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"Mimic Beacons" .. far out -- of reach!

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 4:24 pm
by Zyxpsilon
Yup.. they were cheesy.

OP devices that inflicted a wise blow (almost) to the Aliens' lack of intelligence to detect such traps since they kept concentrating on that cool semi-transparent animation of a false soldier -- until dead.

BUT .. please hold your breath .. they are now gated sooooooooo far down the gameplay pathways we won't be experiencing the battlefield combat edge(s) soon enough to make them worth pursuing, IMO.

After Psi-Gate and requires a GateKeeper wreck +++ High costs!!

Another fun (it's a game -- remember?) aspect.. lost, thrown --so far-- away like gimmicky garbage stuff. Let's go to Waterworld where the invisible tricks might finally show up against an army of Codex-Clones & Avatars.

:( :shock:

Re: "Mimic Beacons" .. far out -- of reach!

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 10:05 pm
by Devon_v
Even Firaxis realized how utterly BS Mimic Beacons were and nerfed them in vanilla. :)

Re: "Mimic Beacons" .. far out -- of reach!

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 11:30 pm
by Zyxpsilon
I was just being sarcastic about the new LW2 concept of pushing it away from its earlier Faceless Autopsy XC2-TechSpot, ya know. :lol:

Re: "Mimic Beacons" .. far out -- of reach!

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 9:15 pm
by UraniumOverdose
I kind of wish mimic beacons could be changed. One of two ways I think.

One, they could be one use only like the berserker serum. This would last one turn, and basically be the OP beacons we knew before the nerf.
Lots of HP, would use cover, and would force the AI to do really stupid things for one round, and then the beacon would be gone forever.
Cost: 1 berserker corpse and 30 supplies. This way, you would bring one at best, and it would be useful for those "OH CRAP" moments.

Two, rename it to jammer beacon. When used it delays enemy reinforcements for one turn and gives a -10 aim to all aliens for the rest of the round. Keep it the same tech level and costs as in LW2.

Re: "Mimic Beacons" .. far out -- of reach!

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:12 am
by Zyxpsilon
After experimenting a bit further by crossing the Mid-Late "patterns"... i think i'm now in a much better position (and mood!) to suggest a ruleset change to this impossibly hard to get juicy device both in terms of visual effects & battlefield control.

Refer to its definition line #784 from ---XComLW_Overhaul.INI--- file;

+TechTable=(TechTemplateName="MimicBeaconProject", ProvingGround=true, ResearchPointCost=2500, ModPointsToCompleteOnly=false, PrereqTech1="AdvancedGrenades", PrereqTech2="PsiGate", PrereqTech3="", SupplyCost=150, AlloyCost=50, CrystalCost=50, CoreCost=2, ReqItemTemplateName1="CorpseGatekeeper", ReqItemCost1=1, ReqItemTemplateName2="", ReqItemCost2=0, ItemGranted="MimicBeacon", RequiredScienceScore=40, RequiredEngineeringScore=40)

Alright, i DO get the rational concept that it should be considered an AdvancedGrenade and thus be unlocked via a PG-Project. But with "PsiGate" -- you're blasting a VERY big hole in the tactical limits we should be able to face--less or more when need be.

Then, my final recommendation; PrereqTech2="AutopsyAndromedon" and their very peculiar Shells (That we foolishly all saw that thing go down!) as ReqItem. But a GateKeeper? Yup -- it explodes despite that many Armor points to shred, rarely enough i might add.

Tough luck.

IMHO.. it's the only logical solution to such a puzzling anti-climactic design that not only destroys the whole FUN but is a terrible flow/timing mistake. Fiddle furthermore with the costs/requirements if you would. Honestly.. it's not that i just can't wait for that long by default to finally put at least ONE to good use -- it's that this is supposed to still BE a game we enjoy, my friends.

Re: "Mimic Beacons" .. far out -- of reach!

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 1:52 pm
by Tuhalu
Yeah, I feel like Mimic Beacons and Advanced Grenade Launchers and such are way too deep in the game. On Veteran, you can win the game before you ever see those enemies in an Enemy Materials mission. For some reason I get more Sectopods than I do Andromedons :o