Where to get Fissiles from, please?

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Where to get Fissiles from, please?

Post by neilwilkes »

In the currennt run there are almost no fissiles anywhere so far (Luna, Mars, Asteroids) with the largest supply being 3 at Luna (must go steal that base) and 1.6 on Mars, followed by another 1.4 on Luna (also not mine) and a final 1.3 on Mars (which is mine).
There is one above 0.5 on Luna, half a dozen at under 0.5 on Mars and almost nothing on Ceres.
I am hoping for better from Mercury.....but searching the Asteroid belt is so far futile - maybe time to go to Jupiter?

Where can I find more fissiles, please?
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Re: Where to get Fissiles from, please?

Post by Zanotirn »

Luna is often the best early source of fissiles (the one thing it may have a lot of), but it depends on RNG. Mars and Mercury may have decent spots as well, if they got low rolls then your best bets are Ganymede and Callysto, however to actually hold to assets around Jupiter, you need a fair amount of naval power. Which basically means sticking to non-fissile drives and weapons at first - you don't need that many fissiles if you use other types. In terms of relatively close asteroids you may check 1951 Lick (which is often rich, including in fissiles), 3753 Cruithne and 4954 Eric
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Re: Where to get Fissiles from, please?

Post by neilwilkes »

Luna had only what I detailed above.
1951 Lick 0-0.5
3753 Cruithne 0-0.75
4954 Eric is close to an utterly devoid rock with almost nothing except 10-20 Base Metals.
My Solar System is alarmingly devoid of Fissiles

Non-Fissile drives it must be then, along with making sure that things like Reactor Arrays are not running unless their power output is required - to power a Mining Outpost, or similar
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