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Diplomatic options for the AI

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2022 8:54 pm
by Ian_W
One thing that has been a feature of 20th and 21st century politics is powerful countries providing economic and military aid for their clients.

There is a classic example right now with the Russo-Ukranian War, with the US and EU providing money, ammunition and equipment to Ukraine, which is resulting (as of November 2022) in a war state that does not reflect most Terra Invicta playthroughs, which shows a Russia and a Ukraine relying solely on their own resources and the bigger Russia eventually chewing through the smaller Ukraine.

Arguably, players can do this with the Direct Investment feature ... but the AI doesn't.

What I'd suggest is that if a Rival country is in a war, an AI nation should consider if it transfers some of it's spending to the country at war with the Rival.

A mechanic could be an 'Providing Low/Medium/High Military Aid to X'. At Low, 10% of Army and MilTech spending go to X, at Medium 30% and at High 50%.

I'd personally keep things simple and not adjust for tech level differences (Mil "tech" isnt just the tech, it's also the general training and professionalism level of an army).

You could also do the same for Development Aid, reflecting things like the USSR funding the Aswan Dam.