The Game with incredible potential

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The Game with incredible potential

Post by McInch »

I really love strategy games, especially those based on a sci-fi setting. It was all the more pleasant to master this really deep and interesting game, among a host of monotonous crafts. I won't lie if I say that this is a truly unique game. After all, there are essentially no analogues.
Now, after words of admiration, I would like to move on to a little criticism.
It's always better to get a feel for what you like or don't like about the implementation of the game. I'll start with a simple in essence, but certainly an extremely complex problem. I am forced to play Terra invicta on the GeForce Now cloud service (server in Sydney, Australia) due to the lack of MacOS in the list of supported systems. The initial gaming experience was great. Everything worked stably. Not a single crash during lot of hours. However, as i moved to the second stage of the game, problems with the fall of the game began to appear. More and more often. Currently I've come up with one game crash in one or two turns. Unfortunately, I can't send the logs, because it's not at all clear how to get them from cloud service. However, what I saw on the screen when the game crashed mostly related to problems with memory allocation. Perhaps the cloud service limits the session to resources .. Although I have a premium account.

The rest of the game is beautiful and amazing in its novelty and scale of what is happening.

I hope one day the game will become stable and it will be possible to play it even on a MacOS.
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Re: The Game with incredible potential

Post by KinSeth2 »

I'm unsure on this. Obviously I'm not a big sample size, but I can usually play for 8-12 hours with maybe a crash or two. Far and beyond from anything too wild. That said, the game does start to struggle at that point and I have to do a quick game restart. But let's be real, if you've been playing for ten hours, you should probably take a walk.
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Re: The Game with incredible potential

Post by johnnylump »

We are testing a fix to the VRAM issues in general in our 0.3.28 build, which is on the validation beta branch on Steam. We hope this will help with reported GeForce Now issues. We'd definitely like feedback on whether it helps.

We have had internal MacOS builds launching in the past. We are planning to attempt them again in the future when we have more bandwidth to chase any issues that arise.
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