Explosive train tanker & resulting cover

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Posts: 26
Joined: Thu Jan 12, 2017 1:06 am

Explosive train tanker & resulting cover

Post by Desslok »

1) The version of Long War you are playing. - 1.1
2) The platform you are playing on. - win7 pc
3) What other XCOM2 mods you are playing with:
Evac All
Capnbubs acc pack
Overwatch all/others
Numeric health display
Perfect infomation

After breaking conceal by toasting a viper group standing next to one of those massive explosive tankers on trains. I sat back at range to cleanup the remaining. To my surprise, one viper from the far side jumped up onto the now clear flatbed of the train and grabbed a trainee assault i had along for the ride, binding him completely in the open.

In my next turn i simply sniped the binding viper with 100% chance then proceeded to march my assault forward and flanked the remaining viper (upper left of the screenshot). easy. Some turns pass and my soldiers meet an untimely dimise at the hands of an advent rocketeer shooting out the floor and well.. i reloaded back to the viper binding my assault again.

This time around the viper was now in full cover, my sniper now had a ~63% chance to hit and once freed, my assault could no longer path freely across the train to flank the viper. Seems the cover of the tanker i had previously exploded had returned, as you can see by the impassible terrain in the screenshot.
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If this is a known issue/mentioned before. All good. Couldnt find anything scouring these forums awhile tho.
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