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Idea: glass cutter and Mines MON-50 directional explosion

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 1:56 pm
by BarmaleyN
idea for the Long War apparatus for cutting glass in missions on the penetration, no noise. mine MON - 50 is it possible to add to the game?
And a glass cutter to penetrate into the building without noise with the probability of a hacker?

Re: Idea: glass cutter and Mines MON-50 directional explosion

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 3:03 pm
by tekronis
I like the directional mine idea.

It could be something like Proximity Mine + Shredder Gun.

Glass Cutter would be great too. Maybe something a specialized infiltration class (like the Agent idea posted previously on this forum), or Shinobi could equip.

Re: Idea: glass cutter and Mines MON-50 directional explosion

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 9:45 pm
by BarmaleyN
This idea is like streamers Goodgame, that's just how to convey this idea to the developers? :roll:

Re: Idea: glass cutter and Mines MON-50 directional explosion

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 12:04 pm
by BarmaleyN
It is a pity that the idea or anyone not interested could very well vary mission to penetrate with the right devices. :(

Re: Idea: glass cutter and Mines MON-50 directional explosion

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 4:14 pm
by 8wayz
There will be a shaped charge (Кумулятивный эффект) coming in version 1.1 that will be intended for use against walls and cover. Probably not what you want but still in the same vein as the directional mine.

I have no idea why or how you would want to use the glass cutter, seeing how all of the stealth missions are on a pretty tight schedule.

Moreover, ADVENT do not seem to use a lot of windows in their architectural style. :)

Re: Idea: glass cutter and Mines MON-50 directional explosion

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 8:44 pm
by BarmaleyN
Glass cutter will help in the game on the implementation of the missions if pinned to the UFO dealt and the character is hidden and so the mission just runs without consequences or on the edge of the card, was glass breaking as hacking system with probability. :roll:

Re: Idea: glass cutter and Mines MON-50 directional explosion

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 9:35 pm
by infidel901
Glass cutter would be awesome. Probably not modable though. Take one inventory slot, but cost no actions.

Re: Idea: glass cutter and Mines MON-50 directional explosion

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 11:13 pm
by BarmaleyN
What about the tire with directional explosion unfortunately the new 1.1 update, this garnet. But if this would be MON-50 it is possible to cover some of the rear and the flanks during the withdrawal create the classic ambush pack is undermined by a mine and a group standing on overvotche or if there is one person on the infiltration mission will be able to handle the puck with one fighter on a mission 8-)

Re: Idea: glass cutter and Mines MON-50 directional explosion

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 11:34 pm
by Sylvester
Yeah no, unless the glass cutter is part of a class and can be used freely and without penalty, nobody is going to use that. Loadouts are tight enough as is. The usability of such a thing is as edge case as Trench Gun.

Re: Idea: glass cutter and Mines MON-50 directional explosion

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 11:55 pm
by BarmaleyN
The game has a lot of windows and a device arises when the squad missions in stealth. The building is almost never there is no need to migrate all at once climb onto the roof. A directional mine explosion should be a classic ambush or retreat covering different areas of attack. :roll:

Re: Idea: glass cutter and Mines MON-50 directional explosion

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:46 am
by BarmaleyN
mine frog
Mine jumps and explodes in the air
MON - 50 in the regulation of the direction (Austria)
striking targets on earth and goals upstairs (bring a blast from the floor to the roof)

Re: Idea: glass cutter and Mines MON-50 directional explosion

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:37 pm
by BarmaleyN
stretching mine
Or lay a grenade
mining doors or windows stretching mine 8-)

Re: Idea: glass cutter and Mines MON-50 directional explosion

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 7:42 am
by 8wayz
All these devices would be great in a game such as Jagged Alliance 2 or Marauder where you do not have timers.

In XCOM 2 stealth is determined by a binary switch and it is very hard to enter it again. Thus you have very little time to prepare an ambush and once it has been sprung, you will have to fight till the rest of the mission.

Concerning the glass cutter, please note that none of the windows are interactive objects, likes doors, propane tanks and etc. No matter how you want to code the ability, you will need to make all windows on the map interactive, which will hit performance and make the UI tricky to use.

That seems like too much work for a very situational device.

Re: Idea: glass cutter and Mines MON-50 directional explosion

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 10:53 am
by BarmaleyN
He moved forward to put a few cells from a mine blast cone directed towards the group of aliens. One mine can cover the flank of a large number of aliens. You can cover the retreat group orentiruyas the sound or with help ninja look where Advent is a device requires a test moves. It will help in the battle where the houses are close to each other. Mina dalzhno fire when approaching the enemy that there was an opportunity to leave it and witty. This is not just my view is mneie and players from the streams. The device requires the test in the game.

MON - 50 in the regulation of the direction (Austria)
striking targets on earth and goals upstairs (bring a blast from the floor to the roof)

Re: Idea: glass cutter and Mines MON-50 directional explosion

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 11:54 am
by BarmaleyN
Mina injures a large number of aliens same way moves saved the shots. And if we are talking about an ambush mission at the time of the mine is placed in advance what to think where will run your group of fighters or fighter, and what a place it is necessary to cover. And what direction will potentially be more dangerous to break the alien group. Mina laid. A soldier leaves. To understand the effectiveness of the mines, it needs to be tested in the game and how it can be applied. Mina is a classic sabotage tactic in all the wars that have been in the world. 8-)

Re: Idea: glass cutter and Mines MON-50 directional explosion

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 1:01 pm
by BarmaleyN
as a basis we can take(Bomb first mission)
cone shots define the direction of the explosion(Ranges can be balanced)
blast may be a property of the shredder rocket
(fragments of the explosion, shots from a shotgun cone MEC)
Detonation (remote control) or (set time) or (explosion in the aliens if they fit in the blast radius)
the direction of the explosion can be adjusted to the roof or floor

Re: Idea: glass cutter and Mines MON-50 directional explosion

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 1:57 pm
by 8wayz
Laying booby traps might be a classic tactic, but it requires some time and patience to get right. Not to mention that you will need to wait till that patrol comes by again.

You simply do not have enough turns to lay mines on timed missions. Players have been reporting that they get large enough maps that require up to 10 turns just to get to the objective.

The design direction of Long War 2 is to enforce this feeling of urgency. If this was Long War 1 where the best tactic was to just lay an ambush and shoot them from afar with the help of Overwatch traps, the mines would be fine.

In Long War 2 those devices would just be useless, apart maybe for HQ assaults. Even then there are so many pods on that mission that you will need some luck to set a directional mine properly.

You are asking for a separate mod that will also rework how stealth and timed missions work, so you will be able to actually use those mines.

Re: Idea: glass cutter and Mines MON-50 directional explosion

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 2:27 pm
by BarmaleyN
Personally, my opinion, the mines as a device requires a test in the game. Play and do not differ in the choice of a variety of activities, a lot of arcade games. I would like to withdraw from the state of the game arcade in a position battle, I do not say that to lay mines and guess it would be easy but it would be an alternative choice in action. The variety of the game. The choice of the player and the game would not vylyadila as the carbon paper at all. Adapt to different tactics and ustroistva. So far, except for the timer has argument that makes this device is not profitable, I do not see. But even with a timer, I think you can plan out your actions using mines. More choice. More variety in siuatsiyah. Each player chooses a ustroistva that it is convenient. And so it turns out that all play a blueprint. :(

Re: Idea: glass cutter and Mines MON-50 directional explosion

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 2:52 pm
by BarmaleyN
Will still whether or not the new device. There are mines or not. I want to thank the developers for events and works. I hope the game will come out with the mod to the next level. :roll:

Re: Idea: glass cutter and Mines MON-50 directional explosion

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 3:06 pm
by 8wayz
Oh, if you want arguments, I can give you a couple why mines are not a good idea with the current mod and mission design in Long War 2. :)

- Timers. I have already explained why.

- Proximity mines. They are not directional, but they are already in the game and can be launched from a couple of tiles away. There will be a difficult choice between taking a directional mine or a proximity one. Since you do not need to be close to set the proximity mine, nor does it require the enemy to come from a particular direction, proximity mines will remain the preferred choice for quite a few players.

- The 2 actions per soldier in XCOM 1/2. To set the directional mine you will need to spend one action to get to the spot, then a second one to set the mine. If we were talking about Action Points/ Action Units like for example in Jagged Alliance 2, you can do a lot more than just move and set the mine. The aforementioned proximity mines take only 1 action to fire and set. With the right perk you can set 2 proximity mines per turn, compared to 1 directional mine.

- Squadsight aliens. If 1 of the members of the pod is for some reason out of the cone of the explosion and remains alive, any squadsight aliens might get a shot at you. This is a general issue with how the cone mechanic works in-game.

- No concussion/stun damage system like in Jagged Alliance 2. Even if the armor you are wearing protects you from the blast, there was fatigue damage done on the target as well. Here if you have for example a Mec-1 or a Muton, they will just be shred and take some damage, but remain standing.

- Cover destruction. A directional mine can not compare to a proximity one or grenades in terms of cover removal (which have 360 degrees blast). After a directional mine blast any surviving enemies will still have some cover nearby.

Do not get me wrong, I also would like to have more toys to play with, especially explosives. If we can get those x4 explosives to blow holes in some walls for example, it would be great. I just do not know how they would see some use with the current mission design though.

By the way, are you using Google Translate ? Just curious. :)

Re: Idea: glass cutter and Mines MON-50 directional explosion

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 3:39 pm
by BarmaleyN
Yes. Google Translate :D My English is bad :roll: Hopefully there will be many devices for a variety of in-game. I wish you success ;)
And the last. And the topic can be closed.
mines (leaves of the tree)
Very harmful mine 8-)

PFM-1 (anti-personnel blast mine) "Petal" - anti-personnel mine action of the pressure of Soviet production. It is almost an exact copy of the American mines BLU-43 / B «Dragontooth». Adopted by the Soviet army.

Mina comes in two versions: PFM-1 and PFM-1S. The first version of the mines does not self-destruct device, the second is equipped with a device that provides a self-destruct mines undermining after 1 - 40 hours from the moment of installation (self-destruct time depends on the ambient temperature). Externally, these two kinds of mines are different only in that the wing on the PFM-1S mines has clearly distinguishable letter "C".

Mina can be installed on the ground only by means of remote mining (eg: PKM-1, UMP, etc.). One means of remote mining is KMGU cassette, each cassette is laid 1248 mines. The Su-25 can carry up to 6 cartridges, the Su-24 and 7 cassettes. 8-) 8-) :D

Re: Idea: glass cutter and Mines MON-50 directional explosion

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 3:52 pm
by BarmaleyN
May Advent be reset such mines with the landing of the aircraft? :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Idea: glass cutter and Mines MON-50 directional explosion

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 6:55 am
by BarmaleyN
Another question arose in the course of the game. Mine would be useful when you need to wait for evacuation at the same time that all the men are sitting in the building when the computer is hacked. Exit the building is not profitable, a lot of enemies. Enemies are beginning to run to the goal of breaking. Mines with directional explosion can block passages and not be a fighter in the monitoring mode 8-)
Mines are needed in the game. 8-) :idea:

Re: Idea: glass cutter and Mines MON-50 directional explosion

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 8:56 am
by BarmaleyN
Ninja goes to the goal. Other fighters evacuation plan using mines. 8-) :idea:

Re: Idea: glass cutter and Mines MON-50 directional explosion

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 2:10 pm
by Randal Miser
A silent glass cutter would change everything.