Quick important thoughts/bugs

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Joined: Sat Feb 04, 2017 8:22 pm

Quick important thoughts/bugs

Post by SinKershel »

Overwatch not working properly, Example : 4 soldiers on Overwatch with 70+% aim on multiple enemies, 1 soldier throwing a grenade in the pod, then pod activates and barely no overwatch get triggered, lot of times, none. Everybody should take a shot in those situations if they can see the enemy previously. No ?

Grenades and explosives are too random. If i throw a grenade in the middle of a pod (where every enemy is close) it should hit everyone. Even if it's just a graze.

Why should i invest in talents/perks to blow things with a grenade/explosives ? I learned how to throw/shoot curve balls so now i blow walls with the same grenades i equip to other soldiers ? Stupid stuff.

Multiple missions i encountered a bug where getting inside a building by the windows was fine, but next turn my soldier had to get out my doors, couldn't get out using windows.

Suppression fire overwatch doesn't trigger most of the time, example : just suppressed my first Mutton, he moved in front of me and i didn't take a shot.

If it's meant to be a "Long" War, Mutton's shouldn't one shot your soldiers if they don't miss.

Game needs balancing, everything is fine with my campaign, still i feel rushed because the dark events trigger real quick and the advent strength keeps going up everywhere even though i only skipped 2 missions since the beginning because of lack of time to infiltrate.

Already have everything cleared in the ship. I have a Lab, AWC, Guerilla tactics school, 1 comms, 1 relay, 1 defense matrix (UFO dark event already preparing)

built 2 laser guns, contacted 6 places already, couple radio relays, liberated 1, Havens are looking good, Haven Advisors everywhere.

Supplies are always super low, i need to save now for more power/comms to get to facilitys so i can't really invest in weapons or armors.

still, last mission the enemies where way too hard for my soldiers. Advent strength is already at 4 i think in this region.

I don't think i can do better than what i did since everything is going fine.

probably forgetting things but that's it for now.

Otherwise great work, awesome mod.
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