- Fix crash new in .51 when a fleet attacks player's hab with no defending fleet
- Added significant logic to handle trespasser fleets and habs and attacking nearby enemies
- human player faction will now cache self-analyze values for when other factions analyze it. This primarily affects how the aliens view their allies.
- increased the daily research evaluation for a AI faction to believe it has abundant research quite a bit
- updated hab schematics to dry to get AI to build more research in particular
- adjusted AI declare war logic to match up with cases where they'd accept peace to end the war. Attempting to end constant war/peace flipflopping in certain situations
- AI will be less interested in regime changes when it doesn't have any CP capacity
- work on AI bombardment goals so it focuses on a few of them and builds proper ships
- reduced combat score of surface-based hab modules quite a bit
- AI will not accept peace in wars if it's the attacker and has active occupations while the defender has none
- First pass at global gamestate text search for player to help find stuff all over. Accessible via Control-F. We'll have a button in the future.
- councilor panels embiggened to show mission targets now
- add difficulty to metadata screen
- added helper icons in space body fleet list marking whether fleet is docked/landed
- Defending fleets may now pursue enemy fleets that attack one of your stations and force an engagement. The hab will not be present in the battle.
- Rework of rest state cohesion calculation.
** Low current per capita GDP no longer impacts it directly.
** Baseline value reduced.
** Impact of inequality reduced. Impact of inequality is also further mitigated by low education.
** Loss of per capita GDP in the last 10 years reduces cohesion rest state, amplified by inequality. NOTE: In a future build there will be some historical data for nations that had better pcgdps since 2012 that will affect the starting situation. ALSO NOTE: The relevant data is not recorded in pre-.50 saves, so they won't suffer this penalty until you start ruining your nations anew.
** Distribution of public opinion can increase or reduce it, depending on how aligned the public is.
** Cohesion gain from rivalries capped at 3.
** Cohesion bonus from authoritarian government type decreased by unrest.
** nations cohesion gain from rivals capped when nation is at war. (so rivals + wars cohesion rest state bonus should be capped at 3)
- 5005: added math at startup to cache if planet-Sun L-2 points are in the shadow of the planet and would not receive solar power. Turns out that Venus and Earth L-2 points are beyond the umbra and get solar, so panels at habs at those points will now be able to use solar. Mars through Neptune L-2s won't. Mercury has an unclear result based on some different measures. It will get solar as of this push but that may change after I talk to Tau.
- SimulationTimeTick.OnUpdate() : do not start new combats until the combat UI has been closed. Issue #5000. TISpaceFleetsState.InitiateCombat() : call CacheCombatAssets() last so all the data makes it into the combat autosave
- moved some bad-CP-repair code in startup to later in the startup sequence to avoid a crash
- fix 4997, where AI would have illegal knowledge on player-assigned mission locations during mission phase if the player assigned the missions really, really quickly.
- attempt fix 4996, combat stance buttons in precombat UI being inactive when attacking an enemy fleet docked at one of your habs and fighters are eligible for the combat
- fix 4995, bad config in psyops projects that was raising unrest in conquered nations instead of reducing it
- Fxied bug where we'd attempt to perform an aphysical 0-duration microthrust spiral to intercept incoming fleets.
- Bugfix #4982: The transfer planner now gives a more useful failure message when you can't target a fleet because it would cause a targeting loop. Previously, it wouldn't allow you to even select the transfer.
- fix 5002, handling breakaway nations from mergers bug in sunderNation
- fleets now may only merge within 1000 km of each other and on the same or similar orbits, instead of anywhere in the same orbit
- fix 4966, counterintuitive cost-scaling on education direct investment
- fix 5006, nukes not detonating when struck by bullets/other missiles
- fix 5011, no quick summary of found military priority
- fix transfer officer panel not working and highlight issue within the panel
- #4985 fix bad fuel stolen notification audience
- Nations when absorbed will pass their accumulated region change trigger count (Core Eco/etc.) to the absorbing nation
- environment priority will remain available at best sustainability if nation can decontaminate nuclear weapons effect
- revalidate priority if it's being processed multiple times and recheck required priority spend if it's being processed multiple times (handles variable costs properly when a bunch of DI goes in)
- 5020 - operations bar for fleets, armies, and spacebodies should now restore itself properly after opening and closing large UI screens while an asset with available operations is selected.
- embiggend mission target dropdown for less text overlap
- fix UI animated reticle not moving if you selected a councilor in the mission dropdown.
- Adjusting post Narrative event summaries for paramilitaryViolence events to make grammatically correct sentences
- TISpaceCombatState.AddAssetSurvivedRecord(), AddAssetDestroyedRecord() bugfix : replace existing records when asset is recorded a second time
- fix some stale references to welfare priority in text of effects that impact environment priority
- gtg payoff will not consider permanent allies as a threat #5021
- 4998 - fix for ledger not displaying last ship in last fleet
- fixed text for what triggers inequality warning
- adjusted anti-exploit code in hab crew calculations
- Updates to codex and fleet screen
- DetermineSTOFighterPlan() : allow extra fighters to be committed if there is more boost in the attack budget
- HabitatsScreen UI Hab Module Name Special Character Fix. Somebody put a "%" in their hab name and it destroyed the universe
- Fix being unable to launch STO fighters to defend defenseless LEO habs
- SimulateCombat() bugfix : ignore empty dummy fleets
- DetermineSTOFighterPlan() bugfix : Hab was always considered the primaryTarget, even when AI is supposed to be defending it
- fix for tech tree search input field caret not rendering when using large UI scale
- 4969 - fix metadata on new campaign start before first objective
- fixed uncompressed saves not being cleaning up when viewing in load menu
- Fixed bug where a fleet would frequently return its eccentricity instead of its semi major axis if it was in a trajectory. Also adjusted the safety that catches fleets in tiny orbits to ignore those in hyperbolic trajectories.
- Bugfix #4952: Low acceleration fleets can now use microthrust trajectories to intercept enemy fleets arriving at nearby orbits -- arriving after the enemy fleet arrives.
- fix 4895, alien councilors not appearing in the intel screen list
- refix 4951, ensuring sunder nation inherits old nation's values, not new ones
- DetermineSTOFighterPlan() bugfix : overestimating needed combat strength if there is a nearby enemy fleet that will not be pulled into combat.
- fix bad math in displaying durations in hours in TIResourceCost, was causing a zero hours to appear for < days durations
- increased minimum damage from damage boost event so there's always at least a little 4889
- 4971 - trade ui size adjustments
- fix some issues in enemy councilor traits list layout
- relocate secondary icon in notification list item to reduce overlap with other notifications
- added metadata panel to save and load UI screens. This is only supported by saves made after this release. (Older saves will show no metadata but still load fine).
- notification options performance and collapsible category headers
- Objectives screens styling update
- Fleet screen styling update
AI / Balance
- lotta work on AI money management so they stop making themselves broke
- significantly increased AI scoring evaluation for space mining orgs
- reduced impact of mission control disruption effects (like solar flare)
- templated population growth values will wear off over 25 years
- buffed a KS backer's org because they're a nice person
- GetBestOperation() : SecureEarthSpace fleets may now hang out at a friendly earth-system station
- Bugfix: prevent extremely long-duration orbits from crashing the system calculating the latest time when an arrival burn can complete.
- fix for crashes in tech tree when closing selective tree after right-clicking tech beforecoroutines finish
- AICouncilorMissionPlanner bugfix : missionPayoffMultipliersAgainstTarget does not contain key error
- fix 4944, cleanup of occupations when a nation is absorbed into another (causing CTD)
- fix crash when you have one of your armies selected the moment it changes to another faction or goes unassigned
- put in safety code to clear old annexation data when it's canceled; the army dies, or it's completed, may prevent a reported crash
- put in safety code/save repair for non extant alien admin maintaining alliances, fix a crash when alien army lands in ally-not-ally
- bugfix #4948: Fixed a bug where a fleet could erroneously know about its destination transferring before its own arrival when calculating microthrusting after orbit phasing. This created an inconsistent state that could cause a crash.
- fix for infinite loop after trade when player has negative resources
- fix some UI issues preventing nuclear target selection in certain situations #4960
- attempt fix a crash when alien AI pondering shipyards and none are working on colony ships
- attempt fix a crash when a control point is eliminated and its nations' UI is open
- fix some bad logic in mission caching that was scrambling mission payoff values related to goals. This was causing factions to plan and then abort missions that would violate NAPs, for example. This looks like a longstanding bug that was causing problems in AI ability to pursue goals via missions.
-4939 - don't list hidden projects
-4939 - show full requirements list in selective tech tree view
-Added additional handling for hab changes during trades
-STOFighterNationListItemController.SetListItem() bugfix : do not applyChipping when estimating missile damage
-SimulateCombat() bugfix : do not applyChipping when estimating projectile damage
-MissileController.GetEstimatedDamage_Points() bugfix : do not applyChipping. Applying chipping here results in missiles with 100% chipping having estimated damage of 0.
-AI / UpdateIsMissileSaturated() : Do not skip updating just because ship is already listed as saturated. Otherwise, if ships become unsaturated they cannot be targeted until all missiles targeting them are gone. Also, CombatShipController.EstimatedIncomingMissileDamage() : randomize order of missiles
- AI EstimatedMaxProjectilesPointDefenseCanHandle() bugfix : no longer ignores PD weapons that have been voluntarily disabled
- 4951: centralized code for inheriting nation stats when a new nation is created from an old one
- fix launchpad fire giving boost instead of taking it away
- 4566: devolved space command project now requires Administration Algorithms tech, in line with the org it spawns. This will fix orgs spawned by this project being unequippable until the tech is equipped.
- Bugfix #4940: Prevent fleets from yeeting themselves when trying to make long duration burns behave reasonably when they go around the Sun.
- AI will not count NAP'd factions when worrying about who has seen them for go to ground scoring. I think intel agreements were making them more paranoid than they needed to be.
- 4945 Polynesian States will no longer start with a military, but 35% of the way toward one (representing Tonga's armed forces. The largest nation in the grouping, Samoa, has no armed forces.)
- GetThreatLevelAtLocation() bugfix : caching bug. Issue #4962
- Fix nuclear weapons UI disappearing in certain cases when you want to nuke somethingt
- fixed planet-based filtering for fleets in loiter phase of a transfer in fleets list
- 4968 - fix for tech tree not updating progress when switching tabs
- Bugfix #4943: Fixed bug where fleet slightly overshoots its arrival time and attempts to render an invalid orbit.
- Bugfix #4964: Fleets no longer claim that their trajectory is complete when they rally with an allied fleet, instead waiting until they reache their final destination.
- fix for some text squashing in tech tree
- fix for missing UI elements in council screen when councilor videos are disabled
- small value floats passed to one of the number to text converters won't be preconverted to a double, causing certain display errors
- fix some alien-only operations appearing in the codex
- fix union trigger values for Japan and Russia owing to new region
- don't show intel sharing in trade screen when you already have an intel sharing agreement with faction you are trading with
- work on AI priority handling of dangerous cohesion / unrest rest states when current value isn't so bad
- Fleets Screen UI Fleets List and Class List Revamp
- 2nd pass at Brilliant Sky ROF, warhead mass, also changes to glittering jewel and predatory star
- lowered human magazine module mass to 100 tons
- fix combat score issue with ships with magazines
- prevent trading orgs while selling them before confirming trade deal
- 4942 - trade ui will update when spending resources while trading
- 4937 - re-added base trade value
- fix magazine description to account for ammo bonus changes
- increase max range on plasma mk 3
- Added Sakhalin-Kurils region to Russia. Japan starts with claim on it. Pan-Asian Combine and Ainu nations can have claim on it. Added bridge project to Russian Far East region. This region will be added to existing campaigns, which is some new functionality (previously updating an old campaign when new regions added would leave the region an unplayable part of the map).
- human and alien magazine modules now provide +50% ammo per weapon per magazine module, sted +100%. This value is moddable.
- Significant increase to rate of fire for all missiles (not torpedoes) to give them more of a distinct role. Reduced targeting range for missiles to 800 km.
- increase targeting range of human plasma weapons
- Changed math for chance that unclaimed regions will declare independence on a peaceful unification. High cohesion in the merging nation makes it less likely but there's always going to be some chance. A variable in this is moddable if you really like the African Union controlling Kazakhstan.
- made ops center and command center hab modules cheaper to build/maintain
- AI: IsResourceUpkeepInsecure() : PresentCautious now has upper bound in how high of a future cost estimate it will accept. This prevents edge cases where the AI thinks costs will increase 100x and stops building. Improvements to the estimate are also underway.
- AI: EstimateExpenditurePerDay() : no longer records estimate if the data set is too small
- Modest change to AI scoring for defending Earth surveillance habs
- ShipConstructionQueueDailyUpdate() : narrower conditions for fasttracking found base ships
- ShipConstructionQueueDailyUpdate() : only consider a ship "unaffordable" if the faction literally can't pay the costs (as opposed to simply choosing not to). This logic counts the saving target bank against the available resources.
- BuildSpaceAssets() : Mirroring previous commit, look at TIResourcesCost.Shortfall() to determine if faction cannot pay for the next ship. This impacts whether the AI may continue trying to order ships this cycle.
- change AI mission logic to better plan for not being able to spend too many resources on the mission slider
- Work on AI priorities primarily for handling unrest and spoils
- gave AI a little more incentive to use env priority
- attempted to calm alien AI down when it has a station in Earth system but no base
- AI will score missile magazines as a greater threat in assessing ship combat value
- GetBestOperation() : Take into account fleet's ammo, fuel, and damage before choosing to engage in spontaneous attack.
- constrained AI use of crackdown and purge on nations with <= 4 CPs unless there's a specific goal targeting it. Intent to remove any frenetic AI drive-by crackdowns still occurring so they focus more on defined goals.
- fix crash when AI selecting hab target for assassination retaliation and target faction has no habs
- fix crash when loading a combat autosave from a fighter-launch-started combat (with no other fleet of yours participating) and there's a dummy fleet in your fleets list you click. Dummy fleet will be deleted correctly during load now. Related to 4915
- Added Earth-Moon Lagrange points to places that councilors can reach via boost directly from Earth. Previously, targeting a station at such a Lagrange point could cause an NRE.
- Bugfix: fixed duration calcuilation for transfers consisting of a single microthrust spiral.
- fix a crash and additional weird behavior in AI launching STO fighter attacks against stations
- ShipConstructionQueueDailyUpdate() bugfix : Ships not always proceeding towards completion.
- fix being able to cancel a combat in the UI when the AI comes at you with STO fighters against an undefended station, that's a funny one
- fix Educator trait restricting 'turn' when it was intended to grant it
- fix a bunch of missing tooltips in the nations panel
- AI: PassesBudgetingRules() bugfix : This was failing ships based future metrics that the ships themselves were included in. Ships are now only checked against future-looking metrics when they are being ordered. When it comes time to construct them, they only look at present metrics.
- StratCombatInitStrategy.SelectStance() bugfix : leftover debug code. Issue #4923. This was causing the AI to fail to evade combat when it should.
- 4904 - fixed disappearing tech unlocks in selected tech view
- fixed/finished some data in NGO orgs
- 4936 - fix for direct invest UI remaining open on top of other large UIs
- GetBestOperation() bugfix : fleet transfer loop due to fleeing
- fix some bad calculations in determining defender combat strength in space
- fix exotics-costing armor costs
- fix bad icon string in mission dropdown when you're targeting an NAP or truce faction target
- fix bad description string for exotic nanowire battery project summary
- fix sustainability tooltip referencing Welfare priority sted Environment
- fix hvy plasma cannon 3 exotics cost
- Correct and remove hover tooltip. Change line stated doing nothing when affiliated option conflicts with that sentiment
- 4906 - fixed duplicate audio in nations screen;
- 4912 - refit templates will not use the hull name for the first ship
- fix unrest warning on oppression priority to only trigger in severe or spiking unrest and clarified text
- fix nations without military showing a miltech value in the nations list
- 4934 - don't display treaty agreements if AI is not willing to trade them
- 4911 - moved faction gradient art paths to templates for modding
- reduced exotics cost of exotic armor (both alien and human) and hybrid armor, of exotics radiators (alien and human), and alien superlasers (which they couldn't really afford)
- capturing an alien hab will now give exotics reward scaling with hab size, exotics-bearing ships under construction, and level of assault success
- if an org it taken by HT or Enthrall Org, all additional HTs/Enthralls targeting it will abort for the mission cycle. This will prevent HTing yourself and accidentally breaking NAPs.
- Digitization priority setting includes 1 pip in Environment
- reduced rate that oppression destroys cohesion in democracies
- fix crash when AI targets a hab around a Lagrange point
- Fixed the nuke panel disappearing when you try to select a target, totally my fault (new bug since .44)
- Fix revolutions failing to lower unrest when no factions are involved, causing endless cycle of revolutions (new since .44)
- fix AI issue preventing aliens from launching surv hab while another one exists
- fix startup sequencing that was causing Saturn not to get an alien mining base goal
- fix a UI issue that would let you launch more STO fighters than you could afford
- TIMissionModifier_NationalRivalries will now include a nation's war enemies as well as rivals #4466
- fix missing propellant materials for Deuteron Polywell drive
- AIEvaluators.SelectHabToAttack() bugfix : Did not take into account filters applied to enemyHabs
- Fix incorrect default education in Papua New Guinea
- Gov priority will now be unavailable if gov is at max of 10. (Previously putting IPs in gov at 10 would just fire the knowledge priority instead).
- Attempt fix issue where level 1 officers are put on a hab following a scuttle. They'll just be deleted now.
- adjusted targeting logic in neutralize nation goal
- wrote AI for human factions to react when a new alien hab spawns nearby to their stuff
- wrote AI for aliens to ensure they settle/resettle around outer gas giants one by one if it's safe to do so
- ShipConstructionQueueDailyUpdate() : sort base founding ships to the front. This avoids the situation where the AI tunnel visions and expensive ship at the cost of their ability to expand quickly.
- FactionGoal_FoundBase.DailyGoalMaintainance() : When attacking a base to get its slot, remake the base founding goal after the base is destroyed. Keeping the founding goal around while the AI sets about attacking the base that's in the way can jam up the AI because it could take a long time to kill the base. Currently, without this change the AI will send a colony ship to the stolen slot so this is an indirect bugfix.
- FactionGoal_FoundBase.DailyGoalMaintenance() : if all slots are taken on a target space body, and AI decides not to attack, simply drop the goal. Not dropping the goal results in the AI sending a colony ship to the site despite the fact it cannot do anything. And then rebuilding it if it gets destroyed.
Simply preventing the ship from heading out until a spot is available is not a good solution because the AI will be waiting indefinitely and having stalled out colonization goals can jam up the AI.
- AIEvaluators.SelectHabToAttack(), SelectFleetToAttack(). Added a minimum ratio of attacking strength to defending strength.
- AIReactionEvent.MyCouncilorKilled : retaliation logic now uses AIEvaluators.SelectHabToAttack()
- AI: cut down on random unrests and coup missions
- reign in some AI nation capture goals when factions are at war so they play a little more focused
- Human AI will wait a little longer to go dirty on nations it wants
- Nation AI will consider reacting to inequality if it's greater than 4 (in addition to existing triggers)
- a little contact mission icon will appear in the mission target dropdown if you have a truce or NAP with the target's associated faction and any mission outcome can generate hate
- added officer rank loss on transfer now a config value if you want to zero it out and exchange officers freely
Note: For folks updating from .42-.44, this is a larger download because we fixed some problems with a few councilor animated portraits.
- tweaked fighter designer's handling of lateral armor
- adjusted 'beam quality' value for most human lasers. IR lasers will get better and UV top-end lasers a little worse.
- adjustments to Hostile Takeover to make it not automatic to succeed in a lot of cases
- fix crash (new in 0.4.44) when AI handling no available orbit slots for a hab it wants to build
- Bugfix 4799: Reworked the system to determine how far "instantaneous" burns can extend into the past/future when converting from an impulse transfer to the final trajectory. This prevents wonky transfers with extremely low acceleration fleets as well as more accurately calculates when there's no valid trajectory that can be completed within ~2 years due to low acceleration.
- AI will now doublecheck its ship designs will fulfill specific goals. This was causing a bug in .41 and earlier saves being upgraded to .42 and later where the aliens would build a zillion inner system colony ships that were incapable of building the surveillance hab.
- Fix issues with a few councilor videos
- fix issues with priority diversity bonus tip
- fix some outdated strings about addressing unrest
- Work on some UIs passively eating fps
Thanks to all our great players who attacked our .42 and .43 builds with gusto to help us get this patch together so quickly. It won't be the last.
- adjustments to direct invest spending (minimum for environment, handling for alien admin DI) to prevent zeroed out costs
- adjusted rules for defensive fire targeting range, which is usually lower than max anti-ship range. All now have a minimum of 200 km. Missiles now have full targeting range available. Beam weapons with offensive capability still have 1/3 (but with 200 min). Guns with offensive capability (all of them currently) to 50% of max range (min 200). Added loc to specify range.
- toned down some aspects of alien surveillance stations (also added config to control power of alien surveillance modules)
- balancing on STO fighter design to in favor of minimum armor at the cost of DV.
- STO fighters now gain innate targeting computer bonus from project research (same as what's applied to habs).
- STO fighters should automatically use your best targeting computer and ECM
- upgrade project granting traits also give admin attribute
- adjusted alien *redacted* missions difficulty (against .42 settings, not prior ones)
- Government Priority will contribute to diversity bonus
- priority bonii are summed before being applied rather than multiplicatively.
- adjusted some effects of revolutions (including adding the possibility to change inequality) and connected them to whether ideologies got control points in the upheaval
- turned on new faction effects UI in the research screen that we totally accidentally left off for 0.4.42; check it out it's kinda cool I guess
- Fleets Screen UI Class List Panel. Ryan I really need more info than this for commit notes go straight to patch notes
- hostile takeover success and victim UI alerts will display org stats
- mandatory paused time controls for a required prompt are now red instead of yellow
- AI pass on missile usage in combat
- GetBestOperation() : added randomness to "hunting" logic
- Moved up save repair for deactivated councilor portraits in startup sequence. Should fix startup crash upgrading older .4 saves to current if you are using councilor image95, which we deactivated because of an animation issue.
- 4880 - fix for crash when revisting individual ship screen after viewing a ship that was destroyed in combat
- fixed crash when clicking army operations in codex
- error catching for autosave fails
- SetResearchPriorities() bugfix : division by zero where computing targetTechPriority. Thanks to redwah for spotting this bug
- fix a crash on formation of alien nation with help from the Servants
- fix a crash when you load a combat autosave after adding and removing exofighters from a fleet
- fix for crash when trying to bombard earth, duplicate entries
- fixed crash when search tech tree; fixed tech tree search results not updating tooltips
- LearnedMinimumDVData.GetAdjustedLocation() bugfix : could return null if space body had no orbits
- Bugfix #4888: Very rarely we'll end up in an inconsistent state where the transfer planner incorrectly identifies a target fleet as non-transferring at the moment when it starts transferring, leading to a crash. When this happens, we now correct our error and switch to the correct code path in the transfer planner.
- fix issue with recruitment candidates -- i'm not sure exactly what, but there was a close paren out of place and it looks like it was pushing only affinitied councilor types most of the time.
- fix numerous pregenerated orgs failing to spawn at campaign start
- fix nonsellable non-faction orgs being non-equippable
- other factions' unassigned pool orgs will always be visible to the hostile takeover mission once you have minimum intel on the faction. this always fixes a bug where you could lose sight of a HT target if you lost track of all the factions' councilors. Rule change will also make those orgs more vulnerable to HT in general.
- fix a logic error regarding when you can decommission under construction modules without penalty
- it will be legal to decommission under construction and deactivated power modules now
- added gas core fission tech requirement for heavy fission reactor array
- [#4874] Fixed incorrect Loc string lookup in research projects that complete objectives
- added missing direct invest costs for found military
- fix caching of bad value for minimum exofighter boost cost
- fix armies set to hunt xenos straying into enemy territory during wartime
- Attempt to ensure that fleet arrivals are processed in time order at high time compression
- attempt trade evaluation fix for intel
- fixed research contribution bar not syncing with player campaign settings for research speed
- always keep ledger totals row on top when sorting
- workshop UI fixes
- fix Environment and buildSTOfighters bonuses from effects not being applied
- swapping nations with various secondary panels open will shut down those panels to prevent accidentially launching nukes or abandoning CPs from the wrong nation
- nationinfo screen region list performance fixes
- Fix hab targeting computer bonus being incorrectly applied to regular ships (meaning computers had been more effective on ships than intended)
- Fix AI spawning capture goal for an orbit when it should spawn an attack goal, trying to fix aliens from building useless troopships
- fix an issue where a nation on the receiving end of a war declaration would receive an additional cohesion bonus that was meant only for its allies
- fix issue with orbit not property recording a fleet returning to it. #4892
- 4871 - fixed table tooltips breaking in half due to layout groups getting shut off on canvas disable
- fixed invisible fleet placement checkbox during combat setup
- fixed new region status icon (oil/mineral/core etc) not triggering when completed
- New Research Lead notification loc call issue #4872
- For armies hunting xenofauna, you will no longer receive alert spam about their movements when it enters a region with no xenofauna. You will still see other configured updates for this notification. #4881
- fix for control point map filter not blending between red & green
- nationiinfo claims flags fix, too many claims blowing out the UI
- region tooltip fix
- don't attempt to play audio for repeatable techs
- fix mission abort reason showing internal tag instead of actual string #4878
- actually fixed India getting claim on Afghanistan instead of Indonesia from Greater India project, instead of just fixing it in the internal config sheet.
- fix org detail not displaying MC bonus correctly or zero'd MC bonus
- more ledger fixes, mostly to shown money costs
- added missing tags for found military and build sto fighters notifications
- fix tokamak V cost
- Objectives Screen UI header styling fix
- Fleets screen UI button text vertical alignment
- turned councilor mission fail text adjustment
- ui adjustment for spacebody prospect text
- 4882 - monthly income setting changes are updated immediately in the top resource bar UI
- fix bad sentence formation in Hostile Takeover fail notifications
- restored breakaway and alien nations tinted UI frame colors
- fix codex scrollbar styling
- fix army canvas army name sizing
- 4884 - additional mod support for loading screen tips
- fixed some missing characters in notosans font
- added nullchecks in region adjacency check because OMG histrionic modders calling anything that doesn't serve their needs a "defect" in my day we modded by hex-editing things uphill both ways AND WE LIKED IT ... that is to say, there ya go Tayta
- Fix to faction orgs being unequippable
- Partial fix to priority settings being blanked and set to economy on loading .41 and earlier saves
- fixed select tech/project screen not navigating to tech tree
- Fixes to ledger entries
- Adjust some spacing in general controls canvas
- 4866 fix for tabs not switching when interacting with ship class build & upgrade
- fix for map mode dropdown not toggling between earth and flag image
- ramming & disengage combat tutorial tip placement fix
- fix some nation stat change strings
- move unrest warning to oppression priority
- fix to missing tags in various region upgrade notifications
COMPATIBILITY NOTES: Saves from earlier 0.4 builds should load. However, priorities in all your will be reset to 1 pip in Economy. This was due to changes to priorities internally. Certain priorities may also lose their accumulated progress and start back over at zero.
- Added four new national priorities and balanced effects of others
** Government improves Democracy. Knowledge no longer affects Democracy.
** Environment improves Sustainability. Welfare no longer affects Sustainability. With advanced tech Environment will also slowly remove nuclear weapons effects from a region with sufficient investment.
** Oppression improves Stability but reduces Democracy. It also reduces cohesion in democracies. Military no longer improves Stability.
** Build Orbital Fighter will produce one fighter a nation's executive faction you can launch from a boost facility to take part in a combat in an Earth Interface orbit.
** Sufficient uses of the Economy priority will trigger new Core Eco, Mining and Oil regions in qualified regions.
** Sufficient uses of the Welfare priority will decolonize colony regions in a nation.
** Changed how the diversity bonus works for priorities. It now scales with the proportion of pips assigned to the priority. The diversity bonus from the Economy priority is stronger.
** The Build Army and Build Navy priorities get bonuses from mining regions in a nation.
** Federations now provide a bonus to the Economy priority.
** Changed how some hab modules affect priorities (Social Science now affects gov, influence modules now affect public campaign strength)
** Removed all composite priority settings from priority preset templates; each of the 20 possible priorities now have their own entry (so develop nukes and build nukes have individual options, etc)
- Added ability to construct and launch surface to orbit "Exofighters"
** Unlocked by new tech, autodesigned using best chemical drive, except player picks missile loadout at combat start. Various non nuclear-powered missiles are available with smaller magazines to these ships. It also has a small nose gun.
** These can initiate attacks or join faction combats in Earth interface orbits when a faction spends boost. They will then return to Earth. The boost cost depends on the mass of the fighter.
** Non PD laser weapons that do <1 estimated damage will now fire offensively at 1) unarmored facing 2) targets with at least 25% degraded armor on the facing. 30mm autocannon will fire offensively under these conditions now.
- Armies can now be toggled to hunt xenofauna. This is a standing order in which it will automatically seek out megafauna and detected xenoforming in friendly (including allied) regions and attack it, if the army is at least at 50% health. It will otherwise go to its home base to reduce the IP impact. Giving the army another order will temporarily override the setting, but as soon as the army is not fighting or conducing another operation, it will start hunting again.
- During combat formation selection, you may now swap positions of individual ships. If your fleet is larger than your max fleet size setting, you can also swap in ships from your reinforcement list. During combat, you may now select which ships will reinforce first by modifying a list.
- Annex Region army operation renamed Liberate Region. If the army's nation doesn't have a claim on the region, but a nonextant nation has its capital claim here, the army will liberate the breakaway and the new nation will ally with the army's nation, and the old nation will declare war on the new nation unless it is unable to do so. Armies can liberate at 80% or greater strength and the operation won't cancel unless they fall below 80% strength. Any fighting in the region won't cancel it outright as long as the region stays fully occupied. Changed calculation of duration of liberation operation, should get shorter for lightly populated/small regions and somewhat shorter in general.
- You may now switch officers between ships. Most officer classes will lose 1 level when this happens if they have never served on the new ship before, representing unfamiliarity with the ship and crew. This means level 1 officers are generally not able to be transferred to new ships. Officers may also be "stored" in habs to be put on other ships in the future. Officers will also now retire after 20-30 years of service once you dock at an inner-system hab and haven't yet unlocked your faction victory condition. Added functionality for high level officers to auto-transfer to nearby habs or other ships if they can when the ship is non-violently destroyed -- basically if the ship is scuttled.
- Added three projects to increase officer spawn chance at various triggers.
- Factions with NAPs may now complete intelligence-sharing agreements, which means they will have real-time info on each others' activities, update each other's intel on enemy councilor sightings, share probe data, etc. Added button to terminate NAPs and intel-sharing agreements in the intel page.
- The aliens will now attempt to build surveillance stations in the Earth system at various points in the game.
- Added 35 new traits and 2 councilor classes, the attorney and the engineer. Traits can now grant project "income" (but no project slot), bonus to tech unlocks, and direct bonuses to national priorities.
- The aliens will now field lancer and titan size hulls.
- Added a backer org.
- Human AI will build more ships now. Autopilot tests are averaging 25 ships per faction by 2035.
- Improved AI / automated councilor use of inspire mission
- AI tweaks to work on national cohesion
- ShipConstructionQueueDailyUpdate() : reducing tendency to only build cheaper ships. Added a few new rules here: 1) Stop execution if you cannot afford the next ship in line. This prevents going down the line until you find a cheaper ship to build; 2) Remember the shipyard you failed to build at and start there the next time; 3) Treat exotics separately. If you couldn't build simply because of exotics, then you may try to build a ship that doesn't use exotics. Also ensure saving target shipyard is always first
- Detained AI councilors will now drop their faction orgs to the faction pool so infinite detention can't block progression
- Added Protector and Bomber ship roles. Protector loads up on long-range point defenses. Bomber focuses on heavy nose weapons and nose armor.
- added AI to ensure factions target 'primary habs' in various situations (so the Exodus and Protectorate endgame stations will be high priority targets)
- added AI to help aliens lay off Protectorate more after Protectorate unlocks victory condition (unless Protectorate really hacks them off)
- added AI for it to respond a little more flexibly when someone beats them to a hab site
- AI will now target lost hab for recapture directly
- AI will take capture goal important into account when scoring seize/control asset missions
- CombatAI - Consider relative velocity in certain behaviors, increase angle AI is willing to fire missiles
- Hostile Takeover now targets orgs directly, not councilors. Whole new UI and changed mission modifiers so larger and more powerful orgs are harder to target.
- The Alien Nation will no longer build or maintain a nuclear weapon stockpile. It instead received a massive bonus to the space defenses priority (so it should build them pretty quickly.) Improving their armies is also on the table as a future balance; this is to promote conventional terrestrial warfare.
- Very small space bodies will now enforce a cap on the tier of hab that can be built on or around it. This will really only matter for bodies < 10 km in size.
- Defense hab module projects will trigger faster for all factions
- Inspire mission will change apparent loyalty by expected (average) change from mission outcome
- reduced exotics for exodus endgame project from 500 to 400
- reduced fissile propellant requirements for zubrins and orions
- Cohesion loss below zero will have a reduced effect on democracy and unrest than previously
- project sabotage hit now lesser of 5000 RP and *half* accumulated RP in the project (instead of all RP)
- Nuclear barrages require more IPs to create.
- Changed how ECM works: Every time a weapon targeting system completes an ECM-induced cooldown, its ship records it has defeated the target's ECM. Each defeat reduces future ECM effectiveness when the ship tries to target the enemy again (both success chance and cooldown duration). Increased ECM-induced cooldown duration specifically for missiles. In general, ECM should go down in effectiveness as a battle continues.
- Particle weapons doing sufficient radiation damage now temporarily disable station module weapons for several seconds
- Testing: variable IP cost for space defenses priority based on region to be protected.
- Slight reduction in influence from some influence-granting modules
- Protectorate can beat up on Servants once they've unlocked their victory condition without gaining alien hate
- ISRU refuelling for anything drives now uses sum of all production times a multiplier instead of metals as baseline. For 0.4.42. #4762
- Helium-3 mine effect now also removes fissile build and support cost for heavy fusion reactor hab modules
- Made a number of fusion power plants lighter overall, mostly in the middle tiers. Reduced exotics requirement for top-tier Tokamak so it's a more viable choice in a low-exotics game.
- Targeting Computer III 100% unlock because Redwah made a big thing about it, and he's probably right
- Reduced crew requirements for some power plants
- life extension projects will now prevent gain of declining trait; Fix for 4688
- Reduced money from spoils priority by a decent amount. Reduced democracy hit when running spoils. Increased sustainability hit when running spoils by a lot, and added additional increases for coil resource regions.
- changes to councilor generation with affinities for various factions. Should be more diverse councilor jobs available each turn for most factions. Added job anti-affinities for all factions but Resistance, making certain professions more expensive to hire for tagged factions.
- Balance: There will be a one-orbit-duration delay when initiating orbital bombardment above a space body before weapons start firing.
- Decreased ideological distance in which factions would form NAPs.
- occupations will no longer directly impact GDP calculation, which was causing weirdness in nation behavior. Instead they will reduce IPs available to the nation (calculated daily). #3956
- 40mm Autocannon project now requires Kinetics Warfare Doctrine
- Reduce net ROF of siege coilguns, increase mass, reduce magazine size
- Significant UI visual overhaul underway. Will be a WIP for a while.
- Added sortable Ledger to council UI. This lists all incomes and spending in the various game resources, along with tech bonuses. Includes councilors, orgs, traits, habs, fleets, ships, faction-level incomes.
- Added Research UI tab that lists accumulated modifiers in TIEffectState
- Tooltips for GDP, Inequality, Cohesion, Unrest, Government and Education will now provide a breakdown of causes for each value change covering month-to-date, prior month, and all-time. (These figures will not be accurate when loading existing campaigns.)
- Tips and codex entries for defending habs, army and navy caps, why orgs can't be equipped, why missions were aborted
- Skrimish mode will now remember last skirmish settings until game is closed
- Priorities UI now has a cycler in the column headers to change rightmost column data between IP proportion, IPs/month, and mean player bonuses to each category
- Added notification for when a change in AI research priorities results in a change in the expected winner of the tech.
- Enemy faction probe launch/arrival notifications will no longer appear in the left-hand newsfeed by default; they will go to the summary feed. This can be changed in the notification settings.
- nation army list will color current region by status (home region/home nation/allied nation/enemy nation)
- probe arrival / scan complete notificaiton will include base/faction information if one is present at a site
- mission news feed items will display a color circle for success or failure in the secondary icon
- fix issue federation string not showing inline sprite for being lead nation, also added text to federation tip for who is the leader
- added sustainability and IPs map modes
- added mapmode-setting based detail to geoscape region tooltips
- Drives that use Helium 3 will explicitly say so in description
- Hab module quickbuild UI has a second toggle to disallow spending boost when quickbuilding
- region list will now show flag of current owner for regions claimed but not owned by current nation
- "Enemy fleet launch" notification will now trigger when a fleet launches 1) toward a new orbit where you have a fleet or station, and 2) toward an interface orbit above a body where you have a hab or landed fleet. This is in addition to when it targets your fleets and stations directly.
- added "upgrade all" and "upgrade all of type" buttons in hab manager that 1) let you upgrade every eligible module at once; 2) let you upgrade every eligible module of a given type at once
- Terminated treaties with other factions will now trigger a specific notification.
- Enemy human councilor panel will show age and hometown
- R&D panel will show each factions' bonuses in a particular category to match AI knowledge.
- Fix up pass on councilor appearance config
- all alien army ship should alert now when arriving in earth interface orbit #4242
- added dropdown for earth map color modes
- added numeric info to naval tooltip when blockaded
Difficulty changes
- Difficulty modifiers to passive and active tech investment. Changed the research priority AI to use different numbers depending on difficulty setting.
For example, on cinematic difficulty, the AI will no longer engage in tech "racing" where it invests 100% of its research income into single tech. However it now spends much more on "passive" tech investment which is more predictable because it doesn't fluctuate. I've adjusted it such that lower difficulties spend more on passive investment and less on active, and vice versa. In addition, as difficulty increases, AIs will spend a little less overall on global research and more on their own projects. On lower difficulties, this will mean no (Cinematic) or less (Normal) "tech sniping" behavior.
- SecureEarthSpace : fleet size modifications based on difficulty. Lower difficulties (cinematic and normal) now result in a smaller alien SecureEarthSpace fleet. This will mean smaller alien doomstacks orbiting Earth earlier in the campaign.
- These settings will be exposed in TIGlobalConfig for modding.
- Stricter maintenance of TIOrbitState.assetsInOrbit. It was possible for fleets to be considered to be in a particular orbit despite not actually being there. I've gone through and ensured that the state of this list remains valid. This was causing downstream crashes when locations incorrectly reported what was parked there.
- Fixed a crash when nukes would hit habs.
- Fix a crash when the AI is targeting fleets parked at unimproved hab sites. New crash in 0.4.41. Workaround is to not land fleets at unimproved hab sites while at war with other factions.
- save repair to address 4709 (orgs assigned to deleted councilor on startup causing crash)
- fix crash in .41 when AI considers bombing space facilities in nations with split control points
- Bugfix #4767: Save repair on broken trajectories was occurring too early and causing a crash: we were trying to find the closest matching destination orbit before the orbits were initialized. This is fixed by delaying the repair.
- Fix NRE in SpaceObjectDetailController.UpdateInfoPanelImage consistently causes CTD when player selects icon for station on the transit interface that has just been newly destroyed by player fleet #4778
- attempt fix one-off crash when shutting down and army.isFighting is checked
- CombatHabModuleController.ApplyDamage() bugfix : crash when trying to access "weapons" collection when in autoresolve combat.
- added hardlock avoidance handling for space assets with incorrectly wrong period; partial fix for 4859
- Bugfix #4535: Prevent fleets from launching in the past.
- TISpaceFleetState.ClearStaticData() bugfix : clearing fleetsWaitingToInitiateCombat. Issue #4642; FinishWaitingToInitiateCombat() : clear waiting if either TargetFleet or TargetHab are not null and deleted
- SingleFleetOperation() bugfix : fleet loop due to static fleet fraction thrashing
- Fixed an issue with the end combat code that caused battles to end suddenly in the middle of combat
- When the player fights a fleeing battle the end combat medallion will no longer default to red. This means the player has to take action to flee the combat. There were some odd situations where the combat would end suddenly and we have opted to require the player to make a choice to avoid confusion.
- Nations have been adjusted to allow a nation to have nukes even if it has not completed the nuke program. This allows for the correct functioning of MissingNukesForSale event.
- 4630 - fixed free probe all operation; adjusted disabled button state
- TIHabState.habSchematic : replaced with TIHabSchematicTemplate dataName. This change reduces a HabSchematic's presence in the save file to just a string; Its not necessary to store the entire HabSchematic in the save file, nor is it desired to have templates stored in the save file, which was a side effect of the old behavior.
- Found and fixed what looks like a logic error in AI scoring armors in ScoreTech. (4629)
- TISpaceFleetState.ExampleTrajectory : try to transfer directly to target() if you fail to find an orbit to transfer to.
- GetDesiredShipToBuild() bugfix : could not order non-exotic ship designs while an exotic AISavingTarget existed
- Fix issue with reversed allowed hab weapon classes for alien/human habs
- Bugfix #4650: If a fleet would need to spend more time in a Ward spiral than the total duration of the transfer, report that the fleet needs more acceleration. (We were reporting a "code path not found" error instead).
- intel on human enemy councilors will sometimes degrade more slowly (#4683)
- Destroying an alien transport on the way to earth will destroy a certain org coming with it
- Bugfix #4663: When a fleet's intercept target is lost, it may inherit the target's original trajectory. The UI and alarms were using the final trajectory's destination and the original trajectory's duration / arrival time. This is fixed: we use the final trajectory for destination and arrival time, and the combined trajectory for duration. Also, Fleets on involuntary trajectories won't find trajectories that effectively let them teleport to their destination orbit.
- If fleet A is intercepting allied fleet B, and B will launch later, the final burn of fleet A could target fleet B's current orbit instead of where it will be at the time of intercept. This is now fixed.
- Hab module completion dates will now change when you turn on/off or add/decommission construction modules.
- Fix int overflow bug in encirclement when acceleration difference was so great the slow attacking fleet needed more than 2.1 million ships to force a combat. #4766
- Fix logic error preventing a critical failure investigating your own councilor causes a loyalty loss in that councilor. #4662
- fix aliens not gaining hate when you beat up on protectorate after protectorate starts working with aliens #4747
- fixed a logic bug that appears to have been preventing secessions in some cases
- Corrected propellant for some hybrid fusion drives, thanks NuclearSarah
- Fixed Russian TL4 tank to an actual T-14 model
- fix missing build materials for some alien missile launchers #4752
- fix AM torpedo build materials adding up to .99 instead of 1
- 4802, fix issues with STO lasers preventing army bombardment in some cases and other weirdness
- Add clamp when setSustainability is used
- 4798 Synced up text, can start war code, and accessible enemy function. You need an army to start a war now (not just nukes).
- fix being able to modify national relations when the exec cp flips away from you with the relations screen open
- fix issue with possible diplomacy queries processing a hate change instead of just informing what they would look like
- Bugfix 4828: Save repair: if a transfering fleet's origin orbit has been erroniously deleted, a new ad-hoc orbit is created.
- AIEvaluators.SelectProject() bugfix : only check for objective projects in active slots. Issue #4841
- A stat augmentation that would raise a councilor's attribute above its trait-modified cap will no longer be presented as an option. #4787.
- fix logic issue preventing increased hate-venting when killing large ships #4790
- fix bug making Go To Ground for low-espionage councilors work better than it should #4795
- fix issue with control nation mission not grabbing 1st control point if CP had just spawned in nation #4288
- Space combat bugfix : hab modules may not finish being destroyed before battle ends. Issue #4783
- Bugfix #4833: Fleets can once again use orbit phasing to get from a planet or moon to its Lagrange points around the parent barycenter.
- Significantly tightened the rules on decommissioning modules. You can no longer build over a decomissioning module as this was leading to exploits. #4350
- fix 4855, venus lagrange points were requiring old 'mission to inner planets' tech (which was repurprosed as mission to mercury) so you can't go there until you research mercury
- fix 4564 When heat sink capacity is updated, game will clamp current heat to that capacity. This should prevent certain random s'plosions.
- fix 4699/3807 combat acceleration not updating correctly due to damage post combat
- Whole mess of fixes to army and occupation behavior: fixes to 4813; 4714; 4365; 4634; 4721. Partial Occupations now persist if no armies are in the region. Liberation fully modeled as negative occupation. Fix bad calculation for liberation tech level. Fix bad calculation of de-occupation rate with against multiple armies. Fixes and clarifications to repair rules.
- swapped army TL5 and 6 icons to match models/illustrations.
- Also discovered some sprite animations were mixed up between move and fighting so fixed that too
- antimatter propulsion requires magnetic nozzles instead mag plasma containment as prereq (the drives wouldn't work without mag nozzles anyhow)
- delete mission data from dead deadcouncilors that were lingering in savegames
- Fixed helium-3 mine effect not showing up consistently in ship designer
- fix position of Port Louis army marker to Mauritius island as intended
- fix position of sector icons on bases in hab screen hab list
- Address 4801, changes to math in go to ground AI mission scoring
- 4852 - fix for unselectable fleet icons after pausing game from fast speeds
- fix canAlly tooltip to align with CanAlly rules in cases of small nations with navies 4784
- fix 4796, overinformative loyalty tooltip
- fix 4823, small (on the order of 1e-8) error in boost substitution cost causing a canAfford check to fail
- fix 4818 errant tooltip
- 4852 - fix for unselectable fleet icons after pausing game from fast speeds
- fix 4950, free canaries loc
- added config value for extra combat starting distance for people to mess around with