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Some UI/UX suggestions

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 10:20 am
by fsrt_42
I have just finished my second run (as Exodus, after a first Resistance game), and I love this game. However, the late game can be tedious (and Exodus has a far easier time than HF for instance). You had to repeat similar actions a lot, and interfaces don't help. Here are some UI/UX suggestions that should alleviate some of this problem.
  • For habs/stations the default filter is the list of all habs for all factions. It is not really interesting, because I am mostly interested in my habs/stations for most of the game. The default filter should be the same as the current fleet filter: all habs/stations of your faction. I would also like to be able to sort habs/stations according to different productions (science, fissiles, and so on) like countries on their dedicated table. I also would like to see if there are available building locations on each hab/station, or if there are possible improvements (much like Stellaris)
  • On the contrary, the default behavior of the fleet list is to list all of my fleets. It is not really interesting, as it is already on the main screen. The default behavior should be a list of all fleets coming to/orbiting celestial bodies I control. It is really painful to search every time if they are aliens fleets targeting my assets in all the different locations.
  • The combat interface has much improved on the last builds. However, I would like to have access to even tighter formations. Overlapping PD is key to defending against most alien fleets, and having to concentrate your fleets at the start of each battle is really painful.
  • Automating missions for councilors is a great improvement on the late game. However, there are still some troubles with mission selection. In particular, they sometimes defend already defended countries and they rarely hide. As I am generally targeted by all other factions in the late game, I would like them to hide when they are detected.
  • Lastly, it should be possible to target de-orbiting fleets without them being able to escape. I know it is not realistic, but when a transport fleet comes to the Earth, I generally spend a long time chasing it with 6 or 7 fleets until they exhaust their dV. I mean, they had to slow down to enter atmosphere, so it should be possible to intercept them.