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Concussion Rocket: Badass or Bugged?

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 10:52 pm
by Devon_v
So, here we are, two patches in and the Concussion Rocket still obliterates terrain like nobodies' business. I've also just noticed that it does not grant smoke cover to its victims until the next turn.

Now, I consider it basically the only reason rocketeers are viable long term, so I'm curous: Is it a fantastic set up tool that goes overlooked because its description makes it sound weak, or is it bugged and doing way more environmental damage than it should/not applying smoke correctly?

Re: Concussion Rocket: Badass or Bugged?

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 11:57 pm
by Solitas
I suspect bugged, looking at it's ini entry it's listed as 1 for enviro dmg which obviously it doesn't appear to be respecting.

With regards to the perk in general. Not a fan. The ability to cc enemies is done far better by other classes/items and does so without granting the enemy a bonus. A defence bonus at that, which the enemy (especially come mid-lat game) are generally not short on. If you're goal is to kill everything in the cloud, well you've just made your life harder, let's not even talk about the defence DE or tac sense added onto that.
The last thing I want perks I pick to do is hamper my ability to engage the enemy. Feels very out of place when I don't recall any other perk being a double edged sword.

I know there are times when it can be useful i.e firing into a position your enemies occupy that you intend to envelop and then fight from there. But again it assumes you'll be able to dispatch the locations occupants. IF I'm doing that, running in with burnout seems a far better option, I still get defensive smoke but a chance to set them on fire (panic with the requisite perk). Fire being an obviously far superior debuff.

The problem, at least I find, is I have to concoct scenarios where it would be useful, as opposed to simply being able to employ it mission to mission which is what I want (need really) from my soldiers skills.

Re: Concussion Rocket: Badass or Bugged?

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 12:00 am
by Devon_v
They gain no defense unless they survive the turn. They don't survive the turn.

Re: Concussion Rocket: Badass or Bugged?

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 12:07 am
by Solitas
That's a pretty reckless assumption and honestly if you're that assure of your dominance on that turn why use the rocket at all?
The action would be better spent on assisting in their elimination. If you needed to remove overwatch/psi a flashbang would do the job without the unfortunate side affect. It's not like the radius is that different and the rockets scatter rather eliminates your ability to accuracy.

Re: Concussion Rocket: Badass or Bugged?

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 2:02 am
by Devon_v
Solitas wrote:That's a pretty reckless assumption and honestly if you're that assure of your dominance on that turn why use the rocket at all?
The action would be better spent on assisting in their elimination. If you needed to remove overwatch/psi a flashbang would do the job without the unfortunate side affect. It's not like the radius is that different and the rockets scatter rather eliminates your ability to accuracy.
I'm saying that the smoke effect does not do anything the turn it comes into play. They go from -45 in high cover to absolutely nothing, free crit city. Even rookies can take them out at that point.

Re: Concussion Rocket: Badass or Bugged?

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 2:06 am
by trihero
That seems pretty cool, do something like concussion rocket to remove cover, then double dash and command someone to faceoff on all those exposed people o.O

Re: Concussion Rocket: Badass or Bugged?

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 2:29 am
by Solitas
Haha I know the smoke doesn't come into play until the next turn, apologies should have made it clear, and absolutely removing full cover is hugely beneficial. But given the listed enviro dmg of 1, the fact it didn't used to destroy cover, the lack of patch updates indicating the cover destruction, this change seems to be unintended. Not to mention the technical HAS a cover destruction perk already in bunker buster at msgt. So my observations are on (what I believe to be) it's intended implementation.

Basically the only reason concussion rocket becomes so good is for something it's not meant to do :lol:

Enemy dont get smoke defense when Concussion Rocket stun at least one of them

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 11:55 pm
by rifleman
1) Game version:
LW 1.2

2) Platform:
Windows 7

3) Mods:
Perfect Information
Additional Icons
A single INI edit so I can see AWC perks in advance.

4) Bug description:
Concussion Rocket will not give smoke defense to any enemy in the smoke when there is at least 1 enemy get stun by rocket. If none of enemy get stun by Concussion Rocket, they will get smoke defense.

BTW, Concussion Rocket should not give smoke to the explode radius. Cause give smoke benfit to enemy is a very bad idea. And it don`t stun or disorient enemy 100% succeed. The smoke should be work like Burnout that give smoke to Technical himslef.