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grenadier dense smoke perk

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 5:15 pm
by battch
Does this give you a free smoke, or does it just buff any that you bring in your normal items slot? I.E., is it like AWC "smoker" perk that gives a free item? I'm about to rank a full right-side gren, but don't think taking a smoke grenade is better than a sting-stun.


Re: grenadier dense smoke perk

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 5:29 pm
by Tuhalu
Heavy Cover gives 45 defense. Dense Smoke makes your Smoke Grenades give 45 defense. 90 Defense is good enough to make most attacks fail for the duration (which is at least 2 turns enemy turns, maybe 3).

Of course, there are plenty of attacks that ignore defense (grenades, rockets, psi) or can ignore cover (melee), but as long as those damage sources are dealt with first, you can ignore the rest of the firepower coming your way for some time.

I suspect smoke grenades are more useful for dealing with very large activations (20+) than flash/sting grenades, since you can bunch your own guys up a bit, but you can't ask the enemy to bunch up nicely to get hit by a single flashbang.

Re: grenadier dense smoke perk

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 7:27 pm
by Devon_v
It just modifies smokes you bring.

Dense smoke is very strong if you need to dig in. Flashbangs are better for a moving fight.

Re: grenadier dense smoke perk

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 7:36 pm
by Dwarfling
If your Support Grenadier has low aim take it. I usually take Chain Shot tho, because my Support Grenadiers usually have high aim and Chain Shot is a great ability to have around.