Patch Notes 0.4.1 - 0.4.17

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Patch Notes 0.4.1 - 0.4.17

Post by johnnylump »

IMPORTANT: 0.3 saves are not compatible with 0.4 builds. Steam users can continue to play 0.3 builds through the Properties -> Betas menu.
Some mods will not be compatible.


- Save repair and crash prevention when an officer lists a null ship as its assignment.


- Fix caching issue that could cause AI to go passive if you were loading a much earlier save or starting a new campaign in a session where you had previously played with a significant fleet; the AI was failing to clear its threat assessments until the game date passed the latest date you had played in the session. This was also fixed by restarting the application.


- Increased spawn chances of weapon officers

- Explicitly advised rollbacks when players try to load 0.3 saves on 0.4 builds

- Fix crash when certain antagonist attempts to steal an org from a councilor in space
- Save repair and attempt fix a crash when a ship lists null officers in its crew. Potentially due to refit code for transferring officers introduced in 0.4.14.



- Work on ship designer, in particular drive selection and armoring. Should see fewer chemical rocket battleships now (as in none).
- adjusted a damage multiplier against armies when a bunch of armies are occupying a region at once. They should take less damage now.
- fixed and adjusted region damage from army battles
- buffed microfission drives, removed magnetic thruster requirement
- another pass at improving certain fusion drives and power plants
- natural antimatter farm/harvester modules now grant significant energy tech research bonuses
- adjusted some DI costs, including increasing MC cost (particularly in influence). The viceroy bonus (influence discount for recently regime changed nations) is now halved influence costs instead of zeroed out.
- antimatter containment and weaponry made cheaper. antimatter mass production is more expensive.

- attempt fix a crash when a ship being destroyed is processed before pending officer deaths / promotions are processed

- fix 4283, advise output
- fix tyop in Haiti spelling
- fix bad use of badUI sound in ship designer
- reduce ben's log spam geez ben you don't need to log 475 lines of damage code from one battle


- SingleFleetOperation() bugfix : Duplicates inside fleet splitting list, causing crash
- 4270 - added error detection for mods that merge in out-of-date template data;
- fix crash when rallies code triggers during ArriveFleet in startup and creates a new game state, causing saves to fail to load
- attempt fix a crash when a whole lot of amat missiles blow up at once

- DesignShip() bugfix : cached deltaV not being updated after changing armor values
- 4123 - fixed finder from obscuring trade ui on 16:10 resolution
- fix for officers not transferring to refitted versions of their ship
- fix AI getting stuck when it's docked at a non-allied, non-enemy station. It will now undock.
- fix having a spy in a faction that can see aliens also letting you see aliens when you haven't done the research to see aliens

- fix some bad string formatting in some effects
- fix inline max resource icon that was busted by tmp_pro patch
- added missing greek character to arcon font
- Updated tech quote audio
- fix misspelled starter priority templates in several nations


- Restored some critical designations for some armor and propulsion projects so the AI will go after them more
- DesignShip() : Scale lateral armor with mass to armor point ratio. This avoids massively scaling the mass/cost of larger hulls when using low-tech armor.

- Advise mission now provides Administration bonus directly as a % increase to nation's IPs rather than messing with underlying calculation
- Buffed some power plants a bit (Molten Salt, Tokamaks, Z-pinch fusion)
- Added 2% bonus to ECO priority from D-D fusion tech

- In regions where mission control ends up higher than the allowed mission control through mergers, the max mission control will display as the actual mission control (9/9) instead of the confusion (9/8). If mission control is lost the mathematical max will be used.
- Added max nation funding to funding tooltip

- Bugfix #4240: Prevent the Lambert solver from trying to run with zero or negative duration, which would produce NaN velocities.
- 4261: Fix a crash when in the army UI when it tries to move to a region across a bridge that was incorrectly not filtered out from possible destinations

- Fix for ui bug 4253 (radiation combat damage, bad tooltip)
- Fixed some issues with power plant projects/exotics project requirement being out of sync with build requirements
- fix logic bug in AI code intended to add particle PD on large ships
- fix fractional IP requirements not being shown in Direct invest UI
- Projects with a prereq that is a one-time-only project will now be completable by factions that didn't complete that prereq project, as intended. This requires a new campaign to work on previously finished one-time-only projects. (eg you don't have to be the one who completed Europe Ascendant to unlock Great Europa)

- 4251 - fixed incorrectly positioned tutorial pointers on embiggened UIs
- 4268 - keypad enter now works the same as return enter on rename fields
- add missing value to sea marker controller tooptip
- remove tech cat diminishing returns warning from space hotel
- enemy army "last shot" tooltip will contain its own LEO hab bonus value and not other other armies'


- Fix crash when a competing faction selects a new project when beaten in a race for a one-time-only project
- Fix crash when loading a save with an AI cached ship refit template that should not have been saved; said caches will no longer be saved
- Second BestExistingRefit bugfix : could fail to update cache, then return old cache value on subsequent calls on the same frame

- fix bad formula disallowing DI in military and space funding well before a cap would be reached
- CaptureHab() bugfix : Undock hostile fleets when hab is captured if the hab is armed. Hostile fleets cannot be docked if the hab is armed.
- fix an edge case where alien invader armies would get stuck and not occupy a region
- attempt fix where project part unlock cache was improperly updated, leading to repeating ECM modules appearing in reports and probably other problems

- GetIdealPropellentTankCount() adjustment : increasing the maximumReturnRatio to avoid using too many propellent tanks

- Repair / Resupply Fleet op will display full repair cost in op UI


- Fix additional nation screen related crashes (new in 0.4.10)
- attempt prevent crash when a fleet aborts a trajectory and is sent out of the solar system, but no fleet is passed to logging. Full fix pending; this just stops the crash and logs the error.

- 4257 - fix councilor augment ui position
- attempt fix text-entry for IPs surpassing allowed limits

- adjusted some missile project costs


- Fix crash (new in 0.4.9) when opening nations screen


Balance and Gameplay
- Rework of direct invest, specifically costs and max. Max is now determined by nation stats and not a flat 200. Costs scale with CP maintenance costs. Some new rules about what can be DI'd. No doubt due for balancing already.
- make cohesion a leetle better against inequality and just a slightly higher baseline; made sub-subsistence PCGDP affect it a lettle more
- 40mm autocannon max range to 350 km from 400 km
- probe surveys of planets will now take 1 day per hab site - the number of occupied hab sites * 1 - your contribution % to the unlocking tech for that body. minimum 1 day. This is to address the "tie" condition of all the AIs launching habs all at once for a newly probed body; now whoever did the best on the unlocking tech gets dibs. This is noted in the tech unlock text as a dummy effect.
- slight increase to national research multiplier
- The alien faction will no longer have access to skirmish designs at campaign start (they mostly discarded them anyway)
- added US claim on Micronesia with United NA project cause I got talked into it

- FactionGoal_AttackWithFleet feature : Upon completion, this goal will now follow up with local attacks on nearby vulnerable fleets and stations
- Some rescoring of missiles. They like Poseidons now too
- AI will use welfare a little more
- AI will select critical techs on par with their faction tech list, and elevate if they are on both lists

- fix 4220 - display org ineligibility reason in error popup
- embiggen council ui;
- Instant Damage Feedback UI
- added some more text related to various sustainability functions
- extended hidden project xenology criteria to prerequisites.

- Attempt fix an intermittent crash in the ECS that we think has to do with AI fleets arriving and starting new trajectories in the same frame idk it's weird
- Fix for Crash #4213, combat UI updating
- 4225 - fix crash when councilor is killed while animated plane is flying to a region
- Reduce log spam from combat and in strat layer

- A nation with a claim on another nation may always ally with that nation now, just like the UI says Fix 4219
- fix a bug in ECM code when failing to target something VERY FAR AWAY with ECM; was causing massive unintended cooldowns
- PromptPlayerForBugReport() : Do nothing if in skirmish mode
- TISpaceShipState.Bombard() bugfix : accidentally changing the cached TIHabState.okayModules
- fix 4241 Player detains councilor but they are immediately freed and grant aliens control of nation before end of turn; added clear of future release events if someone is released early
- fix bad Red Sea bridge effect pointing to region with new name
- fix bad US claim on carib region with new name
- fix missing volatiles cost for styx torpedos

- fix for incorrect fleets showing under fleet screen filters
- fix slight screwy IR Phaser jitter values from 0.8
- fix sorting of sustainability values in nations screen
- Polynesian states (not Melanesian States) will gain claim on Hawaii as its capital when End of America is researched.
- small fix for missile defense ui icons
- removed deprecated TriggerUIonAICombats setting as someone managed to find it, change it, and softlock the game with it
- 4176 - fixed fanfare audio overlap and scene change bugs
- 4244 - fix double audio bug when clicking regions on earth map with different priority presets
- 4115 - fix unwanted camera refocus when closing notifications for time blocking prompts when time is no longer being blocked
- 4209 - fix text overflow in hab designer
- 3144 - added more contrast to councilor stat panel
- fixed mission roll truncation preventing solomon's curse achievement from being achieved.
- idea injections is now a xenology project sted social science
- 4125 - battleship droplet radiator adjustment
- 4243 - fix camera going haywire when following a fleet that enters orbit at max speed

4245 - cache bestExistingRefit

- work on recording atrocity cause, not player facing yet


- Aliens will now field escort, monitor and cruiser hulls
- Art for new T1 Administration Node (3D, 2D station/base)

Balance / Gameplay
- redid the GHG generation formula to remove some issues with very large countries. This required recalculating initial sustainability ratings to be in line with observed production by nation.
- added scaling for sustainability and education improvements based on their current level. This already existed for high education (slowing after reaching 12). Now education < 8.5 gets an 8.5/education bonus, and sustainability > 2 gets a sustainability / 2 bonus Sustainability < 0.5 gets a malus down to .25 the normal improvement.
- miltech gain increases from military priority based on how far behind you are the global leader
- reduced exotic/hybrid armor resistance against particle weapons
- missiles will spend a little more DV on initial speed
- modified about a dozen effects that trigger from events and change nation stats of education, inequality, and cohesion so they scale with the priority scaling value (so something that spikes inequality will have a smaller effect in populous nations and a larger effect in small ones)
- china starting miltech to 3.9
- adjusted a number of project costs and average unlock speeds
- put a little more jitter back in some lasers
- improve antimatter beam ROF. improve neutron beam shot power. improve alien super particle cannon shot power.
- spaced out mission phases slowing down to 15 (every 3 weeks) and 30 (every month) years
- Work on AI project selection code
- monthly democracy changes due to conditions will be scaled
- added canada claim on british west indies because apparently that's kind of a thing with T & C
- Mercury radiation penalty back up somewhat to plausible 2x
- did some fission drives a little less dirty with plausibility-pushing thrust multipliers

- changed display of sustainability value so higher numbers are good; at 10 is when you start pulling GHGs from atmosphere

- GetBestOperation() : transfer to nearby orbit of target if fleet is transferring between planets and has offensive goal. This is to support potential rallies if the target gets stronger while the fleet is enroute. Do not leave system if you have nearby attack target unless you outgunned or badly need to repair or rearm.
- increase AI evaluation of nation-claim projects by a lot so they'll merge more stuff
- GetBestOperation() : adjusting minimum and desired superiority downwards. With the perceived combat strength feature getting our strength estimates more accurate, we no longer need as much buffer strength to launch an attack.
- added ai for inner-system offenses and base-building when victorious, start dates determined by difficulty
- large AI ships with lots of hull slots will use a particle cannon PD to specalize against missiles
- ai to get ai armies to yolo less. maybe, plus made AI armies more selective about intermediate destinations they choose when moving around (so they don't run headlong into a doomstack trying to get somewhere on the other side)

Alien fleet AI : Do not build exotic combat ships for inner system targets in the early game. Duration determined by difficulty setting

- fix for AA armies healing negative values preventing destruction and causing crashes; save repair for this as well
- Updated text-mesh package to try to fix weird crash with text-entry boxes that aren't doing anything

- GainCombatFactionHate() : Assume aggression if an attacking fleet has no goal associated with it. Issue #4110
- SingleFleetOperation() : skip if fleet is in combat
- AI SelectStance() : do not back away from attack if you are a defense goal. If the AI that decides to launch a defensive attack chooses to do so, we don't want the stance selector to countermand that.
- PerceivedAggregateDefensiveScore_Station() bugfix : factions got mixed up.
- add separate code for megafauna healing rate
- fix some /0 errors in tech scoring code
- work on buggy army de-occupation code
- fix inertial fusion tree
- added one additional bracketing attempt for bombardment to fix a case where bombarding above 1036 Ganymed never resulted in bombardment

- some string fixes alerted to us by loc
- added missing Belem images
- fix missing alien army display name with article
- fix bad display of medical officer effect value
- fix extra entry of "none" in marine officer effects
- fix missing sprite for heavy fusion reactor array at a base
- fix home regions of 1st and 2nd Mardivs
- britishize english in some of fiona's quotes
- fix some bad <shipmodule> tags in project text for missiles
- fix some art issues for heavy fusion module icons

- added internal tracking of inequality change reasons


- fix a fix to the fixed refit fixes (crash on game pinging refit costs)


- improved human hydrogen storage modules a bit
- research univ from 180 to 200 research a month
- slightly adjusted down some non-miltech related army modifiers to emphasize miltech more in warfare

- fix crash in starting skirmish mode (new in 0.4.5)
- fix a crash where a fleetless ship in refit tries to figure out a cost of delivering stuff from Earth

- fix defend interest duration being almost nothing in during one-week councilor turn periods


- Added some player-facing debugging functionality. When the game detects a bad situation (currently in the AI) we haven't been able to reproduce, it's gonna save and ask you to email us that save or post it on Discord. (We'll try to automate this process in the future, with player consent of course to do anything)

- Combat UI now displays Killed Officers
- Added Tooltip for Combat Heat Icon
- little more trial and error with the research leader UI element
- Added Missile Defense and Missile Guardian icons to ships in combat to communicate clearly the limitations
- Added tips in the ship designer to let players know about particle beam nuance with defense fire

- improve ROF of e-beam and ion pd weapons to better than lasers so they have a use as a better anti-missile weapon
- adjustments to most missiles to provide for more realistic system masses, which mostly went into fuel (and explosive warhead size)
- Automated Cores use 1 MC sted 2.
- Research University MC cost 2 sted 1.
- Removed all MC cost from mines.
- Created a progression for mining network "freebies." Now your mining network can grow without MC penalties up to a value that grows with most of the "Mission to" techs. Mission to the Moon is +3, Mission to Inners is +3, rest are +6, allowing for a cap of 36 mines without MC costs when all Mission tos are finished. Each future tech space science grants +1 more.
- Mars to 25 hab sites, added new profile for a few sites
- Made Lunar metals output every so slightly better
- explosive missile projects have 100% unlock chance
- added alien magazine module
- Work on bombardment PD ability, added some config values. This should make bombardment with kinetics work better if you bring enough.
- The duration of defend interests now scales with mission phase duration. (Normal scaling is twice-a-month).
- SimulateCombat() (autoresolve) adjustment : missileFrequencyPenalty reduction. Missiles capability to overwhelm defenses was being underestimated in the combat simulation.
- Particle Beams will not fire at kinetics if they have no hope of destroying them

-Added AIReaction that doesn't dally on probing when a new region of the Solar System is unlocked. Off on cinematic.
-Added AI reaction that also moves quickly to found habs. Off on cinematic.
-InitiateBombardment() : AIReaction

- Added config value dontStopBimonthlyMissions if you want the game to stay at two week mission phases for the duration. (You can also edit the TITimeEventTemplate json directly, but this is a hacky shortcut until we add a checkbox to campaign start options)

- added missing ALN claim on Dakota region, added save repair for saves with this and missing claim on PNG that was fixed in 4.2 (would cause crashes)
- fix crash in fleet panel when selecting the destination secondary icon for a fleet that's leaving the Solar System #4193
- crash prevention fixes if a hab module combat list item is notified of damage after it's been destroyed

- Post Combat Report Scroll Rect works and will modify text position to fit content
- 4114 - fixed xenoforming markers not updating for being destroyed
- fix scaling of katonda KBO
- Updated UI text so it's a little more clear what's up when a fleet is crashing on a space body or leaving the solar system, also obscured enemy fleets transfer plans when they hadn't launched yet
- added detection for steam deck oled processor in turning off councilor vids
- bugfix #4173: If fleet A is chasing fleet B and B launches a new trajectory, A tries to follow. But, if A already knew that B was going to launch: A's existing trajectory will work fine. All of this behaved correctly, until a fleet B's destination was a fleet C, itself in a transfer. Now, fleet B inherited the new trajectory, and fleet A thought that it didn't know about this one and tried to give chase. Except, it did know, and given the details of the launch timing, the chase was zero distance in negative duration, which unsurprisingly broke the Lambert solver. Fixed by having fleet A be aware of the full chain of trajectories that fleet B has.
- fix a bug where ships without heat sinks were preventing from firing heat-generating weapons even though their radiators were working fine
- added missing mass cost for alien targeting computer module
- fix found hab operation strings so they display correct mission control costs
- various hab foundings will now require you to have enough free MC to support the core, not just 1 MC
- worked on logic for selection of hab weapons #4199
- fixed some issues and added UI for determining if a ship has the legs to launch from a surface hab #4202
- ArmyPathController bugfix : do not include current deployment target in path when showing prospective path.
- OnReverseArmyDestinationTriggered() bugfix : clear army destination queue when starting a new deployment
- bombarding ships will be immune from radiator damage out side of armor if they have heat sinks.
- SimulateCombat() bugfix : hab not included in the combatants if the defending fleet is not the same faction as the hab.
- SetWinnerAndLoser() bugfix : allied hab not included in assessment of whether one side was completely wiped out
- fix sustainability so its minimum is zero

- Hide alien officers on ship list
- Made 3 vital canal regions scenario-agnostic
- deliberately misspelled Port Moresby in one of the region illustration filenames to stay consistent with misspelled internal name, so fix for one of the images not appearing
- fix missing mashhad region images
- fix 4190, strings
- widened miltech text element and included auto resizing to accommodate some languages #4200
- fix for the post combat report pivot being incorrect when there was a bunch of text

- Added prompt for player to report a bug, as well as code to catch rare AI issue #3943
- loc updated to 0.3.134 build or so


- Fix a crash when sorting in the intel prospecting screen

- Update multiple orgs so their home region matches the new region dataNames
- Fix randomizer scaling for sustainability damage


- lotta work on army warfare and occupation mechanics. Occupation by healthy multiple armies should go faster now.
- defensive region bonuses for cohesion and peaceful adjacent regions is now reduced by unrest
- reduce rate of xenoforming spread by setting higher minimum threshold to spread to adjacent regions
- doubled welfare priority impact on improving sustainability
- nerfed some changes to new alien power plants after seeing what kind of ships they were building, made sure high-end alien reactors required some exotics

- added option for replacing all hab mobules when applying hab templates, not just applying upgrades

- fix for end of combat crash with enemy hab
- fix crash by removing prefab-to-be-cloned in prospected hab sites list
- fix crash when shift-right-clicking illegal army destination; added badUI sound instead

- fix missing MC cost for colony core
- fix missing progression base defense laser jitter values
- fix, sort of, wrong positioning for Qinghai councilor token by putting it in the wrong place
- councilor xenoforming removal will now scale inversely with phases per month value
- mission XP will scale up when phases per month go down. This is a little imperfect as 3 phases per month means 4/3 * regular XP, and XP isn't fractional. Here we round up. (Alternative is to scale up all xp gains and costs by a factor of 3, which we may end up doing)
- reduced warfare impact on nation sustainability by a factor of 100
- add missing adjacencies for new western Poland region
- Fixed a bug where liberation of a region was going crazy fast.
- Fix bug where occupation growth was still happening when enemy armies are present in the region.
- Missiles will now use turn rate, thrust ramp from template data
- GetBoostSubstitutedCost() bugfix : wasn't adding in base construction time
- HumanHabPlanner.BuildHabModules() : don't compute construction time when assessing boost cost
- added United Arab claim to Lebanon
- campaign options will now update custom difficulty properly; added warning for achievements being disabled due to settings in custom options
- HabModuleArchetype bugfix : Operations archetype was missing

- Comet vis bugfix : Comet dust tail doesn't clear its particle system when it stops rendering
- dropped the accented A from Chisanau because our all caps font doesn't support it, sorry Moldova
- fixed audio bug when entering hab screen first time in session
- many typos, thanks Discorder Hobbes

- small optimizations in missile guidance code

- colonization achievements now unlock for habs on moons/moon orbits


- added 258 new region background images and replaced 1
- added medical officer radiation damage reduction ability
- added T1 Administration Node module and corresponding project. Grants +4 control point cap, 2.5% efficiency bonus for hab. T2 Administration Tower improved to +12 cap (sted +10) and eased tech prereq requirement slightly. Note: The art for this is on order; in the meantime it will use the t1 social science lab art.

- Officers will now display in the fleet and ship UIs during combat
- embiggen intel screen ui
- Army pathing UI : When queuing new locations to travel to, always take the single-step route if possible. Previously, the UI merely said where it wanted to go, and then under the hood the shortest path was found. I've changed so that the UI defines exactly the path it wants to take, and handles the pathing queries itself. This give the UI much more power and enables this feature to be implemented relatively cleanly.
- Army pathing UI : shift-alt-right click one step preference. The pathing now prefers to take a single step if possible when using the alt modifier for the shift-right click use case.
- Research button on main screen will show little lights for which faction is in the lead on the three techs. Refinement planned.
- army marker tooltip will show attack value of all armies present
- army marker tooltip will display heal rate of armies when healing and some info on how armies heal
- codex with info on army healing

- The increase unrest mission generates less unrest if the nation is already well above its unrest rest state
- The stabilize mission removes less unrest if the nation is already well below its unrest rest state
- councilor automation will devalue contested missions more at low to middlin success chances, and never go on missions with less than a 33% success chance unless there are no other options
- Ultracold Neutron Containment to 15000 RP
- added advanced atomic manipulation prereq for ion weaponry
- denerfed neutron flux drives and orions some
- adjusted down some laser jitter values on both teams, trying to make them good but not the solution to all your problems
- increased bonus from several project-based CP-cap granting effects
- increased starting CP cap by 25
- doubled army healing rate, also fixed a bad value when army was healing in home nation but not in home region
- adjusted natural uptake values for CH4 and N2O in GHG model to produce results more in line with observed values
- fiddled with plasma weapons more, gave a little range back for humans, slight reduction in some damage values
- platform cores to 2 MC
- initial faction MC to 2

- DesignShip() optimization : filtering the first batch of drives, filtering subsequent batches also using acceleration (instead of just deltaV)
- performance - skip designer listitems for drives 2x-6x

- DesignShip() : using median instead of average when setting minimum stat-based acceleration

- fix UI crash when you set policy and have the option to join a war where you are allied with someone other than the leader #4162
- fix crash when looking at a lagrange-point based hab in the hab screen
- added some error handling when reading incompatible save data from prior versions
- Crash fix for councilors with invalid voice template, fallback voice will be assigned. Fixed three backer councilor templates with home regions that were renamed; this was causing crashes when they failed to find a VO and tried to talk.
- handle a crash when you activate an army deploy operation while still zooming into Earth

- Fixed a typo in the plasma weapons template
- fix problems installing molten salt reactors #4163
- fix defend interest dates getting out of sync when applying to several control points #4155
- fix level 2 medical officer killing patients instead of healing them
- fix spot size calculation for neutron particle weapons
- fix bug in assigning capital regions to breakaways, was leading to Yemen weirdness but oddly not Taiwan weirdness, #4156
- TIArmyState.CanGetTo() bugfix : inland locations can't be reached from islands
- NewOperationTarget() bugfix : queued initial destination results in currentTarget not being set.
- fix 4145 fix bad cp type assignment when two cps are generated at once
- fix 4146, Removed single-frame double selection of councilor in ForceNewPlayerCouncilor and that seems to have cleared up issue where some mission icons don't appear
- HumanHabPlanner.ManageFoundGoals() bugfix : factions that lack the necessary technology to build a mining base cannot compare hab sites. This was causing AI suboptimal choices.
- fix bad calculation in tail armor mass
- fix bad dataNames for effects that improve nations' best sustainability value. This does mean existing effects won't apply and 0.4.1 campaigns that triggered these effects probably cannot reach the best possible value of zero during the campaign.
- fixed a bug where base construction time for ships was not being added to transit time when building with mixed space and earth resources
- fix bad inequality entries for Croatia-Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina-Montenegro, and North Korea
- TIShipWeaponTemplate.GetCuratedDesignScore() : cache bugfix. Issue #4161. This was causing outsize combat scores for some ships.

Claim fixes:
- Caliphate gets claim on Tanzania instead of West Tanzania, and Lesser Sundas
- SE Asian Alliance gets claim on Lesser Sundas
- Fix multiple claim issues on Port Moresby region
- Fix so Restored Commonwealth gets claim on Halifax region
- Dominion gets claim on Halifax region
- Fix multiple misconfigured claims by ROC on mainland China
- Southern Cross gets claim on Moluccas
- Intermarium gets claim on Estonia
- Remove colony status on northern Argentina region

- fix loc for targeting computer projects, sustainability effects, superalloys
- fix name of belgium
- added ă to arcon font for capital of Moldavia
- Comet vis : Better radius-based coma scaling
- updated tech audio

- added internal tracking of GHG sources to help balance things
- when you unlock a project that required a successful unlock roll, you get a different notification text
- renamed space medical facilities

- moved hardcoded councilor and faction org limits to tiglobalconfig


*** Earth
* Significant update to world map to increase number of regions, break up some monster regions, and disaggregate some previously merged nations. Multiple new breakaways and projects.

- Switzerland, Serbia, Moldova, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, North Macedonia, Albania, Lebanon, Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Malawi, Cabo Verde, Uganda, Djibouti, United Arab Emirates, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Papua New Guinea, Polynesian States, Micronesian States, and Melanesian States set as independent nations. Benelux is now Netherlands and Belgium-Luxembourg. Middle Guinea is now Togo-Benin. Great Lake States are now Rwanda-Burundi. Upper Guinea is now Guinea-Guinea-Bissau. Ex-Yugoslavia reorganized in Croatia-Slovenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina-Montenegro.
- South Yemen, Palestine, Somaliland added as breakaways.
- India gains 7 regions. China reorganized and gains 6 regions. Russia gains 6 regions, 4 in Siberia, an Arkhangelsk region, and a Caucasus region. Brazil gains 4 (Rio de Jainero, Belem, Fortaleza, Cuiaba); USA gains 3 (Boise, St. Louis, New Orleans). Australia gains 3 (Melbourne, Darwin, Adelaide). Mexico (Tijuana and Merida), Iran (Tabriz and Isfahan), Japan (South Honshu and Ryukus), Egypt (Alexandria and Luxor), France (Brittany and French Caribbean) gain 2. Germany (Bavaria), Italy (Milan / Po Valley) Canada (Maritimes), Indonesia (Lesser Sundas), Myanmar, Poland, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Congo, Colombia, Peru, Algeria, Sudan, Mali, Angola, Kenya, and Tanzania gain a region.
- Meganation changes: Caliphate claims reworked to include only Muslim-majority regions; they lose their claim on Addis Ababa. Colombia gains a new project that grants claims on the Spanish-speaking regions of the Western hemisphere, at last realizing the dream of Francisco de Miranda.
- Reduced max mission control for most regions because we added so many regions.

(NOTE: The inclusion of some very small regions to model real-world nations and conflicts requires the addition of some "sea triangles" to serve as a clickbox and hold icons that simply don't fit on the map at any useful scale. This particularly includes Palestine and Lebanon. The jury is out on whether this makes a better game in the aggregate, so we may pull them back and re-abstract those regions like they are in the 0.3 builds. We'll just have to see.)

* Change how GHG generation works and player tools to address it. GHGs are now primary generated passively each month. All nations now have a "sustainability" value that serves as a multiplier to some math that generates baseline values for carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide produced by each nation. Those values are based on GDP, population, nation physical size, and the presence of oil resource regions. This model was derived from real world GHG emission data; the sustainability value at start represents a correction based on how far off the model's numbers were from the reality.

When completing the welfare priority, instead of removing GHGs from the atmosphere, the nation's sustainability rating improves. Only when it reaches zero (the best possible value) does the priority remove GHGs directly. Zero is unreachable until a number of tech gates are passed. When completing the spoils priority, the rating gets worse. Spoils also generates a small amount of GHGs directly. The economy priority does not generate GHGs or affect the sustainability rating (for now; we'll see how this goes).

* Rework of some priority mechanics. Many priority benefits that affect national stats now scale with the population of the country, so working on GDP or inequality in China will go slower than working on it in Botswana.

(We are currently considering a larger rework of priorities. Among other things, that would involve breaking the environmental curing effects into a separate priority from welfare.)

*** Tech

* Tech tree changes: Deprecated Neutronium Containment, H-Li-6 Fusion, High Energy Electrothermal Propulsion, High Energy Electrostatic Propulsion techs. Added Neutronics, Superalloys, Space Navies, Tokamaks techs. Renamed "Proton-Boron Fusion" to "Aneutronic Fusion." Moving projects around within this and made additional changes to prereqs all over the place.

* Condensed dozens of weapon projects to simplify tech tree. eg at each level of laser (laser tech + color), there is a cannon project, and a battery project, instead of 7 separate projects for each weapon system. Missile projects were condensed by fuel+warhead type (mostly means a project will unlock a missile and torpedo together).

*** Ships

* Ships now gain "officers" as a form of experience. There are 15 types of officers with 3 ranks each. They provide bonuses based on their type and rank. Officers spawn with a name based on certain conditions and a successful die roll. For example, a ship can gain or promote a gunnery officer when it gets a kill with gun-type weaponry.

* Rework of targeting mechanics in combat. ECM modules now have a chance to add a forced cooldown on any weapon newly targeting the ship with the ECM. (ECM still has a chance to disable missiles immediately before they strike a target, although this functionality no longer affects nuclear and antimatter missiles; they just explode.) Added targeting computer module for ships to overcome enemy ECM. The duration of the cooldown depends on the internal success-failure roll.

* Rework of internal ship damage mechanics so damage can exit a ship under certain circumstances and not be applied internally. This is typically for kinetic/penetrator/beam weapons with a small point of contact; explosive warheads, nukes, and antimatter weapons are immune to this. This should make ships somewhat more survivable and give explodey things a larger niche.

* Refined definition of explodey internal ship components and added UI to indicate what those are. Added "highly explosive" internal components that typically involve antimatter or salt-water rockets and do even more internal damage when damaged in combat.

* All ships now have a max armor that can be placed on a facing, representing structural limitations of a ship. It's different for nose/tail and lateral armor facing. Larger ships have much higher caps. The cap is determined by armor plate thickness, a ship can hold more armor of a type if it is thin.

* Complete rework of particle weapons. In rough order of progression, there are now e-beamers, ion cannon, neutral particle cannon, antimatter cannon, and neutron cannon. The last three have significant range. Some of these can do normal (thermal) damage, but they now interact with armor differently -- many beams will partially penetrate armor. They do radiation damage to "soft" systems -- relying on computers and people, so particle beams are unlikely to kill a ship, but more likely to disable it. And kill officers.

Ship modules:
* Added 40mm Autocannon and unlocking project. This has enough umph to be used as an early offensive weapon.
* Added Flag Bridge and unlocking project. One flag bridge per fleet will reduce the fleet's mission control consumption.
* Added Salvage Bay and unlocking project. One per ship. Increases salvage recovery after a battle. Multiple modules in a fleet are subject to diminishing returns so you don't recover more material than was actually present.
* Added series of 3 targeting computer modules with unlocking projects that help overcome enemy ECM.
* Added mid-tier Foamed Metal Armor ship armor and project.
* Added Siege Coilguns. Size 3/4 Nose-mounted coilguns that fire huge shells at a slower ROF.
* Poseidon missiles: High-DV Nuclear-Powered Penetrator with a smaller warhead.
* Python missiles: a 50kt nuclear missile that can be used defensively.
* Racer missiles: Rapid-fire short range missiles that can be used defensively.
* Added three additional shape charged torpedoes, fixed bugs in casaba damage mechanics, added casaba vfx. Added shaped-charge missile that can be used defensively.
* All missiles received increased thrust as they were unrealistically low. Acceleration for missiles is 2x to 4x higher than previously.
* Nuclear and amat missiles are immune to "last chance" anti-missile effect of ECM.
* Larger Rail and coilguns generally received higher ROF.
* Plasma weapons had targeting ranges reduced (especially turrets).
* Laser Engines output doubled.

* Overhaul of drives: Removed Resistojet, Hall Drive, Arcjet Drive from the game. Added free ISRU capability to four electric drives. Rebalances of fission drives to scale research cost with capability and make some dominant strategies less so. Overhaul fusion tree to create progressions and tradeoffs between five fuel types and six containment types. Added three new fusion drives in total. Added a "Helium-3" mechanic -- fusion drives that use the material as fuel must pay a fissiles cost to re-propellant (representing making He-3 in reactors) unless they have a specialized hab module in a station orbiting a gas giant that extracts it from the gas giant atmosphere.

* A number of significant adjustments to the trajectory system that should make it better at calculating low-DV transfers.

*** Terrestrial Warfare
* Changes to army warfare and occupation. Occupation % can now go down during fight on success rolls from defending forces. Occupation rate is now much more incremental, with a small chance of a larger spike each day (representing a battle). Occupation rate scales with region size and population, so it is much quicker to occupy Iceland than it is Moscow. Army healing is slower. Significant force size and tech differences can still lead to rapid occupation of a nation but grinding attrition warfare is now also possible. Regional defenses now receive a 10% miltech bonus for each adjacent region belonging to the nation that isn't engaged in fighting, representing abstracted mobile defensive forces.

* Added some code to make sea transit durations a lot more accurate to the real world and pay attention to landforms as increasing travel times. If you're at war with the nation controlling the Suez or Panama canals, your transits will take a lot longer as you go around Africa/South America.

*** Habs
- Outpost Cores now costs 2 MC instead of 1. Colony and Ring Cores now cost 4 MC instead of 5.
- Added T1 and T2 Heavy Fusion modules.
- Added T3 Helium-3 extraction module that removes fissiles propellant cost for D-He3 fusion drives. It goes in the lowest orbit of the gas giants.
- Extra mission control cost for having a large mine network is now on a per-mine instead of a per-space-body basis. The number of "freebie" mines not subject to this effect increased from 12 to 24. This is a balancing mechanic to reduce utility of dominant Mars strategy and emphasize asteroid mining more, and building "tall."

*** Solar System
- Comets! You can now explore and develop comets. There are 10 comets modeled in the biggest Solar System scenario. Also they look pretty cool.

- Update the outer Solar System with the latest data on the Kuiper Belt. (There's a lot of uncertainty about what's a dwarf planet out there). Some smaller dwarfs got demoted to asteroids or removed; a few new dwarfs were added. Added newly reported sizeable moons of Neptune and Uranus. Added one Jupiter moon that's 400 meters from our normal threshold of 10 km. Found a case where we had the same KBO twice with slightly different orbital elements; replaced it with another KBO not represented in the game. Solar System initialization changed so that which orbits and hab sites to use are defined from the space body template instead of through meta templates, to make maintaining meta templates easier.

*** Invaders
- Added tier-3 lasers, magnetic guns, missiles, and drives for alien ships. These will become available after a certain campaign duration (dependent on difficulty).

*** Combat
- AI Missile Targeting got an update. AI will now attempt to overwhelm PD and kill the target while limiting missile over fire. AI will also attempt to fire missiles from more favorable launch trajectories.

- Damage and System Function indicators got an overhall to help the player better understand their fleet status at a glance.

- Damage Control got an update, the size of a ship's dam con team controls the rate of repairs. When a dam con team is large enough multiple modules can be repaired at once. Added a visual indicator to what module is being repaired in combat.

- Some parts once destroyed cannot be repaired past a particular point while on sortie. To be fully repaired they have to be sent to a dock.

*** Gameplay
- After 10 and 20 years, respectively, the frequency of the mission phase goes down to 1 every 3 weeks and then monthly.

-added new music fanfares for strategy layer events and combat
-a bunch of new alien ship names courtesy of Discord user Sarah. Thanks!

- Alien AI will now pick sites for new habs from its five favorites instead of among all weighted options.
- Combat AI should emphasize wall tactics more.
- AI will now modify its assessment of enemy strength based on enemy success in battle

- Sortable hab lists in the hab screen
- Hab module detail will now alert you if the module goes on stations- or base-only.
-feedback for why refit is invalid in designer

- improvements to late game load times via VFX pooling
- improvements to AI thinking on councilors, orgs, tech and project selection

- Recolored Neptune to a kind of sky blue now that we learned the azure blue was a LIE.
- Adjusted rotational period on a few bodies to sidereal period instead of solar for accuracy
- Made a pass at code intended to reduce duplication of org icons.
- Orbit trails for highly elliptical orbits should be better visualized now

- Body in space object detail panel will orbit properly on tilt

- add template entries for better customization of faction ship hulls and army skins