouldn't use it. This time got CTD on first random escort mission on the 'Commercial Alley' map just as the civillian was running in to the pick-up zone. Don't remember it ever crashing on this map before. Back to having no idea what is causing this...
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Re: Multiple, Consistant CTD's

Post by johnnylump »

Hey, just wanted to say I'm reading this but don't have any idea how to address your issue.
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Re: Multiple, Consistant CTD's

Post by AussieKitty »

Well, I really appreciate any thought you put in to it. Your mod is full of pure awesome and I really wanted to play through it again (Not that I've ever actually completed a game. lol)
Thanks for, if nothing else, responding. Lets me know that you do care about people who take the time to post issues they are having. Is there any dump/error logs or reports you think might help point to the problem?

Editing my post rather than adding new ones.

Verified back to vanilla EW and can confirm zero CTD on the Roadhouse map. Gonna play through a whole game of vanilla (with things like research and stuff sped up just to get through it) if for some reason it might make a difference as to how the game deals with the maps.

So today I got well in to the second month of play before a CTD. Roadhouse map was fine, but crashed almost immediately on the 'Small Scout Farm' map.
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Re: Multiple, Consistant CTD's

Post by johnnylump »

Whatever is causing those CTDs is probably happening beneath the level we modded at, because CTDs that were our fault typically occurred in a steadily reproducible fashion. If re-downloading and re-installing both the base game and the mod hasn't fixed it, my best guess would be antivirus software interference, followed by hardware or driver issues.
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Re: Multiple, Consistant CTD's

Post by AussieKitty »

I'm gonna go with hardware/driver issues somewhere. Even though I keep things updated, I am still running fairly old (5+ years) hardware. I tried turning off Avast during both a re-download and install of all files so I don't think it is that.

I did find that I could skip a mission where I got a CTD and it would be fine for a while again. That means I can still play, but it messes with my 'Must do every mission OCD' :lol:
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Re: Multiple, Consistant CTD's

Post by AussieKitty »

Okay, so now I'm checking out my Launch-backup-*.txt file from my most recent CTD. Finding a few things that may or may not be normal. I'll copy and paste them.

[0000.64] Init: GPU stats:
[0000.64] Init: VendorID: 000010DE
[0000.64] Init: DeviceID: 00000FC6
[0000.64] Init: DriverVersion:
[0000.64] Init: DeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650
[0000.64] Init: DriverName: nvd3dum.dll
[0000.64] Init: PixelShaderVersion: 3
[0000.64] Init: VertexShaderVersion: 3
[0000.64] Init: VRAMQuantity: 2048
[0000.64] Init: DedicatedVRAM: 1989
[0000.64] Init: AdapterCount: 1
[0000.64] Init: SupportsHardwareTnL: 1
[0000.64] Init: GPU DeviceID not found in ini. Is there something I need to do to get my card properly recognised in a .ini file, and which one?
[0000.64] Init: Machine detected compatibility level: Composite: 2. CPU: 2. GPU: 4.
[0000.64] Init: Previous detected compatibility level: Composite: 2. CPU: 2. GPU: 4.
[0000.67] Log: Found D3D11 adapter 0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650
[0000.67] Log: Adapter has 1989MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 1791MB of shared system memory
[0000.74] Log: Shader platform (RHI): PC-D3D-SM3
[0000.77] Log: PhysX GPU Support: DISABLED I definately am able to run PhysX enabled games. Can I enable this and how?

[0009.16] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ArrayProperty XComStrategyGame.XGFacility_Engineering:CheckpointRecord_XGFacility_Engineering.m_arrFoundryProjects and ArrayProperty XComStrategyGame.XGFacility_Engineering:CheckpointRecord_XGFacility_Engineering.m_arrAlloyProjects have duplicate NetIndex 13330

[0009.66] Log: There is generic failure of the AlienFX Init.

At the end of the file, right before the CTD, it comes up with:
[17751.84] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'ActiveCoverNode'
XComIdleAnimationStateMachine CSmallScout_Farm.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.XComIdleAnimationStateMachine_287
State XComGame.XComIdleAnimationStateMachine:EvaluateStance:0456
[17751.84] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'ActiveCoverNode'
XComIdleAnimationStateMachine CSmallScout_Farm.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.XComIdleAnimationStateMachine_292
State XComGame.XComIdleAnimationStateMachine:EvaluateStance:0456
[17751.84] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'ActiveCoverNode'
XComIdleAnimationStateMachine CSmallScout_Farm.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.XComIdleAnimationStateMachine_295
State XComGame.XComIdleAnimationStateMachine:EvaluateStance:0456
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Re: Multiple, Consistant CTD's

Post by AussieKitty »

Okay, hopefully last update for this...

After many more hours of tweaking and experimenting, the best conclusion i can come to is that Long War does not like it when you play with the defense values of units in defaultgamecore.ini. I'm over 9 months game time in to a new game with all the expansion missions and a base assault done without a single CTD. I had been trying to give my guys a little more survivability by upping their base defense by 5. This time round, I've just dropped the aliens' aim by 5 and everything is going just fine.
I've tried all sorts of other tweaks to dgc.ini but nothing so far has had an effect like the defense value change.

Anyways, thanks for the awesome mod. When I finally get a hold of XCOM 2 i'll be sure to download Long War fror that too!
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Re: Multiple, Consistant CTD's

Post by johnnylump »

Glad to hear it! I don't know how that would be causing such problems though; maybe there was an error in the config somewhere. Beats me, anyway, good luck!
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Re: Multiple, Consistant CTD's

Post by szmind »

Hmm, I would dig further the GPU problem issue. Are you sure that your game runs with your dedicated GPU? I played 4 campaigns of XCOM EU without having idea that I played with poor built-in GPU. Then I found on Google that XCOM had problems with turning on nVidia cards. You need to do it manually in the nVidia panel. You sound like you should know how to do it :) though check for example ... 186521132/
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