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Anyway to avoid cheating mods?

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 8:39 am
by Cogo

I never liked any sort of cheats. Are there any way to know if mods are cheats or not?
I've been browsing Xcom mods in the workshop and its seams quite common for mods to have a feature which makes things easier, or you more powerful.

Apart from understanding every mod (which I don't know), are there any way to see "This mod increases weapons A power by 50%"?

I was looking at all the different new classes there was in the workshop, only to find like half of em seamed to be cheatclasses where you get far more powerful then other classes. For example a field medic class.....with vastly superior healing powers then any other class.....without any drawbacks. (I dont like)

I want as many mods as possible! Just no cheating thanks!

Re: Anyway to avoid cheating mods?

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 10:18 am
by RookieAutopsy
You can only really tell by trying them or at least reading the description thoroughly.

Also, what is cheating?

Gotcha - should it be baseline?
Reliable Ever Vigilant - cheat or bugfix?
Peek From Concealment - cheat or better implementation?
True Concealment? Thank you Pavonis for weaning me off this completely by starting RNF timers from mission start :)

I would say any class/weapon/inventory mods can make the game significantly easier. But hey, its your game, play it your way. No judging :)

Re: Anyway to avoid cheating mods?

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 10:23 am
by Cogo
There are different kinds of skills for classes, with different strenghts. There needs to be a balance or I call it "cheat" =).
For example, Shinobes are deadly with sword and close up, but uses a SMG or shotgun.
Cheat for me would to make this class able to use more powerful guns, better medicals and a RPG.

Ok, so I have to read every mod and not just install 50 at the time. Got cha!

Oh, judge away! I am swedish and we are allowed to have wierd thinking!

Re: Anyway to avoid cheating mods?

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 4:00 pm
by Steve-O
Cogo wrote: Ok, so I have to read every mod and not just install 50 at the time. Got cha!

Oh, judge away! I am swedish and we are allowed to have wierd thinking!
I would simply say "install what you like the sounds of, and if it turns out to be too OP, remove it again." The "Remove Missing Mods" mod is great for letting you pull unwanted mods out of your game mid-campaign.

If your interest is primarily surrounding new class mods, and you decide to get rid of one because shenanigans, you culd enable the dev console and use "MakeSoldierAClass" to re-assign soliders from the no-longer-desired-OP-mod-class to (insert whichever LW2 base class best matches) and then move on.

Of course, some people might call that cheating in itself. I call it "fixing a mistake that's ruining my fun."

Re: Anyway to avoid cheating mods?

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 5:45 pm
by Cogo
Thanks for the tip! Didn't know about missing mods! That kinda helps a lot :mrgreen:

I like options. As many as possible. Weapons, skills, sets, armor and what not. A lot of different things, without having an atom-bomb-gun.
I am crazy for design, voices and as many ways to build each solder as possible. I spend almost as much time designing and perfecting my teams, as I do playing! =)

I just found a whole lot of new hairstyles! Wuwu. And I've been trying new classes that didnt seam to OP.