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Game Crash on Entering Tactical Layer

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 11:20 pm
by mcgruffy
Hey Team,

I've ran through a number of missions of already on the campaign, and getting a crash + the "pure virtual function" error when I attempt to enter the tactical layer on an infiltration mission.

1) Long War 2 version: 1.0
2) Windows 10 Pro, 64-bit
3) No other mods active in producing the error. I did use the following mods on in the campaign prior to this point:
- Evac All
- Stop Wasting My Time
- Gotcha (Flank Preview Evolved)
- Perfect Information
4) The game will crash whenever I enter the tactical layer. The game ran just fine up to this point.
5) I compressed my save file and it is sitting at 525 kb. I'm unable to upload it here. I went ahead and sent a copy of the save file and crash log to Hope that's cool.

Any thoughts on the above would be greatly appreciated. Of what I've been able to play, Long War 2 has been absolutely brilliant.

Thank you for the help!


Re: Game Crash on Entering Tactical Layer

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 3:27 am
by johnnylump
Reproduced CTD.

@A This is save1 - CTD in the public drop folder on the GDrive.

Re: Game Crash on Entering Tactical Layer

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 12:56 am
by Amineri
Tracked down the source of the problem.

This is related to another bug that is getting patched in v1.1. There is a case where a unit can be killed or captured, but doesn't get removed from the permanent squad. In this case, the soldier had been captured on a previous mission, resulting in the unit state being in a not-good state. The soldier was still in the squad, and so ended up getting sent out on a subsequent mission, resulting in a CTD at start of tactical mission.

The current workaround is to manually remove the soldier from the squad in the Squad Manager. In patch 1.1 soldier should be automatically removed, but this won't clean up any existing bad states.

Re: Game Crash on Entering Tactical Layer

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 7:12 am
by mcgruffy
Terrific news. Thank you so much for tracking that down!