Global Resource Pool? Not a problem.

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Global Resource Pool? Not a problem.

Post by DarthVicious »

Been kicking the idea of whether TI having a global resource pool for space mined resources is a problem, and I don't think it is.

The (supposed) problem.
- You can build anywhere in the solar system, and have instant access to the resources you need (water, organics, metal, etc).
- As long as you can set up a local spacedock or supply depot, you can refuel/repair/construct from the moment the dock is finished, rendering ISRU modules and Remass scoops and repair bays largely redundant.

I then realised, it is not a problem, because resources in Space *are* globally available. You can seed the orbit of any body with supply pods launched in advance or timed to arrive as your dock finishes construction, and all the dock has to do is collect the resources or supplies already seeded in the orbit. Why bother to have an extra mechanic for the player to manage when all of this can be abstracted anyway, and it is a perfectly logical way to handle resources.

This leaves only two issues. The Mine. And Security.

The mine apparently has a built in space catapult for launching and retrieving supplies. Maybe this can be physically realised through a separate base module? is it worth it? Would it add anything to the game?

As for security? What stops other factions from stealing or intercepting or interdicting your supplies? Maybe the supply pods have built-in self-destructs or whatever. Not altogether sure how to think about this, but again, might not be worth adding to the game. Would a 'blockade' mechanic add anything?
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Re: Global Resource Pool? Not a problem.

Post by neilwilkes »

The idea of being able to run a blockade is extremely intriguing, especially in situations where Faction A has admittedly primitive fleets but few resources, and Faction B has the resources and is waiting for better tech before going down the ships route for example and I am sure there are other uses. Having to defend your resources seems to me appropriate, although intercepting these 'automated deliveries' would be problematic in itself as they will be....small.
On the other hand, I don't see how the Mine itself could be better defended than they already can be - barrackes, LDA and fleets for the most important ones
Sounds like a lot of fun though.
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