Patch Notes 0.3.100-107

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Patch Notes 0.3.100-107

Post by johnnylump »


- fix localization errors in French, German and Traditional Chinese that were screwing up the resource display


- Reduced frequency of several narrative events

- Fix crash in player diplomacy UI

- Fix broken antimatter reward for Van Allen antimatter

- 3069 - fixed hidden projects in tech tree not becoming visible after unlocking them in the session


- Updated German, French, Japanese, Chinese-Simplified, Chinese-Traditional localizations to .99 build

- adjustments to bombardment AI to make it more careful when it bombs defended targets
- increased "oh no I'm losing" threshhold for which a nation will launch nuclear weapons in support of an army battle (meaning they'll wait longer to nuke)
- AI saving target : clear target if it cannot be built due to running out of space / power
- Adjustments to alien hab designer for more shipyards and fixes to upgrade logic
- AI factions can now offer any resource type they are willing to trade when initiating trades with player

- SimulateCombat() : Do not use all available dv
- pheroctye emitter guaranteed for initiative

- Cleaned up and Reformated various combat tooltips
- Added Weapon Stats to Ship Weapon UI tooltip
- Added Post Combat Tooltips for ship
- Added Tooltip to habs that lists all modules in pre and post combat
- Added Tooltip to hab weapon platforms that lists their armaments
- Combat List Items now have a larger activation zone for their summary tooltips
- Added ship summary tool tip to fleet screen. You can now check ship specs by hovering the item
- Added description of open-cycle and closed cycle drives to drive description.

- Fixed a rare crash from new combat distances ui
- Fix rare crash in TIMissionModifier_SpaceSupportShortage

- Fixed a bug where the player could use hotkeys to adjust combat speed while formation UI was up
- Fixed a bug with priority design templates where adjusting nuclear weapons would adjust navies instead
- Bugfix #3632: Fixed bug that caused single-barycenter transfers going to orbits (not stations or fleets) to cost an erratic and far too large amount of DV. Thanks Reddit for pointing this one out!
- fix bugged calculation of drive mass flow, which is used in turn to calculate whether a drive has open-cycle cooling. Some drives will need a lot less radiators, so there's a meaningful balance change here.
- Fixed issue with intercept course maneuver not appearing for individually selected ships

- fix some loc for solar hab kits
- oligarchs CP will not provide a defensive bonus when you're trying to coup a nation in which you own oligarchs and the executive CP
- fixed hab module destruction fx playing when viewing module for the first time after rebuilding it
- fixed inconsistent volumes with special UI reverb channel; adjusted coup, riot sfx volume
- prevent unanimated target reticles from showing up on Earth when doing mission targeting while earth map not active


- Updated Spanish and Portuguese loc

- mission control tooltip will note under construction and deactivated module MC sums
- bases will consistently use space combat score symbol to represent antibombardment defense

- increased shot energy proportion for chipping for laser weapons
- eased up on one factor (abundancy proportion) in ai's willingness to trade resources
- game will try multiple times to reroll narrative events until sufficient eligible events have been triggered

- fixed nre when AI attempts to get fuel boost cost when not docked at a hab.

- fix bug where AI wasn't paying fixed mission resource costs
- fixed a bug in AI calculation of how much MC its under construction ships would consume
- fix bug in surface-to-orbit weapon cooldown calculation
- fix point defense calculation in surface hab defenses
- base defense module weapons will now fire twice per "shot" (representing the double weapons reported in the display)
- fix calculation of priority damage during damage to region
- adjusted some power plants max capacity for to cover new efficiency figures, and some drive power plant prereqs so you can't unlock a drive you can't power
- fix faction mixup in ai-to-ai trade requests

- fix busted loc for megafauna moving around
- removed a couple of pointless double prereqs in the tech tree. two less lines!
- Attempt fix base sprite for T2 Heavy Fission Reactor Array not showing up in Steam builds


Known issue: Base sprite for T2 Heavy Fission Reactor Array isn't showing up in Steam builds.

Gameplay / Balance
- When a faction gains a new control point grown by a nation, the faction's default priority template will be used
- Salvage of exotics from alien ships will be lower on Veteran and Brutal difficulties (scaling with increased production rate)
- Alien progression rate also changes exotics income (along with preconfigured settings for each difficulty) and exotics salvage
- increase power to all laser cannon and largest human laser battery
- Added navy setting to presets
- Reduced ROF for all surface to orbit lasers
- nation cohesion impact from elite-public ideology differences now on a scale rather than pinpointing to specific ingame ideologies

- AI will now use interfleet refueling capability when circumstances warrant
- added a case where the ai will check for affordability in making ship construction decisions
- most factions/nations will be willing to join an alliance of convenience when the alien nation declares war on them
- TIShipWeaponTemplate.EstimateDPS() : applyOverkillPenalty; Added in an option to not apply the overkill penalty when estimating DPS.
- AI no longer trades habs with docked fleets

- Updated 4k textures for Enceladus, Europa, Charon, Ceres, Callisto, Ganymede, Dione, Ariel, Iapetus, Mimas, Miranda, Pluto, Titania, Haumea, made Triton texture less shiny
- Destroyed mines have unique sprites in the hab view
- Latest illustrations implemented and minor loc changes
- Updated Defensive manuvers to take in the velocity relative to the ship of incoming projectiles. This should result in more accurate threat assessment calculations.

- Added missile salvo option in combat, which will fire a portion of the ship's missiles at the target
- A notification will trigger if a nation grows a control point
- Add a notification when an enemy army moves to one of your regions
- Add notification of assault carrier launching toward Earth
- Space Battle notifications can now alert and have more information about the battle
- thrust profile tool will show launch / arrival time and date instead of just date
- Added distance values to all ships from the currently selected ship
- Added tooltips to damage values in combat to explain what the damage icons mean.
- Added quick-campaign newgame preset with 200% for many things. quick is probably a misnomer but quicker, we hope
- postcombat now has continue / close / take me there buttons

- 3606 - fix crash when trying to construct a ship after deleting a design
- added missing comma to hab modules json that was caused hab module mods to crash the game
- Fix crash when trying to tab through assets when you have no assets

- Fix for #3580, formation issues when defending a station while a noncombatant is in the fleet
- HabSchematic.GetOrder() : Take into account variable power costs of mines.
- Fix serious bug in interaction between player notification settings and various feeds. The fixes will cause pre-103 saves to clear their news and timer feeds on first load
- GetTechTier() : core projects not being given the correct tier bugfix
- SelectProject() : objective project logic bugfix
- 3611 - fixed out of order newsfeed items when toggling newsfeed details
- Alien hab builder : replacing superfluous power module results in using too much power bugfix. Issue #3609
- 3535 - fix for some selective tech trees not placing projects that are alt prerequisites correctly
- Bugfix #3590: Fixed bug where the transfer planner wouldn't report the minimum DV for some failed transfers.
3619 - using propellant input box in designer now updates propellant cost correctly
- Fix for alien progression rate slider doing the opposite of what was intended
- fixed issue with setting the MC priority for nations that were part of a federation with a space program. MC setting is now saved properly.
- TISpaceShipState.Bombard() : Bombardment defenses formula bugfix, The formula for bombardment defenses used TIShipWeaponTemplate.Score(), which now gives very different results, mainly due to discounting overkill damage, To maintain the earlier defensive strength of hab weapons, I have rewritten the formula to closely match the numbers produced before the weapon scoring changes.
- fix for #3579 AI target aquisition now takes into account if a ship has disengaged and will retarget.
- TILaserWeaponTemplate.EstimateDPS() : multiplication instead of division typo fix
- drive energy requirements updated to include efficiency stat, meaning all drives will need bigger power plants and more radiators
- faction will revalidate all orgs when a councilor leaves, preventing bugs where illegal orgs could be temporarily maintained on other councilors
- fix alien armies not going home when they make peace with another nation
- fix failure to notify a new war when orphaned alien armies start one
- refits now factor in refuel costs instead of refueling for free

- hide tooltip when adding/removing listitems in split fleet panel
- move ships to formation positions when splitting fleets, should prevent ship overlap when docked at station
- 3523 - fixed incorrect ship construction placement on t1 shipyards
- Fix decommission of a hab triggering "defend interest expired" notification #3623
- Fix forever bug during unification with a union nation displaying non-union flag and name
- fix errors in repeatable project cost text 3625
- 3620 - designer module data will no longer show current armor cost if there is no armor in a slot
- Fleet debug text : added line for canStartNewTransfer
- fix alien army symbol not turning off from assault carrier fleet
- updated text about the location of the UI alien-threat-meter in the UI
- fix for armor mass not showing in ship detail screen in fleets UI. Might have also fixed non-localized text issue in the same place.
- fix for #3604 - Formation UI speed setting not aligning with ship actual speeds

- AccessibleWarEnemy() : clear cache less often

- 3627 - Added mod support for array replacement instead of merge by supplying list of json templates in "TemplatesToReplaceArrays" in modinfo.json


Language Support
- Added Polish localization

- Buncha updates to new research management AI and ship designer
- worked on conditions for ai to unrest nation in which it has a cp

Balance / Gameplay / Features
- added 2 new campaign options -- narrative events and IP scaling;
- rework of amat presence around saturn; now mostly concentrated in medium saturn orbit, with a bit around the near moons
- fixed /reduced antimatter spiker cost to 30 pico-resource units if I finally got the math right. This is generally based on AIMStar estimate of 300 micrograms for an Oort Cloud mission, (except you never have to refill it because it's a utility module in TI). For context, mining all of Saturn's natural amat produces 2.4 pico-resource units per month. (Note that the antimatter microfission drive uses significantly less amat per tank and gets pretty good gas mileage, so it's going to be the primary outlet for tiny natural amat incomes)
- Game will now add amat from absent orbits in a scenario so a body will have its full natural amount
- orbital debris will slowly decay over time
- alien hate reduction for killing habs when in non-total war state will scale better with the value of the hab
- Releasing a nation will now scale unrest and cohesion impacts for the original nation from the proportion of population that's going to the new nation rather than pure RNG

- Orbits will now display antimatter income in game resource units per month instead of micrograms per year
- changed look of campaign customization sliders
- added background for hab detail text for clarity on light colored spacebodies
- power down icon is no longer displayed on modules being decommisioned in hab detail panel
- can now minimize precombat notification

- Fix locked nations being available for release by grant independence policy, selecting them would cause a crash
- CreatePropellantSharingPlan_Equalization() performance optimization : Thank you to! Equalizing DV in a very large fleet will no longer softlock the computer for up to several minutes

- fix cached propaganda, army and alien detection bonuses from leo habs not being stored properly, new bug for 0.3.101
- fix prereqs for heavy fission array and farm
- add volatiles cost for heavy fission farm
- fix logic in removal of trait based on other trait rolls
- 3516 - fix for initial factions not able to be selected in skirmish on the other side
- startup: fixed base CP when adding/removing factions to campaign, should fix missing CP capacity from new non custom campaigns with fewer than max factions
- campaign option factions use scenario factions instead of all loaded faction templates
- Fix splitting a landed fleet at an unimproved hab site launching the new fleet into orbit
- Fix ability to found automated habs just about anywhere without exploration
- fix saturn medium orbit so it isn't synchronous and in the middle of the rings
- reorder events in start of mission phase so that CPs will lose defense before councilor automation is triggered (and it will recognize the CP is undefended)
- fix for mothership collider not being disabled upon destruction leading to unexpected collisions
- 3554 - fixed ship construction cost updating incorrectly when reopening ui, variable needed to be cloned not direct referenced
- adjust project prereqs for hydrogen tankage modules to add exotics research requirement for hydron trap

- TIMissionEffect_ControlSpaceAsset will now return defend date properly now on critical success
- battleship radiator size fix
- 3599 - fixed issue with valid save names being flagged as invalid in ui.


- Added campaign start options, including
* Set starting councilor professions, or take influence instead
* Set all projects to unlock for all factions
* Turn off first councilor from your nation
* Player control point capacity
* AI bonus capacity
* Bonus mission control
* AI bonus mission control
* Research Rate
* Alien progression rate
* Space mine productivity
* What factions will be in the campaign

NOTE: These settings can really alter the pace and difficulty of the campaign. We've technically tested them but the degree to which they change things is not something we know yet. Please provide context about your settings when providing balance feedback.

One of the things we're particularly interested in hearing about is settings that increase the pace of the game but otherwise provide a similar level of challenge and fun. We ultimately want to be able to set up some kind of preset that sets up a quicker campaign.

Language Support
- activated Portuguese localization (updated to 0.3.76, so there will be English placeholders of newer material and a few out-of-date bits of text)
- added czech characters to arcon font for mod support

- RegionShader, RegionController.GetRegionFillColor() changes. Adjusted the region shader to lessen saturation of the underlying map color, as well as make empty/transparent region overlays show the true color underneath. Deserts should be a less red in terrain mode. Also changes to specular maps of Earth so it's purdy.
- notifications can now be minimized
- added border to claims flag icon overlay in nation info screen
- adjusted font autosize in fleet screen
- Added More Clear Critical Damage Indication
- added more buttons to fleet notifications. Removed buttons when fleet is set to auto-refuel/repair on arrival, but once those are done option buttons (like merge fleets) should appear

AI / Balance
- Step 1 of overhauled AI research prioritization, also weapon choices in ship designer
- AI won't use coup or unrest on focus-fire nations it has a CP in
- Aliens will not suffer mission/operation penalties for negative mission control
- Automate councilor missions significantly downscore sending councilors on the same mission to the same target on the same turn
- ManageFleetGoals() : minor refactoring
- increase AI payoff for extract missions
- improve AI code where fleet realizes it can't succeed at bombardment at current strength
- Unpowered defensive base modules will be easier to bombard than powered ones
- Reduced effectiveness of base module armor
- Adding ablative (chipping-based) component to base module armor (auto-repairs after bombardment)
- During bombardment, lasers will be more effective through atmosphere (in both directions)
- Point Defense Array requires Infrared Combat Lasers sted Principles of Space Warfare. May split off station modules from base modules in the future so station modules with guns can fire up, but this fixes a bug where base PDA were using lasers that hadn't been invented yet.
- couple of adjustments to fusion tree
- Made alien AI ensure it gets strong nobles income from first base
- Pulsar drives will require better solid core fission reactors to unlock
- Added some guardrails for AI resource trading
- orion drive will unlock for all factions
- minimag orion will not unlock for all factions
- Altered natural amat production locations to centralize production(see ... ase_II.pdf)
- Reduced amat cost for antimatter spiker and antimatter microfission drive tanks in line with AIM and ACMF estimates
- the autonomous research group project also grants an increase to the monthly delta for making an unlocked project available, will make it still have a use when the "trigger all projects" option is selected
- your councilor candidates should always have at least one with an affinity for your faction (so less influence to recruit)
- a number of adjustments to marine values / events that consider them
- Alien AI will prefer more shipbuilding modules on its stations

- Added 3 Heavy Fission Hab modules and projects to unlock them
- Added event that lets you collect accumulated antimatter in the Van Allen belt when the first harvester goes online (160 nanograms)
- Added two new formation focii, one that focuses on PD (called "Shields", old "Shields" now called "Knights") and the other on nose weaponry ("Lances")
- Buncha new illustrations

- fix for 3547, crash at end of bombardment
- HabState module list caching bugfix. If modules were destroyed and then the relevant lists were accessed immediately (such as during hab bombardment), NREs could occur. Now these caches are cleared whenever a hab module is created or destroyed.
- Bugfix #3540: LERPed microthrusts occationally produced elliptical trajectories with negative semi-major axis, which would cause a crash when resolving the fleet's location. The eronious math has been improved, safeties are added to prevent any new LERPed microthrusts from having negative semi-major axis, and previously broken saves will now be repaired on load.
- 3556 - fixed crash when resolving fleet notification after disbanding target fleet
- fix crash when viewing destruction of a station with ships under construction, introduced in .100
- Bugfix #3557: prevent orbit phasing from being attempted when the fleet and it's target are orbiting different bodies.
- You can't dismiss councilors when a save-blocking prompt is active. This is to prevent trying to cheese events by dismissing an affected councilor, which causes a crash.
- 3533 - fixed crash when upgrading when trying to upgrade a ship class with a letter following the refit block number
- 3534 - fix for ships in multiple fleets post combat when defensive fleet uses pursue to chase evading attacking fleet. This would cause a crash when loading a save. Includes save repair.
- Bugfix #3583: Fleets would sometimes 'launch' while they were supposed to be loitering, creating an inconsistent game state. This is now prevented by creating a new launch operation and delaying the launch if it would be early. Damaged saves will be repaired on load.

- Bugfix #3504: Massive fix for torch trajectories. The old system assumed a number of symmetries that turned out not to exist. It's been replaced by a 4-variable Newton's Method to get a (near) exact solution. Reduction of performance is compensated for by (1) aggressively terminating Newton's Method if it begins to fail, and (2) reduction in precision. That reduced precision won't impact DV or travel times -- only fleet position (by a few km) -- and that is corrected by later steps of the transfer planner. This addresses some occasional weird torch trajectories we saw.
- Alien Administration will no longer count megafauna armies as among its forces in a number of settings. This may affect AI behavior and should fix some bugs (like AN trying to build navies for kaiju)
- attempt fix exploit when abolishing a federation -- last nation out now takes GDP hit
- Hab renovations : unpowered modules bugfix: Sometimes the hab builder could create habs that didn't have quite enough power for all of its modules. This was due to a bug in the renovation logic that could allow an upgrade to an existing module that isn't supposed to be upgraded. Most common case was construction modules getting replaced by nanofactories.
- GetNetCurrentMonthlyIncome() : fail gracefully if annualIncomeDictionary doesn't contain queried data
- fixed a bug where AI controlled ships in combat were not respecting dV limits for maneuvering
- fix a logic bug in InBattleWithOtherArmiesAndWinningByALot() that was causing nuclear nations to be a bit trigger happy when defending the capital
- fix a bug where bombardment targets that destroy an enemy fleet still think they are under bombardment
- fix missing prereqs for particle cannon
- Bugfix #3513: Prevent fleets that are already in a trajectory (i.e. a Solar escape trajectory) from prefering launch times for new trajectories in the past. This was preventing some possible trajectories, where it would complain that it needs more DV, but request a quantity less than the amount available.
- Made alien AI avoid doubling up found base goals on same location at startup
- Fix bugged alien AI base counting/base goal counting when planning bases
- Fix bugged calculation of region damage from bombardment
- Release nation policy will now test original capital, not most recent recorded one. Fixes inability to release some nonextant nations.
- changing ship hull in designer now properly retains custom name
- PrecombatController : wait to process SpaceCombatInitiated event until user has closed the previous combat's post-combat window
- fix for designer module table columns not refreshing to correct size
- Fixed some issues with a few small moons whose rotation rate was too close to the orbit duration, making bombardment difficult or impossible because of lack of target overflight. Specifically affects Phobos, Metis, Pan, Atlas, Mab, and Naiad.
- HumanHabPlanner.ShouldExpand() : habs not upgrading bugfix
- SimulateCombat() : missiles chance to hit bugfix
- handling for 0 denominator in victory condition math
- fix being able to use small construction modules to found large habs nearby
- fix bug were control space asset mission was allowed when mission control conditions should not have allowed it

- Clarified ISRU project name to point to the module and so it's different from the tech
- intel screen faction tab leader info text autosize instead of overflow
- 3548 - fixed incorrect ui scale tooltip
- fixed an issue with the text displaying center justified instead of left justified for ship designer table tooltips.
- Corrections for Habs Upgrade UI and TITechTemplate.MissiontoAsteroids
- updated laser tip to more clearly communicate that laser armor penetration decreases at distance not damage
- fix weird responsibility text when a hab module is destroyed by means other than someone bombing it in a mission
- add missing loc to a notification control
- Fixed issue with Alien ships in pre skrimish screen displaying the wrong acceleration
- Fixed UI issue that allowed strategy UI to appear in Combat when toggling ui with the delete button
- fix for turned councilors playing audio during councilor assignment phase when not turned by the player faction
- Clean up base site list values to fit space allotted

- GetNetCurrentMonthlyIncome() : optimization


Balance / AI
- rule change - you can only launch hab cores from Earth if they will reach destination in 750 days. This is on par with the max trajectory duration. This prevents exploits and mistakes by claiming far-off sites. The Asteroid Belt is still mostly accessible at start with this -- it looks like some bodies in outer belt or at high inclination will require launch windows or techs that improve thrust to reach from Earth.
- AI will now determine if it needs refuel/rearm/repair with some more stringent requirements
- added "Core" project category to ensure AI pursues those immediately
- Interplanetary rockets projects rated critical
- Alien aggression to jupiter+ habs and fleets : be more aggressive the further out they are from the sun
- AI will use unity with the goal of increasing public opinion about it more directly
- bombardment damage by kinetics will be reduced somewhat (by half the weapon's chipping damage)
- alien stations will only use exotic armor when orbiting their starter planet
- disabled multiplier from separatist movement projects to cohesion from geographic population distribution. This was causing unexplained spikes in cohesion loss when projects like End of America were researched.

- attempt fix NRE reported in TIMissionModifier_ExtractionDefense_Councilor
- 3531 - fixed crash when viewing a hab after ship construction finished when the new ship has a different hull than the previous
- fix for race condition in AI EndWar prompt resolution, could lead to rare crash

- fix a bug that prevented fleets from saving their prev formation
- prohibited placement of modules and upgrades on decommissioning habs, should fix some exploits
- fix missing enforcement of rule disallowing certain modules in irradiated locations
- Some fixes to atrocities not triggering when destroying certain hab modules
- GetBestOperation() : Transferring to target prematurely bugfix. In cases where the target is a nation, hab site, or space body, the system could transfer to an interface orbit nearby even if ReadyForTransferToTarget() was false. This was causing at least some of the observed conga-lining behavior.
- fix bug in ship designer that was causing unwanted repeats of utility modules
- fix AI mis-identifying crackdown mission internally in several places, including missing mission and focus-fire
- fix AI not using public campaign properly in focus-fire
- several fixes to triggering certain operations from notifications
- fix some inconsistencies in base combat scoring

- fix initialize rivalry cooldown order for mod support
- fix for mod popup not swapping fonts
- house of islam will add claim to suriname instead of guyana
- The slight random variation in weapon cooldown in combat will be capped at either +/-1 second or 25% of the intra-salvo cooldown, whichever is less. This should fix ROF for small high-ROF weapons (like the autocannon)

- Combat: Critical Hits will now display negative armor values in red
- got more info in the hab site target list (for landing on space bodies, primarily)