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Bringing back more weapon variety and adaptability

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 1:38 pm
by 3dahs
I miss the Battle Rifle, LMG, and Carbine weapons that allowed you different ways to equip your soldiers for battle. If you had a guy with shitty aim you could hand him a carbine for that +6 aim. That guy with crap mobility but amazing aim? Hand him a Battle Rifle for extra dmg. I know the team is probably too busy atm the moment to put these in but are there any plans to bring some of these weapon types back? ;)

I had an idea I posted in one of the relay threads and tried to delete it to share it in its own thread. Maybe you like it, maybe not. Just an idea. The more versatility and different weapon types used for different types of missions the better? Maybe a low mobility squad with very high firepower for certain types of missions such as destroying the relay.

A regular sniper rifle does minimal damage to relays unless you equip a heavier new type of sniper rifle. This new sniper rifle has large aim penalties so using it against infantry wouldn't be optimal. Shooting a relay is always 100% aim so the aim penalty wouldn't be an issue here. Using this new rifle is almost as loud, if not as loud as a rocket drawing enemies to your position much quicker.

We could go a bit further here and maybe even have the negative aim rise to normal levels the larger the target. This new tank buster rifle has bonus aim the larger the target but severe aim penalties against small targets so that it is not intended to be used against small targets such as, but not limited to troopers, snakes, sectoids, codex, and maybe mutons, maybe not.

This sniper is somewhat like a tankbuster. Able to do great damage against large targets/structures, but the aim penalties are too severe to be used effectively against smaller targets. It also reveals your position much sooner due to the sound mechanics. It is also not able to equip a suppressor. This could actually just be a LMG..

If this is too much to implement why not just add armor to the relay? This would reduce the effectiveness of regular weapons. Allow AP rounds to only be available on the new larger weapons such as the Battle Rifle, LMG, and a larger sniper rifle. All of these new larger weapons can work similar to how they worked in longwar +1-2 dmg, lower mobility, and negative aim/firing mechanics. They would also be much louder giving away your position sooner. While also increasing your infiltration times. Let me know what you guys think. If you don't like it no worries, just a thought to bring these weapons back.