Fundamental Design

For updates and discussion of Terra Invicta, a grand-strategy alien invasion simulator
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Fundamental Design

Post by Andor »

With the discussion of factions I've been wondering, are you planning on a single "one true plot line" type of game like X-Com or perhaps something closer to a 4-X type game where you get much higher replayability due to different starting conditions, foes, goals and end states?

Obviously the latter is more difficult, but I have not noticed a lack of ambition or fear of complexity among the long war team. :D

The other downside to a more flexible design of course is that you lose the ability to make a lot of plot related scripted cut scenes and severely cuts into opportunities for voice acting. You can generate text contextually, but making a computer emote it is a lot harder.
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Re: Fundamental Design

Post by johnnylump »

With the caveat that this is all tentative, our general intention is to have a singular win condition (or a couple of variations) but, as time and budget permits, allow alternate play modes, such as a sandbox no-alien-invasion campaign where the goal is to simply compete with other factions (stripped of alien-related ideology, of course) to build a space economy within the Solar System. Or allow play of other factions in the primary campaign, with different win conditions. Or start the campaign with a alt-history Earth (resembling our own, but with the starting conditions somewhat randomized, like with different nation-states, government types, or national economies), or a different arrangement of planets in the Solar System.
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Re: Fundamental Design

Post by Andor »

Hmm. I would note that plot line and win condition are very different. A singular plotline would indicate that the aliens are always the Umphalots, they are always invading the solar system for a given reason and will start with the same approach to accomplishing their goal. Nonetheless you can still have victory conditions that include wiping them out, fixing their stardrive so they can leave, and gifting them Mars and forming a united Solar civilization.
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Re: Fundamental Design

Post by Grunt »

Other than these posts I haven't read anywhere possible design ideas for the game.

I hope that this game is something along the lines of a XCOM theme that spans our entire solar system - except the player is now the "Council Leader" scale of things for decisions - more armchair general play. You (the player) decide where and your units decide how, or something to that effect.
- civilization-esque grand scheme encompassing the entire solor system concerning expansion & research
- simCity-esque scheme encompassing planets, asteroids, space/orbital bases/cities
- homeworld-esque space movement/combat.
- Story definitely XCOM-ish: throwing the invaders out (if youre successful( -but- the aliens can come back, months/years/decades later.
- Then its in the aliens backyard, or their neighbors, etc and is DLC or next game (or some such).
- of course, keeping it modder friendly.
You know - keep it simple ;)

- hope beyond hope is you build a game engine capable of easily changing themes/story settings:
: can randomly generate solar systems/galaxies
: race packs = players can build races/empires, to include graphics, ships, etc and load/share like xcom2 characters
: email play
--> now that Im musing and wishing here, I realize Id like this game to include all stated above certainly, but Im looking for something to also scratch my VGA Planets & Space Empires IV itch. Just letting you know what kinda weird players you may be attracting with TI...
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Re: Fundamental Design

Post by Mordobb »

There is an option that has never been explored and is kind of a dream.

All toward Xcom history planetary defence has been there, but never reflected as it would probably be.

In a very simple cenario a la ID4 (first movie) let focus on a more probably stuff:
Virus fails miserably
Nuclear blast works partially on the mothership crippling it.
Some great ship crashland, being totally or partially destroyed and become alien island of domination, some countries falls.
Some ship are destroyed or crippled by suicidal/nuclear atempts, such fall in the category above
Some return to mother ship
one or 2 remain functional protecting downed ship making interdiction zones totally dominated by aliens.

Under such circunstances, its not hard to see humanity split. (more groups in human factions)
Alien fighters,
Aliens helpers,
Aliens subdued
Independent groups/Neutral groups/Unknown intention groups.

With such a cenario, diplomacy become a interesting part of the game.
With such at start you could have many beginnings:
You could start as a tiny organizations of survivors to starting as a agregation of countries.
You could start as pro humans, pro aliens, neutral.

Small part could scavenge using a approach a la STALKER. Trading alien stuff for weapon food, raiding humans, etc. Or simply trying to survive the pressure of both group until choosing a side.
Medium organization could try to seize country power or such.
Big orgs could be alien or human and would have the danger of splitting.

Such a game in all his beauty is complex and would need several games to geet the final art.

What i m tired to see is Just A tiny scappy org agaisnt invaders big corp.
The formula is streched and a bit overused and beyond all never made much sense.
Some multifaceted tactical turnbased squad game based on something a bit more real, like no aliens weaponry factored on month 1 would be a welcome change. Scavenged only, Pop splitting up and negotiation having to happen, and tech evoluting upon preexisting tech more than soething totally new that a japonese kid 14 years old is able to reproduce in his backyard would be welcome.
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