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Not sure what to think about Full Override

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 7:59 pm
by marceror
The description indicates that you can take permanent control of a mec, and "potentially" acquire Advent mecs for the resistance. So what is the "potential" for this to happen vs. not happen?

I was just in a scenario where by all rights it should have happened, but it did not. I was doing the HQ assault against New Indonesia, and after who knows how many missions over a ~seven month in game period I had my first opportunity to use full override. I chose the option that is more challenging and allows for a mec to serve the resistance. It was one of those green Archer mechs, if it matters, and it did take a few points of damage on the mission.

When the final enemy was defeated and the mission was successful, the Archer mech was still kicking and under my control. Yet, I did not get a mech to serve the resistance. My question is, why not?

Thanks for your consideration.

Re: Not sure what to think about Full Override

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 8:13 pm
by trihero
I reported this bug back in 1.1, and if you look at the upcoming 1.3 notes, it looks like they are still trying to fix it (adding "listeners" for full override whatever that means)

Re: Not sure what to think about Full Override

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 8:57 pm
by marceror
Thanks for your reply Trihero, as usual. I guess I'll avoid that perk on the rest of my specialists going forward.

I did manage to get a resistance mech early on from a lead, and that one showed up just fine -- but that has happened only once in 7 months or so.

Oh well.

Re: Not sure what to think about Full Override

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 9:11 pm
Even without keeping it, being on a separate timer to haywire is useful and a super heavy mech with damage control makes a great mission long tank.

Re: Not sure what to think about Full Override

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 12:18 am
by marceror
RXTXK wrote:Even without keeping it, being on a separate timer to haywire is useful and a super heavy mech with damage control makes a great mission long tank.
I'll probably keep it on the particular specialist I currently have it trained on, but creating an army of advent mechs on a mission doesn't really fit with my usual playstyle. I'm more of a "kill 'em dead" kind of player. I certainly use Haywire - don't get me wrong. But for me it's more about giving my enemies something to shoot at other than my squad. You know, "here, you kill this guy for me, so I don't have to. Thanks a bunch!"

I'm not sure I would use both Haywire and Full Override in close conjunction often enough for it to make sense as my master sergeant level pick. Even with the advent mech being added to the strategic side of the game I had planned to choose Full Override sparingly. Without that, even more so.

But the real life guy I based this particular spec on is a pretty nerdy, geeky dude, and I could see him making Full Override his choice, so I went with it....

Re: Not sure what to think about Full Override

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 12:58 am
by trihero
Full Override is good even without the "recruit a mech" part because it has a much higher chance of controlling the mech than haywire does.

Re: Not sure what to think about Full Override

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 2:47 am
by marceror
trihero wrote:Full Override is good even without the "recruit a mech" part because it has a much higher chance of controlling the mech than haywire does.
Clearly is still provides some value... but we all have different priorities and play styles in the game, as my previous post suggests. So mileage varies depending on how one plays.

Re: Not sure what to think about Full Override

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 2:59 am
by marceror
Incidentally, perhaps the perk should be renamed "Not Quite Full Override" until the bug can be resolved. :P

Re: Not sure what to think about Full Override

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 8:44 am
by LordYanaek
As far as i know it does work on missions where you recover bodies (so it should have worked on HQ assault). The issue with evac missions is that the Mec reverts back to ADVENT when you evac the specialist and thus is no longer under your control at the end of the mission.
I've definitely gained a couple of mechs for my havens with Full Override, including during an HQ assault. Maybe the issue is the Archer MEC isn't considered a MEC for the purpose of this ability (it will never transfer a Drone for instance).

Otherwise i find it useful even when i can't transfer the MEC. A simple control on a Heavy MEC gives you an expandable tank for the mission while controlling a Hunter Drone can help keep someone stunned in case you want to try something like Skullmining. I've never attempted to control a Sectopod but it would definitely be fun :twisted:

Re: Not sure what to think about Full Override

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 1:00 pm
by Tuhalu
Archer/Longbow MECs are included in the list of valid override targets for transfer to outpost after a mission.

Code: Select all

As far as I can tell, the code only cares if:
  • The ability source (the specialist) survived the mission (did not die or get captured).
  • The override target is on the valid list.
  • The override target is not dead at the end of the mission.
  • Some boilerplate requirements, like the mission state has to be readable and the regions rebel outpost has to be readable/exist.
I can't find anything that indicates the mission needs to be an Enemy Material type mission to get the reward (and the ingame tooltip doesn't indicate that either). Of course bugs and bits of code I haven't been able to find may effect that.

Any robot that you use the permanent control version on gains a standard stat buff for the duration of the mission, which amounts to +10 aim, +15 crit, +3 mobility.

Re: Not sure what to think about Full Override

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 1:55 pm
by LordYanaek
Tuhalu wrote: I can't find anything that indicates the mission needs to be an Enemy Material type mission to get the reward (and the ingame tooltip doesn't indicate that either). Of course bugs and bits of code I haven't been able to find may effect that.
Yep, it's probably not the intended behavior. When you evac the specialist the hack is lost like a normal hack and probably the end-of mission checks are not even performed because the MEC is no longer under the effect of Full Override.

This is (one of?) the bug report.

This doesn't explain why the OP didn't get his MEC in HQ Assault thought :? so it might be worth reporting that even non-evac mission don't always give you the MEC

Re: Not sure what to think about Full Override

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 2:39 pm
by Tuhalu
I kind of wonder if it has a similar problem as Trojan, where it doesn't create the effect that produces a new MEC in the local haven if you hack it from Squadsight.

Not sure if the fix in 1.3 for Full Override helps with all the problems people are getting.

Re: Not sure what to think about Full Override

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 3:53 pm
by marceror
Tuhalu wrote:I kind of wonder if it has a similar problem as Trojan, where it doesn't create the effect that produces a new MEC in the local haven if you hack it from Squadsight.

Not sure if the fix in 1.3 for Full Override helps with all the problems people are getting.
Interesting. I'm pretty sure I did hack this particular mech from squadsight, actually. I recall that I didn't have a shot on the mech with my specialist, but was happy that full override functioned against it. I will keep this in mind for next time.

Regarding evac missions, is it possible to evac the hacked mech, you know, before the specialist loses control of it? I'm guessing not based on the comments.

Re: Not sure what to think about Full Override

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 9:23 am
by LordYanaek
You can't evac MECs, they don't even have an evac button.
If you find out it's the same bug, don't hesitate to report it.
I'll check it out if i have a chance.