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Alien Hunters "Weapons of the Hunt" POI does not spawn correctly

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 10:54 pm
by rebark
Long War 2, latest Steam Workshop build (1.0)
PC, Windows 10 x64
Additional mods: Stop Wasting My Time, Gotcha (Flank Preview Evolved)

Circumstances: Normally, after one of the first missions in the game, the Alien Hunters DLC weapons will be available for retrieval from a POI that spawns on the Geoscape. However, despite playing well into May I never got the opportunity to pick up the new gear.

Unfortunately, I deleted that campaign the other day after hearing that Long War 1.1 was coming out and would include a lot of changes. It only just occurred to me to report the bug. Apologies - wish I could be more help, but that's all I've got.