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Poison -- hunkering down/not moving?

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 3:53 am
by Jackal
Okay, i seem to remember that if a soldier got poisoned there was something they could do or not do to avoid getting continually poisoned. I just thought I laid a trap for Sidewinders and boy was i wrong... lost three guys before i knew what hit me. Is there anything, aside from using a specialist with medkit or a soldier with med kit, that heals poison?

Re: Poison -- hunkering down/not moving?

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 5:05 am
by trihero
Hunkering down/not moving doesn't reduce poison duration whatsoever. In fact, you usually WANT to move out of where you were because the viper's spit leaves behind a poison cloud that keeps reapplying poison. Also, don't stand next to someone who is poisoned, it spreads that way as well.

Smart macrophages PCS provides immunity to poison, as well as hazmat vest, and the psi class has fortress/bastion which provide immunity to poison. SPARKS are immune to poison.

Other than that nope sorry, no tinfoil hat methods of moving/hunkering.

(fire on the other hand, there are some weird methods you can get rid of it such as walking into water and using the frost bomb on your soldier)

Luckily poison is generally less powerful than in vanilla because it seems to have a cap of 3 turns (unless you keep repoisoning yourself by standing in the cloud) and ablative armor actually takes the poison damage for you. I've gotten spit on by vipers and it just kills my ceramic plating but that's about it.

Medkits are excellent for nontimed missions where you don't give a crap about movement points; makes viper poison a complete joke - in fact it wastes their turn.

Re: Poison -- hunkering down/not moving?

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 8:14 am
by wei270
really i thought if viper put a poison cloud on top of you, you reapply the poison if you move.

Re: Poison -- hunkering down/not moving?

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 8:46 am
by Jadiel
My experience has been that poison will reapply if you move also. If you don't move, poison will wear off either the following turn (doing 1 damage total) or the turn after (doing 2 damage total). If you move the turn after getting poisoned, it may last for an additional 2 turns (doing 3 damage total). I've never experienced poison spreading to adjacent soldiers - I'm pretty sure it doesn't happen to two soldiers who are adjacent to each other and get poisoned at the same time, even if the poison wears off at different times.

Re: Poison -- hunkering down/not moving?

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 8:52 am
by cerebrawl
Jackal wrote:Okay, i seem to remember that if a soldier got poisoned there was something they could do or not do to avoid getting continually poisoned. I just thought I laid a trap for Sidewinders and boy was i wrong... lost three guys before i knew what hit me. Is there anything, aside from using a specialist with medkit or a soldier with med kit, that heals poison?
In XCOM 1 poison damage applied when you performed actions, you could avoid it by doing nothing. Not so in XCOM 2.

Sidewinders have shadowstep, they never activate overwatch fire, that's why your trap didn't work. ADVENT Scouts are the same.

Re: Poison -- hunkering down/not moving?

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 9:31 am
by trihero
Yea the poison "reapplies" if you move, but can you really afford to stand in the cloud until it's completely gone? That takes like 3 turns, which is devastating on timed missions. On nontimed missions, you should be wearing a medkit anyways. It's better to move immediately than stand there for 3 turns usually.

I forgot some more ways to cure poison:

1) kill your soldier
2) evac your soldier
3) finish the mission (for example, kill the last enemy on a supply raid mission)

Re: Poison -- hunkering down/not moving?

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 10:06 pm
by Jackal
thanks guys!

Re: Poison -- hunkering down/not moving?

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 2:45 am
by BeavBurger
Jadiel wrote: I've never experienced poison spreading to adjacent soldiers - I'm pretty sure it doesn't happen to two soldiers who are adjacent to each other and get poisoned at the same time, even if the poison wears off at different times.

Haven't encounted this in LW2 because I learnt from vanilla but I once lost a soldier on a blacksite because he got poisoned, after pod was dealt with I consolidated my position, poison transfered form him to another, then later I accidentally repoisoned the same soldier causing him to die