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Flush can flush stunned enemies

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 3:25 am
by MantLemon
LW 2 version: Long War v1.0
mods: No game-changing mods except Stablize me! (ID 654174276) and Update Carried Units (ID 698881748).
platform: PC, of course

When a stunned enemy is Flushed, he will "teleport" to a new position because he cannot move. I discovered this by wrongly remembering that LW 2's Flush deals damage just like that in LW (-50% weapon base damage).
Also, I've tried several times in that scene (Advent captain stunned, gunner Flushed him), But I never dealt any damage to the captain--- he had only 1 hp and I wanted to finish him off with my Execution gunner. By trying several times I mean changing action orders of my squad because this would probably lead to different results. Flush didn't deal any damage at all, despite the description reads "... LITTLE or no damage."

This isn't mentioned in the incoming patch for v1.1, so I'm wondering if this is a known feature or an undiscovered bug.

Any feedback would be appreciated!