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Changing evac

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 11:19 pm
by MustDy
Hi there!
I just started the game, with some exp from two complete walkthrough of campain on unmodded XCOM. But the very first world mission made me stuck.
It was an "destroy object" mission - 47% infiltration. Ok, i can agree with groups of advent of 6 units in each (the one near the object had 7), ok, my rookie squad fighted them, but when I called for evac - 5 turns, and every turn after first 8 units in each? really? Its like impossible to fight with such rush - u can't even reload, cuz ok, first 8 are beatable, and still 1-2 remains, second 8 units - and u can't even set ur troops on watch - so all 8 are alive, and u r in front of 10 units and 8 more coming next turn.
Is there a way to modify evac timer/reinforcements number in .ini files?

And for some reason i can't turn off "all ppl are different" in options menu - it just provide "error" sound and nothing happens. And there is no sush option in main menu, only in the game.

Re: Changing evac

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 12:46 pm
by SirensCry
You can see the time its going to take Firebrand to reach the squad 2 times : one in the mission screen ( where you click " launch " ) And again in the mission itself by selecting extract and reading the description while your guy holds the flare.

The key is on using the flare in a timely fashion, so as to get Firebrand on top of you the moment you finish the objective.

( remember using the flare breaks concealment. )

Re: Changing evac

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 7:45 pm
by foreverdead
Also you probably shouldn't be running 47% infiltration's at the start of the game with rookies (try to only do missions you can reach 100% infiltration at least). It's also a good Idea to throw your evac flare the moment you break concealment, even if you haven't completed your objective yet just to get the timer going on firebrand.

Re: Changing evac

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 3:40 pm
by AlexTFish
Indeed, you shouldn't be trying missions with less than 100% infiltration until you know what you're doing.
On the Assign Soldiers to Mission screen, at the top-right it displays the total infiltration time this current squad would take to get to 100%, and the total time available for this mission. You want to make sure the total time available/remaining is HIGHER than the current squad infiltration time. That way you can let them infiltrate to at least 100%, probably 120% or higher, before you need to trigger the mission. The squads are much smaller and more manageable that way, and the Skyranger delay is lower too.

Oh, another thing: no matter how much practice you have with vanilla XCOM2, it's really a very good idea to have your first Long War 2 campaign be on Rookie difficulty. (But if you started it on a higher difficulty, there's a menu option to adjust it mid-game too.) There's no shame at all in playing your first campaign on Rookie, and there's plenty of challenge in it even for experienced XCOM2 players!