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Patch Notes 0.3.88-.99

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 1:10 am
by johnnylump

- fix crash when AI tries to design ships before it has developed any hull-granting projects. This appears to be the cause of the random-seeming crashing people reported today.
- 3528 - fixed crash caused by combat fleetcontrollers not removing destroyed ships from activeshipcontrollers

- Fix Earth STO lasers not initializing with correct technology, fix bug that was allowing UV lasers being installed on Titan's surface
- Fix player reinforcements not responding to AI control

-fix for visible surface habsites in combat
- fix for priority dropdown list not setting the drop down check mark to "custom" when using a custom proiority configuration

- fix another UI crash when army occupation of region begins but zero occupation value accumulated

- correct DEA name to Drug Enforcement Administration


- fix crash when army occupation of region begins but zero occupation value accumulated

- fix missing notification when alien nation overthrown by popular revolution
- fixed missing unrest reduction upon alien nation revolution
- attempt fix stationary weapons not firing projectiles at stationary targets. I took out the code that would be preventing this but also wondering why that code is there in the first place so hopefully didn't break anything else
- fix bombardment ending early after you ended a previous bombardment early

- fix oversized laser beam from hab modules
- hab module weapon models will now go away when the hab module is destroyed in combat

- improve performance in bombardment


- fixed crash caused by stale fleet data from previous combat in formation setup

AI: ShouldRateLimitBoostExpenditure() : earth system base exception to local founding rule. Bases in the earth system (on the moon) are now allowed to be built even if there are existing habs in the earth system but no local founding capability.
AI: ShouldRateLimitBoostExpenditure() : power module logic bugfix. The system was allowing power modules to be built with boost outside of the intended cases (to power critical modules like mines).

- Fix visible seam in Deimos texture


- Reduced number of narrative events drawn (globally) per month from a mean 7 to a mean 4.5
- fleets whose bombardment mission is interrupted by an attacking fleet will no longer process repairs when the bombardment mission is canceled and combat begins

- fix for 3515 - fixed crash when cancelling refits into a docked fleet that already had precombat resolved

- Fix missing loc for "hab stability" mission modifier
- Fix Salt Water Battery and Lithium Spray Radiator resource costs
- Pacifist Trait will now work like ethical trait in terms of loyalty loss (but a stronger effect per atrocity)
- fix hab list item not updating faction-specific-hab icon following a faction switch


- increased benefit from sell-resources projects and project research costs (now that calculation bug is fixed), up to 5x baseline price (25% of purchase price) when all projects researched

- fix handling of fleet alarms when fleet is close to arrival, including a crash

- joinfleet goals to fleets with no goals will have a default importance of 5 (sted 0) so they are not immediately discarded

- control key will now function properly on minus ship designer spinners


- fixed crash when viewing a tooltip for a fleet in the fleet screen that is removed

- fix some tutorial typos
- fix research stolen value not appearing when crit success on stealing research


- fix crash in combat tutorial

- fix exploit from applying control priority point settings to other control points

- restore changed dataName for Thwaites Glacier event. A correct spelling was applied to internal name for the event for the .91 build, which would potentially mess up saves, so misspelled internal name was restored for .92. New games started in .91 build may instead be a little buggy in glacier collapse progression.
- copyedit some tutorial text; staff meeting about run-on sentences, use of comma with non-essential dependent clauses, and the value of semicolons


- Combat Tutorial Update
- Hab module UI element will display damage when hit in combat

- 3510 - fix for repeat bombard operation being allowed when the target was destroyed
- fix crash when clicking destination icon in fleet detail when the destination is nowhere

- fix for clicks on spacebodies firing behind the transfer UI

- add missing progression text for antimatter power plants
- clarify join / rally notification fleet name mixups when merging fleets


Balance / AI
- capped cohesion loss from geographic population distribution at -7.5 or so
- improved AI test in setting national priorities as to whether it thinks it's losing wars it's involved in, and the response if it does
- Salamander org reclassified so AI doesn't always have to equip it, just if it provides a advantage
- rework of faction org acquisition/org management
- ManageFoundGoals() : try to build stations around space bodies with high solar energy output
- FoundHabs() : save mission control for high-importance found goals.
- ShouldRateLimitBoostExpenditure() : energy logic. This update gives the AI unrestricted access to boost for the purposes of building stations around space bodies with high energy efficiency. Right now, that refers to venus and mercury.
- Adjusted some logic to make using annex less unlikely.
- rework of army movement modifiers (rugged/colony/unrest/enemy) to balance moving to/from "small" regions and large regions
- Disabled energy crisis event chain. Changed frequency (mostly reduced) of a number of events that can repeat.

- moved combat ui tutorial to after formation selection

- Added modding support for namelists

- fix for 3476 - fixed crash when a pursuit trajectory becomes invalid and there are no alternate transfers available
- Bugfix #3482: catch hyperbolic microthrusts during load or when created and circularize them to avoid future crashes.
- fix for crash when automated councilors are trying to calculate payoffs and an extant nation is created
- fix crash (bad effect template name) in resolving "still marked" event
- attempt fix issue when factionless target is passed to AI hostile takeover prompt

- fix for 3466, gun template needed to be updated with new fields
- AccessibleWarEnemy() : cache not updating bugfix. Issue #3474
- 3465 - fixed code for inverting formation positions for the inverted fleet in combat
- NAP will no longer show up for trading if the NAP cannot be fulfilled
- prevent ships from being clicked through UI elements
- fix for 3490, fixed orbits being force-selected when clicking on a target for transfer
- 3492 - reinforcing ships spawn in with the correct waypoint visibility setting
- AI / EfficiencyBonus bugfix. Was returning zero when hab module _did_ have HabModuleSpecialRule.Efficiency and specialRules value when it _didn't_ have that special rule.
- fix progression in new heavy rail/coil cannon warhead mass
- fix a sorting bug in AI org evaluation and replacement and adjusted AI behavior in dropping less valuable orgs to target larger orgs
- fix bad values in several missile ammo costs that were leading to overcharges for reloading
- Nuclear retaliation logic bugfix. Issue #3499. There was a condition intended for first-strike logic that was impacting the retaliation logic, preventing retaliation on enemy armies on enemy territory.
- fixed ship construction visuals causing collision avoidance in combat
- UpdatePowerManagement() : turning off more modules than is necessary bugfix. Issue #3500
- Fixed an issue where removing a ship from the group select would not update the group's manuverability constraints
- attempt fix 3945 (turret sizing)
- breakaways from the alien administration will end breakaway status when the alien administration is destroyed
- Fixed a logic error that was preventing AI from launching annex operation
- Ensured AI won't count "enemies" twice in some logic when in two or more separate wars with that nation (leading to over-estimation of what AI is up against)
- Fix calculation of trajectory duration referenced in some UIs -- attempt fix alarms being set for inaccurate times.
- fixed inverted vertical drag direction when focused on a ship in combat
- Bugfix (discovered independently): when a fleet inherits another fleet's trajectory, we now copy any nextTrajectory as well (previously it was possible to inherit a nextTrajectory where the fleet backpointer pointed to the wrong fleet).
- fixed bug where user deleting itemdata file in owned mod folder would prevent uploading mod
- fix effects that give purge attacking bonuses not giving bonuses
- fix sell-resource bonus projects providing massive bonus
- fix construction tier of battlecruiser to 2
- human armies working for the alien nation will now immediately annex regions like alien armies do

- Swapped name/descriptions for Unlocking spike radiators
- building bases will now properly trigger colonization achievements
- fix for nationpolicy animation on councilor marker
- fix precombat canvas UI text color
- Fix for #3353 - Spoils will no longer require two clicks to clear when copying a CP's priorities over to the other CPs in the nation.
- combat ui fix for large ui scale
- fixed finder starting size when using large ui scale
- adjusted battleship droplet radiator position
- Alarm notifications should use current fleet name, not fleet name when alarm was set
- Fix clicking on a ship in strat layer with planet behind it triggering UI goto for planet, not ship
- Fixed an issue that caused the combat camera to point downward after focusing a ship and looking at it from the bottom.


- Fix Heavy Coilgun Mk3 project having itself as a prereq, crashing tech tree

- Fix nonextant alien assets showing up as targets in army targeting UI


- aliens will only use exotics in antibombardment armor at their main base
- Increased difficulty of turn mission and removed "detained target" bonus
- nerf admin bonus from admin modules to 10/30
- increased targeting range of alien laser and particle beam point defense weapons
- reduced orbital bombardment damage to regions somewhat
- further lowered relative value of mobility and DV in ship combat scoring
- adjusted research formula again to change impact of unrest
(old: unrest *= 1 - (Max (unrest - 2, 0) * .1)
(new: unrest *= 1 - (unrest * unrest * .01))
- lithium heat sinks and two new radiators require molecular benefaction project
- few other tech prereqs changes here and there
- increased efficiency of protium drives so less radiator needed

- added a number of new events including chains Marked and Infiltrated
- 3 new advanced radiators, some reworking of all advanced radiator capability and prereqs
- 6 new 3-slot rail/coilguns for humans, 2 for aliens
- buncha new alien ship/hab names
- new laser models, now with more lens

- Defense scoring changes. Defense (including space combat as well as space assault) is now scored inside of GetMetaScore() rather than in AIEvaluators.EvaluateHabModule_PercentChange(), as the value of defenses scales with what they are defending - therefore it's inappropriate to score them in a vaccuum like you would a mine or a lab.
- Hab efficiency scoring. Added scoring for modules that possess the "Efficiency" special rule.
-Hab renovation : do not renovate habs that are under construction
-Hab renovation : scoring bugfix. There was a bad condition that resulted in renovations to occur that shouldn't have (because they were worse that the current design).
-Hab renovation : Filter out renovations that are worse than the current design
-Adjusted AI trade evaluation of project unlocks and orgs equipped by councilors,adjust org admin value for trading
- AI will call for more ships when it's bombarding a hab target and can't kill it from low altitude. (#3451)
- AI, when deciding whether to improve relations, will perform a specific check to maintain a rivalry, which should end normal/rivalry status flip-flopping
- fixed an issue where the AI would not respond to players retreating during combat. It will now give chase.
- increased AI consideration of cohesion loss from early war

-First pass on UI scaling option
-return to operations alert will have transfer option buttons if fleet is capable of transfer
-claims map mode now highlights the applicable regions instead of the entire nation
-can use world-space selection for post-combat trajectory target change.
-when refitting, docked ships list will now only show docked ships that have a refit class to refit into
-updated intel panel sorting headers
-Added orbit debris icon and tooltip to orbit selection when founding new platforms on space bodies
- Combat UI now displays class names for ships
- Fleet lists are now organized based on hull size and mass
- added mining hab icon
- clicking on a space object will now turn on trails for all fleets heading to that object

- nation screen performance improvement - move sort buttons to column headers instead of on each item
- Intel screen initialization performance
- cached "can see everything value" to reduce use of distance formula when checking if an alien fleet is visible

- Bugfix #3399: We had a fleet with an acceleration of 0.08 milligees trying to get between two asteroids with almost the same semi-major axis. With acceleration so low, it needed a microthrust spiral, which involved waiting for the two asteroids to get into the correct alignment -- a process that would only take 10 millenia. This broke our DateTime. In the future, similar situations will simply fail to find a transfer solution, reporting back that your acceleration is too low. Technically, there *are* solutions that don't take 10 millenia, but they are hard to calculate (especially for such a niche case), and in any case would take longer than 3 years to complete, exceeding the maximum duration of our transfers. (TAKE NOTE, CHUMS, THIS IS HOW TO WRITE A PATCH NOTE)
- 3447 - fix crash with save repair code for fleets docked on enemy stations with defense modules triggering combat before save is fully loaded.
- 3449 - fixed crash when destroying a hab with ships under construction
- fix for crash when refitting ship with no kills
-ManageFoundGoals() : station goals NRE bugfix
- fleets must undock before using platform kits. This fixes a case where a fleet was docked to two habs at once.
- nre fix for annexing
ArrangePlayerFleetInFormation() : NRE bugfix
- armies whose parent nation are allied with extant alien nation cannot be used against alien facilities/landed UFOs. (this happened when another faction controlled one army, ultimately led to a crash)

-fix for GOG achievements being disabled
-fix decommissioned habs causing debris; fixed amount of debris involuntarily lost habs creates based on size
-fix for combat ship tooltips not showing in subsequent combats
- HabSchematic.GetOrder() : keep adding modules as long as there is a power deficit. This ensures that initial order is whole, and can be trimmed back correctly. Prevents bug where a bunch of farms are added at the last second, causing a power shortage to the order, which results in a number of power consuming modules being removed and the resulting order being too small and therefore having to use PackingDecision over and over to fill it up.
- EvaluateHabModule_PercentChange() : sign typo fix. Accidentally subtracted a negative value from the costScore resulting in resource costs _increasing_ the final scoring of a hab module.
- workshop browser ui fixes
3453 - fixed refit cost being overridden when updating construction in the daily update
- IsTraversible() : FriendlyCrossingOnly bugfix. Condition was backwards - you couldn't use a FriendCrossingOnly adjacency if your current region was at war with you, rather than the target region.
-IsTraversible() : Can traverse non-existent bridge bugfix
-fix for some utility module types not correctly allowing refits when adding them in empty slots
- war / new rivalry cohesion penalty duration now held as a separate value from relations improvement cooldowns. This should prevent failed attempts to end a rivalry from extending the duration.
- fix inability to upgrade antimatter harvester to antimatter farm
- fix automated habs triggering the "first humans arrive" milestones
- fix some missing event notification text in newsfeed
- fixed an issue where ships would change direction during formation setup if velocity was set to 0
- Polar vortex no longer occurs during summer in the global south
- corrected some event rewards which didn't scale
- Totten Ice Shelf Collapse now possible, and with it the follow up Aurora Subglacial Basin Retreat and Wilkes Basin Retreat. This should make sea levels rise a lot, and this should work in ongoing games AFAIK.
- misc event fixes
- fixed a bug which was preventing the followup events to putting tracking chips in the vaccine and lying to the media from firing. There shall now be consequences!
-ArrangePlayerFleetInFormation() : respect formation z value when placing fleets around hab. Issue #3464
-SelectFleetFormationAction : invertZ == true if fleet is defending. Non-combatants put in front bugfix
-habs that have no combat score will not let you toggle fleet position and will default to infront.
- A number of adjustments to SimulateCombat to produce more consistent outcomes
- events will be checked monthly for eligibility to trigger, should fix certain offseason events from occurring
- fixed some logic errors and improved performance in AI ship utility module selection
-fix for fleet formations with large numbers of ships placing ships exponentially farther apart
- fix bug with weapon model sizing
- when a nation is destroyed, it's funding value is zeroed out (exploit fix)
- Earth-Luna Lagrange points can now host modules requiring populous main body

-Org stars now use inline sprites instead of font stars - should fix linux missing org star bug.
-operations UI fixes
- fix arctic melt reporting non-relevant regions affected #3455
- fix wonky wording in investigate councilor results
- clarify wording in how remass scoop works
- other event text fixes
- fix bad required nation config for a French org