[suggestion] weapon ideas

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[suggestion] weapon ideas

Post by warbrand2 »

just a random list of suggestions for weapons to liven up gameplay.

here is my suggestions

heavy weapons: heavy weapons would be rare for xcom, not counting the cannon, all heavy weapons would be in limited production with each having their pros and cons.

battle rifle
class use: any that cna use the AR
idea base: a cross between an FAL, an M16 and a grenade launcher. teh battle rifle is a heavy assault weapon. though it is harder for xcom to feild do to the fact they do not have infinite of them.

weapon features
controlled fire: fires in three shot bursts doing between 3-7 damage with one pierce
single use grenade launcher: gives a single charge of launch grenade, which fires a single low impact grenade at the target, said grenade has one shred, two range blast, and 2-5 damage.
high capacity mag: has a 5 shot charge on the mag by default, adding extended mags turns it into having a beta mag stile drum.

weapon down sides:
heavy build: reduces gear slot by one and mobility by 2
red flags: harder to infiltrate while using. suppressor negates.
heavy recoil: overwatch shots have -10 aim. standard shots in gain -15 aim after movement.

info: designed for assault missions where heavy ordenance is required

class use: ANY (it has trade offs and is rare)
idea bases: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =848571873

info: a field flamethrower, unlike the technical's gauntlet this weapon can be reloaded and used multiple times per battle.

weapon features
manual aim cone: aims a cone instead of standard free use.
high destruction: excels at destroying cover and burning areas
DOT: has moderate damage over time

weapon down sides
heavy build: reduces gear slot by one, and mobility by 2
red flags: harder to infiltrate while using. suppressor negates
stamped build: one lone mod slot, can only accept extended mag.
call of fire: when used alerts all pods on map to location.

none mentioned down sides: can not overwatch with out pistol, should cause a fire bomb explosion on soldiers death.

SPECIALIZED WEAPONS: would only be gained via black market and are generally varrients of the standard weapons with some specialization.

class use: any that can use cannon
info: a varrient on the cannon, what it lacks in ammo it makes up for in aim and a deploy ability.

weapon features
deploy: while in low cover deploy the m60 to gain squad sight. while deployed unit can not must use the ability again to exit deployment.
deploy gives +10 to aim and +5 to crit, as well as squad sight as mentioned above.

weapon down sides:
hard linked belt: can not reload until ammo is empty.
heavy build: reduces gear slot by one, and mobility by 2.

class use: any that can use cannon
info: a varrent of the cannon, has a higher ammo count and a lighter weight.

weapon features
light build: easier to infiltrate with, but lower damage.
cover fire: user can take up to 3 over watch shots per turn

weapon down sides
low impact ammo: only does 2-4 damage
hard linked belt: can not reload until ammo is empty.

class: sharpshooter
info: a 20mm sniper rifle that has a high shredd, and high peirce but lacks aim.

weapon features
high caliber: 2x crit chance with panic chance on hit. 5-7 damage
cover buster: rounds that miss have a high chance of destroying cover.

weapon down sides
single action: only loads one round at a time.
recoil hell: -20 aim. (means you are more likely to destroy cover then harm the target.)
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Re: [suggestion] weapon ideas

Post by warbrand2 »

Any opinions on this, or is this something I should jsut download weapon mods for... though no way to limit the freaking mods.
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Re: [suggestion] weapon ideas

Post by Arcalane »

Just get mods. I don't anticipate PI incorporating more weapons unless they can scrape together more money to pay the modellers for their time and effort.

Limiting factor for the heavy AR is animations. Damage range is a little too high, especially combined with that capacity.

Flamer; how would you suppress it to begin with? Wait, you can't anyway because your own logic limits it to extended mags. Whoops. Logicbomb.
ps gunfire tends to draw enemy attention pretty well to begin with, so that drawback is redundant too.

M60/249; the reloading gimmick would just be annoying (and isn't even realistic) but the deploy thing could be neat. As it stands Gunners are good enough at DPS though, so maybe not something you'd want to add to the standard Cannon.

AMR; so it's like a cannon for snipers. Except snipers are plenty good at damage output anyway. I feel like there's too many drawbacks on this one (nevermind 5-7 damage is pathetic for 20mm).
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