What stage of the development is Terra Invicta in?

For updates and discussion of Terra Invicta, a grand-strategy alien invasion simulator
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Alpha Chill
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What stage of the development is Terra Invicta in?

Post by Alpha Chill »

To whom it may concern,

How far into the development process have you gotten so far? Is it still in pre-production (research, planning etc) or have you started to program and design the game already?

The reason I'm asking is because I'm a scriptwriter, and would love to help in any way regarding the storyline, characters and world-building. I've seen that there are other people on this forum who also have given you lots of ideas, but that was some time ago, so I thought I might ask anyway.

Do you have a synopsis or a pitch of the story for all to read somewhere? If not, I would like to help you write one.

As for myself, I have mainly written scripts for short films and the like. I think working on a project like this might help me get a foot in the door of the entertainment industry, as Long War has done for Pavonis.

I'm also a film director, and have a BA in Film, Video and Integrated Media. I have directed animation in the past too, science fiction mainly, so this might be of use to you too.

In any case, this is starting to sound more like a cover letter for a job application, so I'll end it here, but please guide me in the right direction if you indeed are interested. Please delete this post if it is not suited for the forum. However, I think there are other likeminded who have these same questions, so it might be of interest to others as well.

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Re: What stage of the development is Terra Invicta in?

Post by johnnylump »

Shoot me an email, johnnylump@pavonisinteractive.com, with a resume and possibly some links to some samples of your work. Thanks.
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