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Usefulness of Plasma Grenades/Medics

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 9:28 pm
by Ithuriel
So I've heard that people consider Plasma Grenades to be a very potent Proving Grounds upgrade, but I'm not entirely sure I understand why. I was originally under the impression that they dealt increased damaged to the environment (they don't), and without that I'm not sure how to use them? The role of my offensive Grenadiers is primarily to destroy cover; I don't want to destroy the bodies/loot if possible. Plasmas are actually commonly more likely to destroy bodies when I don't want them to. This isn't to say that I find them useless, but I don't understand why the upgrade is seen as so strong, particularly given its price.

Along a similar note, frankly I don't entirely understand the usefulness of medics in LW2. I'm admittedly only playing on Veteran, but it seems to me that if you're in the situation where you badly need a high-level medic you're already in deep trouble; anybody who's that low is going to be in the medbay for a month, and I don't generally plan around getting my top-level soldiers in the medbay that long... Additionally, at least in my experience damage isn't very granular. Soldiers have a disturbing tendency to go from full health -> dead within a turn, so a medic couldn't help them anyway. Thoughts?

(P.S.- I think that Medics were extraordinarily useful and powerful in LW1; I think that the difference here is threefold. Firstly, if a soldier was wounded for a long time it wasn't as impactful, since you only deployed ~8 soldiers at any given time. Secondly, soldier health on general, after armor/other buffs, tended to be significantly higher. Finally, the major difference was that armor health tended to be much higher, and was healable- so my tanky as hell assault could feasibly take enough damage to need a full-strength medkit without being totally crippled afterwards).

Re: Usefulness of Plasma Grenades/Medics

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 12:07 am
by Tuhalu
Needle Grenadiers want Plasma Grenades because killing things causes nothing bad for them. If using Hail of Bullets to kill 1 hard target is "OP", what is using a Plasma Grenades to kill a few hard targets all at once? :)

Other damaging grenadiers want Plasma Grenades because they make a great opener that is unlikely to kill anything on higher difficulties, even with bigger booms and boosted cores.

Medic Specialists seem to be situationally useful. Early on they don't do much, but if you are playing through an Invasion or similar high intensity and critical mission then wounds can be serious and hard to avoid. An end game trooper with 20+ health can really benefit from 12 health heals from range.

Field Surgeon seems weak though.

Re: Usefulness of Plasma Grenades/Medics

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 2:01 am
by Solitas
Plasma grenades are a must for any Needle grenadiers as Tuhalu points out. Honestly I find sapper is incredibly underwhelming and unreliable anyway so Needle has taken precedence since I started using it. Rationale being, don't need to blow up cover if the enemy just dies outright, which if you build him right they will. Frankly a team of Needle grenadiers is rather hilarious and makes the early game trivial.
Still that aside even if you're not using needle consider the extra shred for dealing with armoured units, plus the extra damage is certainly needed for later enemies who like to stack health. Surely even on veteran the enemy likes their beefy units?

Medics are very situational, their value does obviously improve if you play with red fog. Even then though, I find they shine on extended firefights and drawn out missions. Your supply raids, troop columns, etc. Something to keep in mind is it's not so much they can heal multiple times but that they can do it remotely, from a very large distance. Makes tank characters rather more useful as low tech mimic beacons.

Re: Usefulness of Plasma Grenades/Medics

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 2:10 am
by trihero
Plasma grenades are good because more damage is good, you apply more red fog, you get things closer to death for your other guys to finish off, etc. You are unlikely to kill bodies with plasma grenades both because hp scales much faster than the upgrade to damage does (i.e. it is quite within the realm of possibility to one shot MKI soldiers, but MKII and MKIII not really) and grenades are usually your opening shots (i.e. you are using them on full hp units behind cover, or to shred armor to optimize the rest of your team's shots).

It is also possible for people to overestimate the penalty of killing bodies, since there are many missions where you can't recover bodies to begin with, it doesn't even matter if you finish people with grenades a lot of the time. Don't forget grenades do pretty decent guaranteed damage in an area, it's very very strong. You can't like hail of bullets and also think grenades suck simultaneously without contradicting yourself.

The extra armor shred from plasma over frags is very potent and noticeable.

I find that when I kill bodies with grenades, it tends to be advent troopers from rainbow pods who clump up a lot. And you know what it's ok to lose a few advent trooper corpses here and there if it means you would potentially take less wounds. I recently took out an 8 man rainbow pod with plasma grenade -> command -> plasma grenade and I was totally fine with that or else I would have taken a lot of return fire for some corpses I already had plenty of.

Medic specialists become more enticing later in the game. I find that with predator armor you can actually survive a big shot (predator comes fairly early in the game), and even more so with warden armor. So I don't agree with your "either dead or alive" assessment.

I agree I don't like to build a lot of medical specialists, but what I do is one of my stealthy-poo specialists I will turn into a medic, since the hacking side doesn't help THAT much with the stealth missions. So naturally as my two specialists are doing stealth hack missions, one naturally turns into a medic and the other turns into a combat hacker. The medic is an OK option to have later in the game when predator+ armor is available and also provides insurance against chrysallid poison. The medic is very useful if you have red fog on for both sides and you go on long missions where somebody's going to get scratched pretty hard eventually. When enemies regularly hit for around 10 hp on the top end, it's a decent idea to have someone who can easily heal that much or more in one action point, without regards to line of sight or range. I tend to put a medic on the team as the very last slot since they can perform their duties without regards to line of sight; i.e. I can just hide them behind the team entirely, freeing up good cover for someone else, and the medic can provide heals or aid protocols from the behind the lines; it's not like their SMG or rifle is going to be doing much good anyways without great offensive perks.

Re: Usefulness of Plasma Grenades/Medics

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 2:25 am
by stefan3iii
Plasma grenades are Ok, not a big priority, outclassed by Incendiary grenades. If you want to destroy cover, take Shredders on EXO suits instead.

Healing in general is pretty useless in the game. Though I'm off the opinion that medics were pretty useless in LW1 as well :) Best way to heal your soldiers is to kill the enemies before they shoot you.

Re: Usefulness of Plasma Grenades/Medics

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 2:33 am
by trihero
Oh yeah, one thing I've been realizing recently is how good exo suits are. If you watch people like xwynns or joinrbs you just get sucked into "build predator/warden" all the time but exos are a little cray cray, allowing you to outright win situations you otherwise wouldn't be able to. It's one of those "hidden strategies" that hasn't been promoted nearly enough in all the gameplay tips you see people give.

Re: Usefulness of Plasma Grenades/Medics

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 5:01 am
by chrisb
stefan3iii wrote:Healing in general is pretty useless in the game. Though I'm off the opinion that medics were pretty useless in LW1 as well :) Best way to heal your soldiers is to kill the enemies before they shoot you.
With LW1 I felt at least that medics had a place on the squad that didn't make you feel like you were carrying dead weight. They could either spec out with really good smoke grenades, nothing like having consistent unflankable +40 defense. Or go combat drugs and get the dps boost. And end game you could mec them into Guardians for an overwatching bullet sponge once the rest of your squad was shooting from the clouds.

Man do I miss Archangel Armor...

Re: Usefulness of Plasma Grenades/Medics

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 5:05 am
by chrisb
trihero wrote:Oh yeah, one thing I've been realizing recently is how good exo suits are. If you watch people like xwynns or joinrbs you just get sucked into "build predator/warden" all the time but exos are a little cray cray, allowing you to outright win situations you otherwise wouldn't be able to. It's one of those "hidden strategies" that hasn't been promoted nearly enough in all the gameplay tips you see people give.
Agree, I like Praedator/Warden for Infantry/Gunners/Assaults, Grapple armors for Shinobi/Tech/Sniper and Exo/War for pretty much everyone else. In my main squad, my Support Grenadier takes an Exo. I can move him to a good position, pop a rapid sting grenade then shred cannon some fools. It works great. Also helps keep Technicals relevant a little longer before they "retire" to "recruit" in Siberia.

I would be very interested to see what it would be like to kit out a full 8-10 man squad in Exo with shred cannon. Might be risky, but damn you'd wreck some cover.

Re: Usefulness of Plasma Grenades/Medics

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 5:39 am
by Zyxpsilon
I've solved almost all of the major issues of Medikits with the excellent "Make Heals Persist" (configurable) mod. Simply, directly.

Call me a cheater.. but honestly, what good is such a device **ON** the battlefield if it offers --only-- minimal temporary HP restoration?

If you want to consider Gremlin medical protocols (charges+) as somewhat useless too, be my guest.. yet, you have to realize that *IF* this gameplay is meant to enforce everyone into an Injury spiral for weeks on end & deny any sort of Role-Play sentiments while events & progressive conditions happen -- then sure, Vanilla Medikits are just a big ugly joke.

To me.. XC2+LW2 modern warfare HAS to carry through at least some SciFi gimmicks that actually provide true battlefield support like medical impacts worth both the Specialist (and everyone else carrying a kit) action points (yellow-blue moves, remember?) *and* the life-saving HP values that prevent them to get hefty amounts of invaluable duty which is equal to missing nearly half-the-upcoming-missions (thus, never ranked up fast enough to meet most late-game enemy strengths) in any "regular" campaigns.

Moreover -- the capacity to really heal during battles can easily translate into a whole new set of tactics that include efficient Hacking "pauses" rather than VERY high risks of multiple losses/opportunities (by death or lenghty infirmary times). Aside from the occasional restoration trips by a Gremlin to almost null--badluck explosive cycles.. i'd say each Medikit charges are now precious enough to consider that Item slot filled with something necessary if not essential.

How else would you want to estimate the exact impact Stasis-Vests can always provide automatically when worn in a slot too? Then, why should this feature (or another) be any less important than my *fixed* MediKits?

It just feels rational that way. :P

Secondly, Plasma-Grenades are exactly like any of the other Bombs.. if you feel the need -- go right ahead & use the extremely slim (enviro) edges they have to offer. It is similar to the Coil-Crit bonus versus most Plasma weapons ONE extra damage point -- built & researched for too, btw. :mrgreen:

Re: Usefulness of Plasma Grenades/Medics

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 7:32 am
by JoINrbs
trihero wrote:Oh yeah, one thing I've been realizing recently is how good exo suits are. If you watch people like xwynns or joinrbs you just get sucked into "build predator/warden" all the time but exos are a little cray cray, allowing you to outright win situations you otherwise wouldn't be able to. It's one of those "hidden strategies" that hasn't been promoted nearly enough in all the gameplay tips you see people give.
i did the exo rush campaign, it was absurd, then i gave the feedback on how many dimensions away from balanced they were and stopped using them until they get nerfed :D

Re: Usefulness of Plasma Grenades/Medics

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 11:40 am
by Autoclave
It's not always about healing itself, it's about clearing the status effects from your soldiers. I had moments when removing the burning or poison from my soldier helped me kill an alien with that soldier.

Medics can go hybrid pretty well, just take the medical and revival protocol and you are already have a backup plan. You have decent alternatives for combat protocol and interference: Grazing fire, walk fire, grenades, lightning reflexes.

Re: Usefulness of Plasma Grenades/Medics

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 12:30 pm
by Fizpez
I've always thought that Medic heals should mitigate at least SOME of the injury time post mission. Without that payoff the decision to bring a medic is simply binary "Will or won't someone likely suffer mortal damage in this fight?" - I also tend to make my medics officers since missions that go astoundingly well at least allows them to do a few useful things.

Getting wounded but finishing the mission at full hp should cut the healing time in half. Getting wounded, finishing full and having a medic with Field Surgeon should cut it to a quarter at most.

Re: Usefulness of Plasma Grenades/Medics

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 3:16 pm
by stefan3iii
JoINrbs wrote:
trihero wrote:Oh yeah, one thing I've been realizing recently is how good exo suits are. If you watch people like xwynns or joinrbs you just get sucked into "build predator/warden" all the time but exos are a little cray cray, allowing you to outright win situations you otherwise wouldn't be able to. It's one of those "hidden strategies" that hasn't been promoted nearly enough in all the gameplay tips you see people give.
i did the exo rush campaign, it was absurd, then i gave the feedback on how many dimensions away from balanced they were and stopped using them until they get nerfed :D
Did you ever get to Shredder Cannons (the Shredder Gun upgrade)? It's as OP in the late game as EXO Suits are in the early game, or close to it. Their range is longer than shredder guns, it goes out something like 10 tiles beyond visual range, you can accidentally activate pods you can't even see with it. Absurd.

Re: Usefulness of Plasma Grenades/Medics

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 3:18 pm
by stefan3iii
Fizpez wrote:I've always thought that Medic heals should mitigate at least SOME of the injury time post mission. Without that payoff the decision to bring a medic is simply binary "Will or won't someone likely suffer mortal damage in this fight?" - I also tend to make my medics officers since missions that go astoundingly well at least allows them to do a few useful things.

Getting wounded but finishing the mission at full hp should cut the healing time in half. Getting wounded, finishing full and having a medic with Field Surgeon should cut it to a quarter at most.
I would really like to see some sort of change like this. Like if you use a medkit on someone it reduces the wound time, and if a specialist with field surgeon does it, it further reduces wound time. Would make bringing and using medkits more interesting.

Re: Usefulness of Plasma Grenades/Medics

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 8:58 pm
by Dwarfling
I always have 1 medic in my roster. No more no less. His job is to go to HQ raids and (other long missions where I can bring 6+) and keep the rest of the crew's HP full and out of red fog. By the time I get him, I'm rocking Predator so most can take 1 bad shot or some grazes. Usually comes with good aim stat equipped with my best hacking gear and takes Failsafe so that he's hacking something when he's not shooting or doing supporty actions. Otherwise he does the hacking in 2-3 man stealth missions.

Plasma Grenades: I think most prioritize the project thinking it's as good as in vanilla. I've started to use a bunch of damage grenadiers and I've found them good enough to auto-include in the grenade slot. Oh and it upgrades Airdrop.

Re: Usefulness of Plasma Grenades/Medics

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 9:30 pm
by josna238
I play with red fog activated, so medics are a must. A wounded soldier can't hit an elephant from 5 meters and would need half a day to reach the EVAC point.

So a live explosive alien (and everybody is can suffer a bad RNG) nullyfy half squad in the middle of the map what means probably the lost of all squad. With medic I can heal that 3 guys, kill the explosive alien and move on.

Re: Usefulness of Plasma Grenades/Medics

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 10:01 pm
by darkerevent
On 10-man sweep objectives (e.g. base assaults), I like having an overwatch/medic hybrid specialist (CUP, Revival, FM, EV, Savior or Sentinel) around with a rifle, to hang out in the midline near my ranger(s) and gunner(s), ready to heal them if any damage gets through. I particularly find them to be a nice candidate for packing the Bolt Caster, since they're only getting one shot a turn at most anyway (unless they're TSGT or higher and I took Sentinel). Anyway, it's a boring but practical way to have some HP insurance while pushing across a big map, without sacrificing too much shootiness. I'll also carry some extra medikits on my snipers in case a top-up is needed after a bad engagement.

Likewise, they aren't too hard to plug into a middle-sized squad that's deploying to a Guerilla Op that spawned with tons of time remaining and a low enough enemy density. If they're SSGT or higher, Ever Vigilant especially comes in handy for OWing on the run, and helps me not feel too bad about taking a healer on a timed mission.

In general, the core of an OW medic specialist's functionality is available at SGT, which makes them easy to grab off the Black Market later and just slap into any squad roster that might benefit from having one sometimes, assuming they didn't roll out with terrible aim.

I have tried Healing Protocol+Officer specialists too, but I don't like how relatively not-that-useful they feel anytime no one is hurt and no officer ability needs using. I'll probably still make one in my next campaign, but I'll reserve them for use on teams heavy with Assaults and Technicals who are going to be playing aggressively (and usually too spread out for an OW medic to help them).

Re: Usefulness of Plasma Grenades/Medics

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 10:07 am
by Ithuriel
Is Red Fog the default? I've never used it, but so many people in this thread are citing it...

Also random side note- do Stasis Vests prevent wound time? I'm assuming not, which is why I haven't researched them.

Re: Usefulness of Plasma Grenades/Medics

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 12:22 pm
by Tuhalu
Ithuriel wrote:Is Red Fog the default? I've never used it, but so many people in this thread are citing it...

Also random side note- do Stasis Vests prevent wound time? I'm assuming not, which is why I haven't researched them.
Red fog is win more lose more. It's by no means the default unless you like winning more when you're getting good ambushes and losing more when you take any damage.

Think of a stasis vest as being like a large medkit for your personal use. I tend to prefer other equipment, but they seem to make sense for Psi Operatives (who are typically immune to more things than a medkit makes you immune to already).

Re: Usefulness of Plasma Grenades/Medics

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 2:59 pm
by burns
I like both, plasma grenades and medics. :D
I play with red fog on which is pretty much the explanation, I guess.

Plasma grenades are a great opener for pod activation and they hurt many enemies before they get their actions. I dont care about the bodies until I can be sure my soldiers wont get hurt this round, so I dont mind using explosives. Especially since many mission types dont provide bodies anyways. And grenades work like additional combat protocols. First ranger shot rolled low and left enemy at 5 health? Maybe some other enemy within grenade radius? Sure case for a grenade in my book.

Whenever I know I will fight more than three pods I bring medkits. At first I have my shooting soldiers wear ammo and a medkit instead of grenades. Immunity to poison and the option to heal oneself with one action is great for gunners and rangers, especially with red fog on. Later on this job goes to to a heal specialist. I look for a soldier with top hacking stats and solid aim to recruit, once the initial specialists with CP and airdrop are up and running and then I start on working on a healer who can be solid at shooting once in a while and controlling some robots.
The perk tree allows for some flexibility even for a heal specialist build and I never feel like I wasted a spot on the team with them.

Re: Usefulness of Plasma Grenades/Medics

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 3:51 pm
by josna238
Ithuriel wrote:Is Red Fog the default? I've never used it, but so many people in this thread are citing it...

Also random side note- do Stasis Vests prevent wound time? I'm assuming not, which is why I haven't researched them.
Default is no red fog. I like it because st changes some the tactical things and adds more variety:

- Good point: Without RF engaging a pod is all about instakill the alpha alien, then try to instakill the beta alien, etc... With RF we also have other tactics like spread damage to shooters, flashbangs and supressions to "alphas"diminish their abilities and chose one or other tactic depending on situation.

Bad point: Alien explosives and area of efect becomes too much dangerous and small squads become a high risk because one high wound is an important % of squad.

Bad and good point: It gives much more importance to medics, without RF damage becomes a 0% or 100% consequence (dead or healthy). But in some missions their presence is a must. A hevy wounded soldier in a timed mission without a medic is a lost because couldn't reach evac in time.

Re: Usefulness of Plasma Grenades/Medics

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 8:26 pm
by nightwyrm
I actually like not using RF since it forces me to decide which enemies to try to kill and which to control. With RF, I would simply prioritize dealing as much damage as I can to everything since damage is also debuff.

Re: Usefulness of Plasma Grenades/Medics

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 8:35 pm
by LordYanaek
That's why it's an option, so everyone can play the way they prefer ;)

I like it because it makes sense and it makes every hit point count. You're no longer in perfect fighting condition until you're dead. It would make sense if mecs/sparks were excluded thought.

Re: Usefulness of Plasma Grenades/Medics

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 8:42 pm
by nightwyrm
LordYanaek wrote:That's why it's an option, so everyone can play the way they prefer ;)

I like it because it makes sense and it makes every hit point count. You're no longer in perfect fighting condition until you're dead. It would make sense if mecs/sparks were excluded thought.
Sure. It's good to have options. A lot of times I wish revealing AWC perks was an option like reveal class tree perks instead of having to change ini.

I play D&D and a number of other games where the only hp that matters is the last one so I'm not bothered by stuff not making perfect sense. :lol:

Re: Usefulness of Plasma Grenades/Medics

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 9:06 pm
by JulianSkies
To note, Plasma Grenades are worth researching since they also unlock Advanced Grenades, such as bigger firebombs and stuff.
Also medics in XCOM2 are just like medics in real life. They seem totally useless, until you need them, then they're absolutely vital.