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Pathing error

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 1:22 am
by GiftGruen
LW 1.4, all other mods disabled and config wiped. In the following save:

you will find two haven rebels standing next to a wall facing a viper. The one in full cover (rebel one) cannot quite reach a position to flank the viper in one move, but only because the other rebel (rebel two) is in the way.

Moving rebel two away does not update the pathfinding of rebel one. If you move rebel two (by the window) away and try to flank the viper with rebel one, it is still not possible in a blue move.
However, if you set a waypoint on the spot rebel two previously occupied, the blue marker suddenly reaches further out than before and rebel one could get to the flanking position in a blue move.
Unfortunately, because of that other bug you already know about (that movement cost is not correctly calculated if you use waypoints), the rebel spends two actions running to a spot that it could reach in a blue move.

I made a quick video showcasing the bug here:

Re: Pathing error

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 3:53 am
by tracktwo
Both the refresh issue and the waypoint issue are vanilla bugs. We may or may not be able to fix them (eventually), but it's fairly low on the priority list compared to LW2 specific bugs for now.

Re: Pathing error

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 4:50 am
by GiftGruen
Really? I thought I remembered specifically testing if you could do that blue-move stuff, but I must be misremembering. Thanks for the heads-up, anyway!

I mainly reported it because unlike all the vanilla X-does-not-update stuff, this could not be resolved by saving and reloading after moving the first rebel away.