Invalid Retrofit

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Invalid Retrofit

Post by hebrux »

Invalid Retrofit
Does anyone actually like this machinic the way it currently is?

I find it extremely annoying. Why can't I, the supreme commander, decide what is an upgrade and what isn't an upgrade for a ship?

At the very least, I wish the autoRefit button would refit my ships with the best equipment while maintaining a valid Reftrofit parameter.

I just end up creating a new design and abandoning my obsolete ships since I can't upgrade them.
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Re: Invalid Retrofit

Post by johnnylump »

We're planning to add some mod-ability to refit rules in a future patch.

The reason why the rules are tight is that (in the designer's opinion) spaceships aren't made of Lego and refitting certain systems would cost more and take longer than just building a ship from scratch. You can look at the U.S. Navy's recent experiences trying to refit the Vicksburg as an example.
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