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HQ-Assault.. bottom Event-Icon.

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 2:42 am
by Zyxpsilon
Now, these re-use the XC2 "BlackSite" symbol while the old "Alien Facility" (Grey/Red with an elder glyph) aren't used anymore, right?
Although the Geoscape 3dModel still is a "Red Facility triangle -- without the doom pips".

How would i be able to simply switch those back like they were in XC2?

To me.. the Storyline objectives are from a clear set of "Yellow/Black" HUD principles (Nest, LostTowers, PsiGate, etc) while other stuff can be Missions style of unique Icons (Supply Raids, POI, etc).

Heck -- even the authentic LW2 code could just reset these directly, please?

Re: HQ-Assault.. bottom Event-Icon.

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 7:28 pm
by Zyxpsilon
Found it into.. --XComLW_Activities.INI-- on Line #387;

+MissionSettings=(MissionOrFamilyName="AssaultAlienBase_LW", \\
AlertType=, \\
MissionSound="GeoscapeFanfares_AlienFacility", \\
EventTrigger="", \\
MissionUIType=eMissionUI_AlienFacility, \\
OverworldMeshPath="UI_3D.Overwold_Final.AlienFacility", \\
MissionIconPath="img:///UILibrary_StrategyImages.X2StrategyMap.MissionIcon_Alien", \\
MissionImagePath="img:///UILibrary_StrategyImages.X2StrategyMap.Alert_Advent_Facility" \\

It was a simple edit (swapping "_Blacksite" with "_Alien") of the MissionIcon tag. :geek: