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Sparks can`t carry bodies

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 7:40 am
by Stroggus
Can we teach them how to carry his (dead or not so) meat buddies? I had a soldier bleeding out, and spark just stood there laughing: "Ha, stupid meatbag. SPARKS masterrace!"

Probably there isn`t animation for this thing, but who cares just give us an option. As a matter of fact, let sparks carry TWO bodies, with 1 he can move and shoot as usual, with 2 he can only move.

Or am I wrong and they do actually carry bodies and I just ran into odd bug or something?

Re: Sparks can`t carry bodies

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 12:17 am
by Devon_v
SPARKs basically don't do anything other than stand, punch, and shoot. You also can't Command them, and most officer abilities don't work on them.