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TO all having problems with timers.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 3:46 am
by warbrand2
get this ... =847481752

I know a lot of players are having a problem with the timer shift on their first run and a few are continuously having problems. Was watching a stream today where the streamer got an impossible mission purely cause his squad had bad movement roles.

I personally think the mod linked is the perfect fix for the problem, and it is something that makes sense on all but a few missions. the advant are not going to push to shut things down unless they know you are there hell they left things running until your squad attacks anyway so why not have it to where they do not actively shut down things unless you are there.

Note: I do not recomend using this mod as a crutch, it is more something that allows you to do infiltration missions more easily as well as set up your tactics with out a constant panic.

Also the mod linked does not make the game easier all the time as nothing will make going into an max alert facility easy, even this just delays your death on that by a few turns.

EDIT: if the maker of the mod linked happens to view this. man you are a life saver in lw2.

Re: TO all having problems with timers.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 5:55 am
by 8wayz
Actually this will make Jailbreak missions especially easy.

If you have a Shinobi specialized in Concealment, he can just sneak in past the patrols and open the doors. My very first mission was like that. Then you can open fire, defending your extraction point, having 12 full turns to massacre every single ADVENT trooper.

The main idea behind timed missions is to prepare in advance and make sure that everyone in your squad has at least 12 mobility, after adding utility items.

I had a Jail Break Mission where 3 turns were remaining on the timer and there were only 2 troopers left from the first reinforcement squad (all the pods were taken care off). I made a quick assessment and decided that it is not worth to kill both of them - just took out the officer and dashed for the evacuation point, which was at least 2 turns away from the prison cells.

The last 2 turns I was shot at by that single trooper I had to leave alive, otherwise I would not have managed to evacuate in time. It made for a satisfying get away, let me tell you that. :)

Do not get me wrong, the mod True Concealment looks tempting, just be aware that this will change the nature of those missions to "Shoot first, ask questions later."

Re: TO all having problems with timers.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 9:23 am
by warbrand2
yeah I would recommend that if using this you at the least halve your mission timers and change the difficulty add values.

sadly I only know how to do the difficulty add value so I just set most to lower values

in xcomLW_overhall.ini

TimerDifficultyMod[0]=0; Rookie
TimerDifficultyMod[1]=0; Veteran
TimerDifficultyMod[2]=-2; Commander
TimerDifficultyMod[3]=-4; Legendary

Re: TO all having problems with timers.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 4:27 pm
by Krzysztof z Bagien

Re: TO all having problems with timers.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 4:58 pm
by GavinRuneblade
8wayz wrote:Actually this will make Jailbreak missions especially easy.
Well, I had a pod spawn inside the cell. Opened the door and had five dudes spring out at me.

Re: TO all having problems with timers.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 5:54 pm
by 8wayz
Those pods go into cells when patrolling. I guess it is not intended behaviour and has already been reported as a possible glitch.

It happens rarely, so you should be fine when sneaking up on them, especially with the True Concealment mod.

Re: TO all having problems with timers.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 8:11 pm
by Devon_v
I agree that you have to know what you're getting into. It was the same in vanilla, don't send slowpokes and snipers to a hit and run, bring them to a stand up fight. Shinobis and Sepcialists excel at infiltration, Gunners and Sharpshooter are way better on a retaliation or a convoy ambush.