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[suggestion] HAVEN BUFFS

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 4:52 pm
by warbrand2
ok, just thinking about things. we know the resistance members are adapting and stealling alien tech (some of the annoying voice drag things say so). so why can't we use that to buff our havens.

bellow are some suggestions for mid to late game haven buffs similar to the coms towers.

info: allows you to supply resistance havens with specific weapons and armor items. these will have a higher chance to apear in missions on that haven. example you could put a w.a.r suit in it, and on one mission get a resistance member with it.
cost: 50 supply gives four armory spaces.
upgrade: 100 supply gives 6 more spaces.

info: we managed to find some old ANTI AIR guns from the war, with help from the local haven we have managed to fix one up and mount it to an advent truck.

does: adds a PCP to all missions with haven members, this PCP is an advent truck with a unique turret on it. this turret has an ability call AA burst, which gives it an over watch shot on every advent reinforcement dropped in. As a down side this turret only has 12 ammo and can not reload.

note: on defense missions this thing can save your life in concept.
cost: NA, is a random event like damaged advent mecs. each haven can have one.

advent security codes
info: on retaliation missions, places player controlled turrets and surveillance drones through out the mission.
cost: area liberated +one codex brain, 100 intel, and 100 supply.
note: this thing gives a huge freaking buff to your defenses on region defense. And I mean a huge one.

Re: [suggestion] HAVEN BUFFS

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 9:00 pm
by foreverdead
I would love new structures for havens, sounds neat. Even things like field hospitals to reduce healing time while scanning that region or training camps that allow newly recruited rookies to have ether a pre promotion or slightly better base stats, or manufacturies in liberated regions allowing you to mass produce certain items and weapon tiers (higher tiers require more manufactories)

Re: [suggestion] HAVEN BUFFS

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 9:17 pm
by Devon_v
foreverdead wrote:...or manufacturies in liberated regions allowing you to mass produce certain items and weapon tiers (higher tiers require more manufactories)
Check RealityMachina's workshop, this exists right now.

Re: [suggestion] HAVEN BUFFS

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 9:40 pm
by warbrand2
hence why I didn't suggest that one specificly. that mod is a good QoL mod.