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Upgrade for Psi Lab?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 8:46 am
by Undershaft
Is it possible somewhere down the line to install another training chamber in the psi lab?
With training times of a month per ability, you can barely develop one good operative. But during that time, you cannot start or continue training a second ot third one. Am I missing something here?

Re: Upgrade for Psi Lab?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 9:03 am
by Daergar
Undershaft wrote:Is it possible somewhere down the line to install another training chamber in the psi lab?
With training times of a month per ability, you can barely develop one good operative. But during that time, you cannot start or continue training a second ot third one. Am I missing something here?
You're trying to train abilities with a higher level than your operative, resulting in those long training times. Check the ufopaedia for details, but it's like 12 days extra per level above your soldier's rank.

I believe at best it's two chambers and a scientist to reduce training time by 50%.

Re: Upgrade for Psi Lab?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 9:25 am
by LordYanaek
But his question was how to build the second chamber, not why are training times so high.

It's hidden with the Elerium research, or so i've been told, i still have only one myself.

Re: Upgrade for Psi Lab?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 4:57 pm
by Balor
I'm glad you posted this as I was planning on posting this question soon also. In LW2 do we not get the option for a second Psi training chamber or is there a trigger to unlock it? Nothing is showing up as an upgrade option to let us know if there is one or what the requirements are.

I also had my second power I picked taking 33 days so now I know why it is so long.

Re: Upgrade for Psi Lab?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 4:59 pm
by Arcalane
Yes, it exists;

Code: Select all

+FacilityUpgradeTable=(FacilityUpgradeTemplateName="PsiChamber_SecondCell",						PointsToComplete=0,		iPower=-2,	UpkeepCost=5,	SupplyCost=75,	AlloyCost=0,	CrystalCost=0,	CoreCost=1,	RequiredTech="Tech_Elerium",	ReqItemTemplateName1="CorpseSectoid",		ReqItemCost1=1,	ReqItemTemplateName2="",	ReqItemCost2=0,	MaxBuild = 1, RequiredEngineeringScore=0,		RequiredScienceScore=0)
I have one in my current campaign. It requires the Elerium tech, a Sectoid corpse, and miscellaneous other supplies.

Re: Upgrade for Psi Lab?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 5:20 pm
by LordYanaek
Balor wrote:I'm glad you posted this as I was planning on posting this question soon also.
I actually asked this some time ago. Try to use the search function, it will help Arcalane and others who spends a lot of time answering our questions :)
I also had my second power I picked taking 33 days so now I know why it is so long.
Do you have a scientist staffing the lab? I don't remember ever seeing something that long :shock:

Re: Upgrade for Psi Lab?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 6:15 pm
by Balor
Good call on using the search. I think I'm still a little sleep deprived with my newborn baby girl. Also glad you know that you can upgrade it.

Re: Upgrade for Psi Lab?

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 5:41 am
by Jacke
Balor wrote:I think I'm still a little sleep deprived with my newborn baby girl.

Re: Upgrade for Psi Lab?

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 7:03 pm
by moroniccinamun
Balor wrote:Good call on using the search. I think I'm still a little sleep deprived with my newborn baby girl. Also glad you know that you can upgrade it.
You get a massive penalty based on their rank, something like 12 days per rank the power is above the op.

The Long story is that psiops are pretty garbage now, hopefully they get improved soon.