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Proving Grounds Issue - Shredstorm Cannons

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 2:25 am
by Drakster
1) LW 1.4
2) Steam, Win 7
3) Lots - mostly cosmetics, UI and voicepack mods
4) I had the Rage Suit and Shredstorm Cannons Projects in queue, needed some money and so I canceled the the cannons project. 4 ingame days and alot of missions later I had money again but the project was not selectable anymore.
5) I went back till I found a savegame where I still have the project in queue. I can reproduce the bug in a matter of seconds, loading up the savegame, canceling the project and its not selectable anymore.

This issue really sucks because I want those shredstorm cannons of course but neither do I want to go back 4 days of ingame time. A workaround would be nice, like a console command or ini edit that would make the project available again or even as an instant complete?
I really hope that someone can help me out with this.

EDIT: Okay so I looked through the configs and ufopedia and realized that the WAR Suit is a prerequisite for Shredstorm cannons. I went forth in ingame time and research and got the project the way its supposed to be. Yet there must still be somekind of research bug since the project was available to me beforehand until I canceled it. I could provide screenshots of completed research & projects at that point if needed.

Re: Proving Grounds Issue - Shredstorm Cannons

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 3:23 pm
by Steelflame
1.5 came out and it changed the research requirements of Shredstorm Cannon.

You just didn't realize it because it auto-updated.