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Bug: Wrong mine MC counting.

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 10:56 pm
by quisatzleto
Wrong mine MC counting. He counts every mine wrong. V 0.3.89. (125% coprotation bonus to mining)

Re: Bug: Wrong mine MC counting.

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 5:31 am
by spoop
There is no bug here.
Just a player that has not read the tooltip that tells him that he is mining too many space boddys, and the next one costs 5 extra MC

Re: Bug: Wrong mine MC counting.

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 6:12 am
by quisatzleto
Thank you. The mechanics just didn't come to my mind. So now I have to manually count how many I have: colonies, mines, research campuses and stations - the sum of this confront with the current use of MC. If it does not match - find out of all the mines manually switching which consumes more than 1 MC, yes? I understand that this is to force the player to use ineffective mines (mining to consume MC) tier 2 and 3.

Re: Bug: Wrong mine MC counting.

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 12:42 pm
by DarthVicious
Technically its not how many bases/mines you have. Its how many bodies you are mining. You can have several Mars bases but its only 1 body.

Basicaĺy you want to limit how many random asteroids you mine, thats all.

Not sure about moons. Guessing they count as one planetary system even if multiple bodies? Its never been an issue for me.

I feel it is still worth going to tier 3 bases even if they cost more MC and you only get 50% more resources. There is the value of the additional modules you can add, and its better having a handful of tier 3 bases than dozens of tier 1 or 2 bases scattered all over the place. Tier 3 bases are also tougher, and less likely to cave to random tiny fleets.

Re: Bug: Wrong mine MC counting.

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 7:28 pm
by quisatzleto
You see for me MC is the most important because 1MC = 180res(~10k res total). So I can't mess around. I need an economy that can generate 2x6k fleets to defend Mars and Mercury and 1 pleet 10-20k depending on difficulty level and year to secure all of Jupiter ~30 T1 mining bases and then it's just a matter of time - no later than end in 48.
