Battles and Fleet Sizes

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Battles and Fleet Sizes

Post by DarthVicious »

I have experimented with ship limits of up to 60 or 70 ships per battle. Becomes unmanageable very quickly. So have settled on a limit of 40.

However, the Aays often have a couple early fleets with 100+ ships. Assuming you can survive the initial engagement, the battle then devolves into a long train of enemy gunships suiciding into your fleet one at a time. I started the current battle with 97 enemy ships unable to join, and after destroying the initial fleet, I am now sitting here mind-numbingly slaughtering one gunship/corvette at a time. Down to 50 still incoming one at a time, in a long train starting out at 9000 kilometers.

I would suggest that the solution is not to set a shiplimit, but that the game should have maximum fleet sizes (say 10 ships at outset, and improved by techs or command modules on larger ships), with an upper bound of say 15-20 ships. Should 2 fleets be coincident, able to reinforce each other, you can either have successive battles (having to fight the second fleet immediately after the first) or have the 2nd fleet able to "reinforce' the battle in full, but after a time interval (30-60 mins on the battle clock?).

EDIT. Now Aay admiral is down to 16 ships in reserve he finally offers to surrender. But what about my exotics .... no no no ... i need my exotics.
TI_Battle_01.png (330.42 KiB) Viewed 2378 times
(I scaled image down to allowed size, apologies for resolution).
Richard Baxton held off four waves of mind worms. We immediately purchased his identity manifests and repackaged him into the Recon Rover Rick character. People need heroes. They don't need to know he died clawing his eyes out, screaming for mercy.
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Re: Battles and Fleet Sizes

Post by DarthVicious »

I eventually accepted their withdrawal request. 1200 mins into the battle. Was just taking too long.
TI_Battle_02.png (124.45 KiB) Viewed 2372 times
Im rich! And that puts paid to half the Aay fleet in a single battle.
Richard Baxton held off four waves of mind worms. We immediately purchased his identity manifests and repackaged him into the Recon Rover Rick character. People need heroes. They don't need to know he died clawing his eyes out, screaming for mercy.
Posts: 98
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Re: Battles and Fleet Sizes

Post by DarthVicious »

DarthVicious wrote: Mon Jun 12, 2023 5:24 pm
I would suggest that the solution is not to set a shiplimit, but that the game should have maximum fleet sizes (say 10 ships at outset, and improved by techs or command modules on larger ships), with an upper bound of say 15-20 ships. Should 2 fleets be coincident, able to reinforce each other, you can either have successive battles (having to fight the second fleet immediately after the first) or have the 2nd fleet able to "reinforce' the battle in full, but after a time interval (30-60 mins on the battle clock?).
To flesh this suggestion out a bit more.

Have a mechanic that limits the amount of MC in a single fleet. So at game start you might have an MC limit of 10 or 15 per fleet. With techs you can increase that to say 50 by end game. (Fleet logistics, devolved command, etc).

You can also have utility modules (battle computers? Ship AI?) That reduces the MC cost of a ship in a fleet. So a battleship (4MC) with 2 AI modules would have an MC cost of 2.

This way you can have larger fleets but at an opportunity cost of sacrificing utility.
Richard Baxton held off four waves of mind worms. We immediately purchased his identity manifests and repackaged him into the Recon Rover Rick character. People need heroes. They don't need to know he died clawing his eyes out, screaming for mercy.
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