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Suggestions for improvement from Austria :)

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 1:10 pm
by Arzuriel
Hello and first of all THANK YOU for this great game which has already turned out incredibly well in Early Access!

After more than 30 hours of play, which I rated positively via Steam, I would now like to put the developers and dedicated games up for discussion here:

1) Agent Control will eventually jump from 7 days to 14 days after some time. . Perhaps one should consider whether maybe 28 days from 2030 or are we players given more automation options? It's exhausting having to give my agendas orders every 14 days, how do you see it?

2) The display of resources is sometimes in two lines, maybe make the distances bigger here or automatically reduce them when the numbers get bigger?

3) Why are Austria and Switzerland thrown together? As an Austrian, I would have liked to separate these two countries :) Make Switzerland very rich as they are already :)

4) Why is Germany divided into the old West German and East German (GDR) areas? Just make a German area?

5) Could satellites be added to the game that would give certain bonuses like more info on enemy agendas and aliens on Earth? If we as factions are building space stations and lunar and mars bases, then why not satellites over the earth? You could also build defense satellites?

6) Why can't you build a national missile defense system for space :) With current technology before 2030, would it be realistic for me as a large country to build stationary missile silos on the ground in order to possibly shoot at aliens? (You could add a random event right away, that sometime between 2034 and 2044 an asteroid/comet will be found that will hit the earth, then you have to fend it off) :) Who knows... maybe it just flies to the earth by chance, maybe did the aliens send him?

7) Could one possibly explore other solar systems with probes or ships and super great drives? So it would be possible, for example, to send a probe to Alpha Centauri to see what's going on there, maybe build a colony for resources and escape from the aliens? That would of course be a late game option since you would need a drive with let's say at least 1/3 the speed of light. :)

I think that's enough for discussion :) I'll continue to collect smaller bugs and publish them here in the next few days, I wanted to address bigger things here in the first posting. Thank you for reading and all the best for you, please stay tuned for the development, you have created something really big here!