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Skaken soldiers - need for kill appropriate in LW2?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 1:00 pm
by gimrah
LW2 generally does a great job of a) removing the gaminess of trying to assign kills to specific soldiers, and b) killing everything for the sake of it.

With that in mind, is it appropriate to keep the vanilla requirement that shaken soldiers go on a successful mission without getting hurt AND get a kill in order to stop being shaken? I would argue that in LW2 it should just be the successful mission without getting hurt. As it is, I have guys who been shaken for ages because they are not classes that get kills (e.g. support grenadiers) or they are stealth operatives. I guess I could gear up specifically and try to feed them a kill, but that is exactly the kind of gaminess LW2 has otherwise done a good job of eliminating.

To a similar end, please can mind shields be cheaper? Taking up an item slot is a material opportunity cost for wearing one, such that I don't think I would ever use one other than on a shaken soldier, even if they were infinite and free. But they do have a niche use on shaken soldiers. OK possibly maybe stealth teams as well. But 20 supplies and 3 crystals is an awful lot.

Re: Skaken soldiers - need for kill appropriate in LW2?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 2:06 pm
by Dcruize
From a narrative perspective, I can't imagine a stealth mission would be beneficial for a shaken soldier's mental state regardless of whether or not they complete it successfully. For support grenadiers I agree it could be an annoyance but I haven't had such a problem thanks to airdrop.