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Retro engine or second main engine in the spinal mount?

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 9:00 am
by Evil713
As a tactical choice, could someone install an engine in the spinal slot instead of weapons?

The thought process behind this is although the smaller ships will be nimble, the larger ships will be harder to rotate, depending on the direction they want to thrust having a retro or secondary engine may be preferred to a spinal weapon. Geared more towards hulls with more hull weapon mounts than spinal.

Unless of course there is a support slot engine in the works.

Addendum: Suddenly had a thought about those emergency dodge thrusters from the halo novels, those would make a great support component.

Re: Retro engine or second main engine in the spinal mount?

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2021 10:05 am
by LordHivemindOfCeres
I would love this as well! I assume that you, like me, have watched too much Spacedock? I would love to see such unique modules in the game, just so the ships can be so much more different in their capabilities