Common Mod Requests

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Common Mod Requests

Post by johnnylump »

I'll add to this as we compile more common requests.

To mod, use an advanced editor like Notepad++. Regular Notepad is bad because it doesn't read Unix line endings correctly. Word Processors are bad because they add a bunch of invisible characters to any file.

Throughout the config files, the four difficulty levels will be associated with the following numbers:
[0]: Rookie/Easy
[1]: Veteran/Normal
[2]: Commander/Classic
[3]: Legendary/Impossible

* How to change mission timers
File: XComLW_Overhaul.ini
Keyword: Mission Timers

To change on a mission-by-mission basis, modify the +InitialTurnCounts array.
To change them on a per-difficulty basis, modify the TimerDifficultyMod array.

* Gear and Tech Costs
File: XComLW_Overhaul.ini
Keyword: ItemTable / TechTable

Gear is all in "ItemTable."
Techs are in "TechTable." This includes Proving Grounds and Shadow Chamber projects.

* Weapon Stats
File: XComGameData_WeaponData

* XCOM and enemy stats
File: XComGameData_CharacterStats

* Restoring Aiming Angles
File: XComGameCore.ini
search for "MIN_ANGLE_TO_COVER" and set values in that section.